“The greatest of these is charity."-1 COR. 13: 13.
LOVE is of heaven, the holy flame
To kindle which the Savior came;
His life, His lips, His sufferings, prove
The ardor of His fervent love.
LOVE is of faith the genuine fire,
Its lightest flames to heaven aspire;
But with a warm and genial glow
It brightly shines on all below.
LOVE is of grace the hallowed reign,
Without it all our gifts are vain:
Our title best as saints we prove,
By hearts, and deeds, and lives of love.
LOVE is the golden chain, that binds
In union sweet believing minds:
Its holy links can ne'er be riven,
It reaches down to earth from heaven.
LOVE, holy love, shall ever last,
When all terrestrial scenes are past;
Its native home, the world above:
For heaven is God's, and GOD IS LOVE!