Letter from Pte. C. H. M. Hill, Coldstream Guards

July 18th 1918
Dear Dr. Wreford,
“Just a line Doctor, to thank you for your kindness in sending me a Pocket Testament and tracts. The Testament was just what I needed. When I joined at first I took a small Testament with me, with the Gospel of St. Matthew only in it I read a portion every day since I enlisted, and I find it a great source, of joy and help in my daily life, and I think I know Matthew nearly by heart.
“I have found the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour since I have been in the Army, I was at a Y.M.C.A. meeting at Caterham, in Surrey (which is the Guards’ Depot), on Sunday evening, when the words of the speaker moved me to such an extent that I felt myself convinced, that I was a sinner and I needed a Saviour. From that time forth I have served my Master, and found Him never wanting. He has helped me over numerous troubles and trials that beset a soldier’s life. It is a hard, life for a Christian in the Army, but one can always find a good Christian chum, and thank God, I had such a churn. I am very sorry to say I have not been to chapel for eight weeks. I am in a hospital suffering from septic impetigo in my face and ears. It has been most painful, but I am now getting Witter, with God’s help. It has made me deaf for a long time, but my hearing is gradually returning. I am sorry to see from your monthly ‘Message from God’ that Testaments are not allowed to be sent to the-French soldiers. It is bard that these men are barred from reading the Gospel.
“God has His plans, and He will open up a way. We must trust Him, He knows best.
“I often-think of these beautiful lines I once read: ―
“ ‘Lonely?’ no not lonely,
While Jesus passeth by,
His presence fills my chamber,
I know that He is nigh.
“Friendless?’ no not friendless,
For Jesus is my friend,
I change, but He remaineth
True, faithful to the end.”
“These words have often helped me on my way, especially when I was so ill with this.
“Continue your good work Doctor, and may God help, keep and bless you, and give you strength to continue it. — Believe me to be, Yours in Christ, CHARLES HILL
“P.S.— I have now been in the Army nearly six months.”