Letters 28

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
September 28th, 1866.
Upward and onward, for this is not my rest, is pretty well all I have to say. No; I got a good word yesterday. " The Spirit and the Bride say, Come." This is a good banner motto for the wilderness. It is written of the Spirit and the Bride while in the wilderness; the cry " Come " showing that the Lord (who answers their invitation with " Surely I come quickly ") had not come yet. Now, 'tis good to be able to say then, in God's mind, neither the Spirit nor the Bride have ceased to be; and more than that, these two names (Spirit and Bride) shut out all the individual littlenesses of a——-and a G. V. W. as persons still in the body, and show that God looks upon a company, an assembly, and that too as being in Christ, His Church or Assembly. Rebecca's whole worth-fortune and honor-were not found with her in the wilderness as brought by her from Laban, but was in Isaac, and God's promises and counsels about him (Isaac). Isaac was to have a wife, so Christ is to have a Bride. Adam had the inheritance, standing, and blessing ere Eve came. So Isaac, so Christ. And there is enough in Him -if
"I am a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my all in all "-
enough, I say, for me to boast and glory in; and if enough even for me, enough for you too.
G. V. W.