Luke 14, 15 and 16

Duration: 58min
Gospel—Al Coleman
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Now let's open our job for you number uh #13 #13 Man of Sorrows. What a name for the third guard who gave ruined sinners who trained. Hallelujah, what a save. Hallelujah, what a Savior. Listen.
Come before The Tonight.
Are the gospel going forth from this room again, and we aren't see loving further than if there's one here tonight still a stranger to thee, that they might come to that blessed one, that blessed one who went to Calvary's cross, who thy beloved Son are God the darling of divorce them that he went willing to lead to that cross and suffered on that cross.
When we think of the depth of all my suffering, Lord Jesus there on that cross when I was alone and forsaken.
And bearing our sins there in thine own body on the tree, we'll never know the depth of which others go through for us there on Calvary's cross that over, we can thank you tonight.
And we thank you that through thy precious work on Calvary's cross, that the gospel can go to poor lost, fallen man. And we pray tonight that there's still one here tonight, a stranger to thee, maybe a little one, maybe a young boy, maybe a young girl, maybe a grown up.
Coming farther, downtons, look down into this room, into this audience tonight.
And I could see the heart of each one, whether they're saved or not.
Some might say to their neighbor that they're really designed and yet they cannot prove God.
Loving Father, we do ask thee for the gospel tonight. We ask thee that thy word would be proclaimed and we ask the loving Father that it may bear fruit tonight. So we ask the and to help us as we open that process word and we give you thanks for the for the privilege of being able to do so. And we ask it in the precious name of the Lord Jesus. Amen, Amen. Amen. I'd like to read, I'd like to sing another song here.
He who borrowed a lot of sin as he knocks and has his mission thinner believe that again.
Grow for Jesus, Lord of glory. Patience now His word obeyed. Swing the heart store widely open. Let him answer while as you made #17.
In your glory coming, Lord, downstairs.
And he's on the trailer and.
It's now.
And then there were five years ahead of the end.
Moon water plants and every morning.
Our bright sun, Christine honey.
I have to do great. Give me a call. Sometimes I can hear you.
1 Two days in a time outside.
And now it's where I'm at the end.
Swearing through our hearts, but our winding alone and.
Man in man's bed, lying to him and.
Turn with me, first of all, to just part of the verse. Romans, chapter 2. Romans chapter 2.
The first phrase of the first verse.
Therefore thou art inexcusable, oh man. Therefore thou art inexcusable, oh man. Then turn with me to Luke, chapter 14.
Verse 16.
Then he said unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many, and he sent his servant at supper time to them that were bidden come. For all things are now ready. And they all with one consent begin, began to make excuse.
The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must need go and see it.
And I pray have me excused.
Another said I have bought 5 yoke of oxen and I go to prove them. I pray thee have me excused.
So that servant came and showed his Lord these things. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servants, go out quickly.
Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in hit her, the poor.
The maimed, the halt, the blind, and the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou is commanded, and yet there is room.
And the Lord said unto his servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. For I say unto you, that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper. Now, if you have noticed that I have.
Umm umm, pronounced the word excuse. Excuse.
You know, when you give the gospel to many souls, it seems that there's always an excuse, always an excuse speaking to a man on the street corner, umm, you can talk to him about the Lord Jesus and, and so many times there's an excuse. And so many times they'll say, well, I got no time right now, today, some other time. You tell it that you, you, you, you tell me that some other time.
MMM and excuse and they're petty. They're petty.
I'd like to speak from Luke chapter 14 with this theme.
The earth with all its hindrances. Luke chapter 14. Luke chapter 15. Heaven with all its blessedness.
Yeah, you go to Lu, uh, Lu, Luke chapter 15. And what do you see? There's joy in the presence of the angels of God over one Sinner, that repentance. There's rejoicing. There's rejoicing because the young man had came back to his Father. And then we want to go finally to the end of this gospel meeting to go to Luke chapter 16. And we're going to talk about hell.
With all its miseries.
Hell with all its miseries.
I'll ask this one question tonight. Does God want to send a man to hell?
No young man is shaking and said no. And it's right. God doesn't want to send a man to hell. God has provided salvation full and free to whosoever will tonight.
Everything has been provided, it says here, as I have read here just a few minutes ago, it says all things are ready.
Come here is that beautiful word that God likes to say in his precious word. Come, come for all things are now ready now. Umm, a week ago, uh, I was invited to a barbecue and the whole meeting came to this barbecue and ho, and what did I have to do to go to that BBQ? Just come and it was a blessed time. We had a blessed time, time together.
And so it says here a certain man made a great supper.
