THE following was copied out by a Christian friend, who knows the old Christian, and testifies how she rejoices in God's goodness and mercy to her:" I feel today, as I look back over my life for the last twenty-one years, that I should like others to know how good and merciful God has been to me. My dear husband was taken to be with his Lord and Master in 1872, and my business and my home had to be given up. Added to this, my health began to fail, which was a serious trial to me. At this time I found the fourth Psalm very precious indeed. I remembered that God knew all my sorrow and weakness. For months I was not able to do anything, but in due time He raised me up, and I am able to work. Thank God for alt His mercy and goodness to me. I thought this might strengthen the faith of some poor, downcast soul, and out of gratitude to God am writing this. “A WIDOW."