July 19: Our Ever

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
SA 9:6{IC 4:9{Nothing is more practically perplexing to a young Christian, whose preparation time is not quite over, or perhaps painfully limited, than to know what is most worth studying, what is really the best investment of the golden hours, while yet the time is not come for the field of active work to be fully entered and the "thoroughly furnishing" of the mind is the evident path of present duty. Is not His name called "Counselor"; and will He not be faithful to the promise of His name in this, as well as in all else? The same applies to every subsequent stage. Only let us be perfectly clear about the principle that our intellect is not our own, either to cultivate, or to use, or to enjoy, and that Jesus Christ is our real and ever-present Counselor.; and then there will be no more worry about what to read, and how much to read, and whether to keep up one's accomplishments, or one's languages, or one's "ologies"! If the Master has need of them, He will show us; and if He has not, what need have we of them? If we go forward without His leading, we may throw away some talent, or let it get too rusty for use, which would have been most valuable when other circumstances arose or different work was given. We must not think that "keeping" means not using at all! What we want is to have all our powers kept for His use.
In this they will probably find far higher development than in any other sort of use. I know cases in which the effect of real consecration on mere mental development has been obvious and surprising to all around. Yet it is only a confirmation of what I believe to be a great principle, viz., that the Lord makes the most of whatever is unreservedly surrendered to Him. There will always be plenty of waste in what we try to cut out for ourselves. But He wastes no material!
Where are our early lessons, the teachings of our youth,
The countless words forgotten of knowledge and of truth?
Not lost! for they are living still, as power to think, and do, and will.
Where, where are all God's lessons, His teachings dark or bright?
Not lost! but only hidden, till in eternal light,
We see, while at His feet we fall, the reasons and results of all.