July 17: A Magnificent Glimpse of Joy

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OL 5:2{It was the literal voice of the Lord Jesus which uttered that one echoless cry of desolation on the cross "for thee," and it will be His own literal voice which will say, "Come, ye blessed!" to thee. And that same tender and glorious voice has literally sung and will sing for thee. I think He consecrated song for us, and made it a sweet and sacred thing forever when He Himself "sang an hymn" the very last thing before He went forth to consecrate suffering for us. That was not His last song. "The Lord thy God... will joy over thee with singing." And the time is coming when He will not only sing "for thee" or "over thee" but with thee. He says He will! "In the midst of the church will I sing praise unto Thee." Now what a magnificent glimpse of joy this is! "Jesus Himself leading the praises of His brethren," and we ourselves singing not merely in such a chorus, but with such a leader! If "singing for Jesus" is such delight here, what will this "singing with Jesus" be? Surely song may well be a holy thing to us henceforth.
The hour is come; but ere they meet its terrors—yet once more
Their voices blend with His who sang as none e'er sang before.
Why do they linger on that note? Why thus the sound prolong?
Ah' 'twas the last! 'Tis ended now, that strangely solemn song.
And forth they go—the song is past; but like the rose-leaf, still,
Whose fragrance doth not die away, its soft low echoes thrill
Thro' many a soul, and there awake new strains of glowing praise
To Him who, on that fateful eve, that last sweet hymn did raise.