WHILE my sad heart breaks forth in many a sigh,
As on I wander through this vale of tears,
To see men spend in toil and vanity,
Youth's early bloom, and manhood's riper years;
Stopping their ears in madness to His voice,
Who fain would win them by His holy love;
It oft has made me, my dear child, rejoice
To see thee far from earth's vain joys remove;
And know thy youthful heart to Him is given,
Whose favor here the foretaste is of heaven.
Six years I've watched thee with a prayerful heart,
And joyed in all thy parents' happiness
To see thee early choose the "better part,”
Is more to them than if thou didst possess
Golconda's riches; the same precious faith
Which dwelt in them, and in their parents too,
Has made thee triumph in thy Savior's death,
And opened heaven to thine enraptured view;
Revealed the Lamb upon the Father's throne;
His death, His life, His crown, HIMSELF, thine own.
I may not see thy face on earth again;
My course is nearly ended-thine, begun:
Wilt thou, dear child, by my experience gain,
And learn, by me, some rocks and shoals to shun?
“Love not the world!" it crucified thy Lord;
Dread its beguilements, but its hatred bear.
Feed day and night upon the living Word;
Trust HIM with all thy heart; of self beware:
In every crooked path the serpent fear;
But follow where HE leads, and keep Him near.
Be not content, unless thy Lord approve;
Let that suffice, though others scorn or blame:
Be not content, unless His living love
Warm thy young heart with all its holy flame.
Ah! there are many snares for pilgrim-feet;
Many vile foes intent to cast thee down:
Wait thou with boldness at the mercy-seat.
He says, who cheers thee with the promised crown,
“My grace sufficient is, thy soul to bless;
My strength made perfect in thy feebleness.”