By the Editor
The Persistence of Faith
WE cannot please God without faith. We must have faith in order to be saved from sin and its judgment. We must have faith, as saved men and women working for our Saviour, in His power to help us in every hour of need.
Such an hour is with is now. The world needs more than ever it did.
Walls, like barriers, are barring the way for the Scriptures to reach men, who are eager to know the truth. I have my Bible open now to the words: “By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.” Have we faith to compass these walls, until they fall down before the power of God in answer to our faith? Kingdoms have been subdued through faith; promises have been obtained through faith; man’s weakness has been changed into the strength of God through faith. Dear friends, the word is: “According to your faith,” and “Have faith in God,” Will you pray day by day that the millions of the French and Italian soldiers may have a copy of ‘the Scriptures for themselves? “All things rare possible to those who believe.” Letter after letter has come to me, speaking of the sorrow of the writer that we are not allowed to send to these soldiers. We can but stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
In the picture before us we see a Frenchman and his wife, weeping amid the ruins of their desolated home: Weeping over the loss of every earthly possession. This awful wrong Committed on man by his fellow-man may to a certain extent be repaired, but nothing can repair the loss of an immortal soul. I shall never forget at St. Brieux how eagerly hundreds of French soldiers pressed around me begging for a copy of the Testament. They were just going to the trenches, and they wanted to take the Word of God with them. And so they do now. God bless them. A French soldier writes to me: ―
Dear Friend,
“It is a pity you can no longer send to the poor poilus, but I hope you will be able to send later on.”
Another says in his letter:
“I acknowledge your letter received on the 3rd instant, and I thank you for having been pleased to warn me of the hindrance the French military authorities have put up against the sending of your Pocket Testaments. I should have been glad to get one in English.”
Thank God for the desire! He knows and He cares. We can leave it all in His blessed hands. He can open ways we know nothing of now, and He will. Thank God, among the English Army the work toes on with much blessing.