Kircher and the Sceptic

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 11
Athanasius Kircher had an acquaintance whom he much esteemed, but who was unfortunately infected by atheistical principles, and denied the very existence of a God. Kircher, sincerely desirous to rescue his friend from his mistaken and criminal prejudice, determined to try to convince him of his error upon his own principles of reasoning. He first procured a globe of the heavens, -handsomely decorated, and of conspicuous size, and placed it in a situation in his study where it would be immediately observed.
He then called upon his friend with an invitation to visit him, which was readily responded to, and on his arrival he was shown into the study. It happened just as Kircher had planned. His friend no sooner observed it than he inquired whence it came and to whom it belonged.
"Shall I tell you, my friend," said Kircher, "that it belongs to no one; that it was never made by any one, but came here by mere chance?”
"That," replied the atheist, "is impossible; you jest.”
This was Kircher's golden opportunity, and he promptly and wisely availed himself of it.
"You will not, with good reason, believe that this small globe which you see before you, originated in mere chance, and yet you will contend that those vast heavenly bodies, of which this is but a faint, diminutive resemblance, came into existence without either order, or design, or a creation!”
His friend was first confounded, then convinced, and ultimately abandoning all his former skepticism, he gladly united with all who reverence and love God in acknowledging the glory and adoring the majesty of the great Creator of the heavens and earth, and all their host.
This was the conviction to which the renowned physician Galen has conducted by his researches. He at one time of his career had been disposed to atheism. But when he examined the human body, when he perceived the wonderful adaptation of its members, and the utility of every muscle, of every bone, of every fiber, and of every vein, he rose up from his investigations in a rapture of praise, and composed a hymn in honor of his Creator and Preserver.
But there are many who will go this far, yet will not acknowledge the Lord Jesus as the One whom God sent to die in the sinner's place. And this is what is of the greatest importance, for if they do not believe in Jesus as their own Savior—the One whom God sent to bear the judgment they deserved, they will be lost. So while it is good to believe in God, as we see His power and wisdom in creation, we must believe what He tells us as to our need of a Savior and that Jesus is the Savior He has provided for us.
"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." 1 Tim. 1:1515This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. (1 Timothy 1:15).