The Lord Preparing the Way Before Us

Duration: 17min
Open—Shawn Allan
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To share a couple of.
Brief comments from the Book of Exodus, so once again repented to.
Really enjoyed those thoughts on the offerings. We'd like to heard sending the peace in the trespassing or trespass offering also, but this really just comes out of something we had on a reading meeting this past week.
And I'll take only a brief moment. Exodus chapter 23.
And I want to turn to.
There's 28.
Three through 27 First I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come.
And I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.
Send Hornets before thee, which shall drive out the highlight Canaanites and the Hittite from before. The question was asked in the meeting.
What these Hornets could possibly mean and a brother shared in the meeting that I very much appreciated the the thought of the Lord going before us in life and.
Preparing things for us, working in our lives in ways that advance ways, if you will, that are hidden from us and we don't see. Perhaps these Hornets went out in front of the children of Israel. They never saw them there, and the Lord was preparing the way as they entered that land of Kingdom.
And we know that this in fact happened not so much in connection with the Hornets, but in verse 27 it said, I will send my fear before you will destroy all the people whom thou shalt come. And we know that happens because turn to book of Joshua, chapter one.
Chapter 2 When the spies come to Rahab's home.
It says there in verse nine, she said under the men, I know that the Lord has given you the land.
That your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you. They were already weakened because the fear of the Lord had arrived ahead of time.
The Lord was preparing the way. So I wanted to just turn to three other instances in Scripture when we get this expression, and I will make very little comment on them. One in Deuteronomy chapter one.
This one is really with a thought really for the young people, but it's an encouragement, I believe, to all of us.
Here on in chapter one.
And verse.
Who went in the way before you to search you out a place to pitch your tents in, in fire by night, to show you by what way you should go in a cloud by day? And I really like to just comment on that expression to search you out a place to fit your tension. We often think about the fire in the cloud.
Advising the children of Israel when to move and where to go.
Is their guidepost, so to speak.
But it was says here that it was there also to search a place for their tents to be pitched. And did you ever think that in your life God is going before you to search out a place for you to pinch your tents, so to speak?
You know those young people here are not married yet. You may not have full time jobs yet. You may not know your plans beyond grade 12.
Maybe there's a question of where to live and all I really want to say about this is to God is already going before you and working it all out.
That doesn't mean it doesn't take away the responsibility for you to seek His guidance and direction, but He's already there in ways that are completely invisible to us. He knew long before I did, and He began working for my life here in Newfoundland. For your life in Corner Broker, your life in Stellar People.
In the way to prepare a place for them.
We also know that passes so well in Genesis chapter 45.
Read it off in the Lord's good morning.
Verse 7.
God sent me before you.
To preserve you of posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me, Heather, but God. And he has made me a father to Pharaoh, and Lord of all his house, and a ruler through all the land with Egypt.
Isn't that beautiful?
Joseph's brothers had no idea.
When they sold him to those people that day and when they plotted to kill him.
That that was part of a plan by God to preserve their life years down the road.
What an accident.
What are that degree? So you know, of course, and this is even far more beautiful, but that's a type of God's plan, salvation.
That He sent the Lord Jesus to prepare a way for us that we would have life.
And it's just a beautiful thing to meditate upon. Their failures resulted in the goodness of God preserving their life.
Lastly, I just want to turn to an expression that we're also familiar with in Matthew chapter 27.
28 Sorry Matthew, Chapter 28.
Verse 10.
Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid, Go tell my brother.
That they go into get that they go into Galilee and there they shall see me. That's actually not it was verse seven. I was thinking of go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold, he goes before you into gallery. There shall ye see him. Lo, I have told you.
Maybe this one's a little more difficult to apply, but I'd like to apply it in this way. Jerusalem was the place where the Lord Jesus had been crucified, was the place of the Old covenant, so to speak. And the Lord Jesus left that place and went to that land of gallery, separated himself from that area, and went ahead into Galilee.
Where the poor folk were living on the hills, he separated himself before the disciples into that place and they were going to find him. And you know, young people in all of this year, the path of separation as believers, isn't it always, it's not always an easy one.
It's full of difficulties. We experience them every day with the Lord Jesus. He goes before you. He goes before you in and prepares that that way, as it were for you. And you know, the disciples were going to find him there and he was going to reveal himself to them in that risen state. And so I really just want to leave that with you very briefly.
That in your life there is one working in the background right now.
Doing things for you, for your good and blessing. And you should never forget it. It's a beautiful blessing thing to think about.
And again, as I say, it never lessens our responsibility to seek His guidance in our life. He is the Lord of all, but He is working for our good and that blessing.
We say #303.
And stream them from the game, from Thyroid, thou wander. So now what's happening?
From our reserve that's free.
Starts umbrella. Quite clear skin to me, our daily fruit.
And the Spirit and all of our God.
Lord is enough. Let me ask no more thy grave.
Same 275 as well.
Our God is light, and though we go across the practice wild Jesus footsteps ever show past every child 276.
Our God is.
We go I, I.
Perhaps we could pray together just one verse. I'd like to read though John's Gospel chapter 5 and verse 39. It says this.
Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and.
They are they which testify.
Our loving God and Father, we just thank Thee for this wonderful book that we can open. We thank Thee that that was revealed by Thy Spirit. Many things unto us and there is much more.
And we just thank thee for the opportunity have the ministry before us. And how even in the Old Testament we read things that picture the Lord Jesus Christ, his sinless life, and that sweet saver that went up to God in his life and in his death. Calvary.
We pray that these things would start our own hearts.
So that we might meditate upon them and profit as a result.
You build up in the knowledge that these things have been revealed unto us. Who are babes.
I was hitting them from the wise and the prudent, and revealed the month of us, and we thank thee for it. Give thee praise and the worthy name we receive you the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.