A Chaplain at the Front writes to me: ―
“I write to thank you for the most acceptable parcels of Testaments which you sent to me last week. I do not throw them at the men by any manner of means, but it is splendid to see their anxiety to get one. I started out yesterday (Sunday) with my haversack full, and yet hadn’t enough to satisfy the needs of the second Battery I visited ―C. F.”
The Rev. ― C. F., writes: ―
“I have been shown one of your printed post-cards inviting soldiers to apply to you for a Testament, and should be very grateful if you would be so kind as to send mesa supply of the same post-cards, so that I could give them to men needing them.”
NOTE. — I shall be glad to send a supply of post-cards to any Christian worker among the soldiers. All the soldier has to do is to fill in the postcard with his correct address, and a Testament is sent to him by return. (See page 143.)