Left Behind

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
After the silent British retreat from Lucknow during one of the wars in India, a captain named Waterman was left behind.
He had gone to his bed in a retired corner of the brigade mess house, and having overslept, was forgotten.
At two o'clock in the morning he awoke and to his horror, found all was deserted and silent. He was alone in an open entrenchment with fifteen thousand furious natives just outside.
Frightened beyond measure, he took to his heels and ran himself nearly out of breath, till he overtook the retiring rear-guard, mad with excitement and breathless with fatigue.
Reader, have you ever considered the danger of being left behind when the Lord Himself descends from heaven with an assembling shout, and in the twinkling of an eye snatches away His Church to "be forever with the Lord?"
No breathless pursuit will avail to overtake the raptured throng. No cry of "Lord, Lord, open unto us!" will be answered with a reopening of the door. Once closed upon the Christ-neglecter, that door will be closed forever.
O Sinner, ere it be too late,
Flee thou to mercy's open gate
And join Christ's waiting band.
"Wa! Wa!" groaned out the wild Clothaire when life was ebbing. "What great God is this that pulls down the strength of the strongest kings?"
Reader, you will meet this God some day. Be warned and seek the Savior now.