And made many and who was that God himself has made this blessed supper and and we go to the Revelation chapter 19 and and there we see the marriage suffered their lamb, God's beloved Son. You know that through so and I'm gonna say this it's through sovereign grace.
I'm gonna be at that married supper of the Lamb through sovereign grace. Nothing that I have done is all His grace that reached down and saved a person like me.
And he can do the same for you.
Beautiful, isn't it? What a wonderful God we have.
Oh, man could only know the heart of a wonderful God. A God.
That could see us in all our need as guilty, lost sinners. That's what it was. That's what you and I were.
I met a man down in the street and uh, right away I was attached to him because he was black and he was really black. And so right away I figured, where are you from? Nigeria? Great. I've been to Nigeria and uh, so we got to talking and then I asked him, I said, Sir.
Are, uh, are you a Christian? Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior? And I'm going to ask that same question to everyone here tonight. Young ones, older ones here. Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal savior, personal between you and the Lord Jesus? Do you know him? Oh, he says, uh, yes, he says, I was born a Christian, a born a Christian. You know, that's not what the word of God says. You're born into sin.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Those sins have separated you from a holy God. You can't get to heaven with all your sins on you. How wonderful it is that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son cleanseth us from all sin. And there, and there's a song here in this shot him she says, have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? And so I say this tonight, that you cannot get to heaven without the blood of Christ.
You cannot get to heaven without the work of Christ. It's all been done there on Calvary's cross. The Lord Jesus there on that cross could say it is finished. Everything has been done to accomplish your my redemption and yours and all I have to do. And that wonderful word, come, come. And he says, come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. There's so many.
That have not got that rest, that rest of soul, that rest, that my sins are all gone.
And I'm on my way to heaven. Wonderful, isn't it, to be a child of God, to know for the assurance that I belong to the Lord Jesus. So I hear, he hear he said they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first set I bought a piece of ground and I must knees go see it. I I pray they have me now. Isn't that a petty excuse?
And after he's bought the piece of ground, he goes to see what it's like. Now that's, that's silly. And then the next one, uh, another. I have bought 5 Oaks, Europa Oxygen and I go to prove them. I pray that they have me excused.
And I've been a car mechanic all my life.
Well, this is.
Are you going to go and buy a car without looking at it, without getting underneath it, without getting under the hood? Are you just going to look at the car and and buy it? No, that's silly. You go and you prove the car. You take it out for test run and and everything else, don't you?
I go to approve it.
Then the next says I have married a wife and there therefore I cannot come. I've married a wife and there I cannot come. Well, this man, he's got a, he's got a family. He's got a responsibility. Oh, bring your family, bring your wife.
Come bring your family. You know what you know what you know what God says and and Genesis 7 when he says come down in all my house into the ark.
All my house into the ark, God wants family wherever I go and, and, and all the conferences and meetings that I go to, I see families. You go to, you go to Richmond and you see the anesthesia and you see the Colemans, but they're fat. God wants families in heaven with him.
So he says come now in all light, house into the ark. And he says, I married a wife and therefore I cannot come full. Think of that. Think of that while you're sitting beside you. Thank the God for that wonderful wife that's sitting beside you.
And then that servant showed is largely singed in the master of the house being angry, said to his servants, go out quickly. You know there is an urgency to the Gospel. Why?
Because the day of grace is coming to a close. It's coming to a close. And I believe it's so very, very soon. If I was to ask each child of God here tonight, when is the Lord Jesus coming? Oh, maybe tonight. Think of this, if there's one here tonight that is lost in their sins, and you went out of this room tonight, still lost, and the Lord Jesus came tonight.
That showed that will take us all up to be with him, be forever too late. And so we're going to see in Luke, Luke chapter 16, where this man was too late and he was in a lost eternity.
But yet there is room, and this is a wonderful let the gospel can go forth tonight. The good news of salvation. Have you accepted it? God is offering it to you.
Fallen free to whosoever will.
So go out quickly into the lanes of the city and bring in hitter, the poor, the main, the halt and the blind. Who are these people? They're running away from God. They're trying to get away from God. And there's many like that today trying to get away from God. And then in verse 23, the Lord said unto the servants, Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Who are they?
These are people that are hiding from God.
There are many that are hiding from God. Are you hiding? Are you hiding?
I remember a young man about 70 years ago who who used to hide quite a bit in a gospel meeting and he hated to go into a gospel meeting to hear the gospel because that that preacher always taught to me, you know.
You know I was hiding from God.
Oh young man, young girl, hit tonight, don't hide. Come, come to the Lord Jesus, He'll save you. It says. For I say unto you, that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.
I gave a gospel tract to a man on the street and he threw it in the ground just like that.
I said, Sir, you see that gospel tract on the ground? God is going to hold you responsible for that act.
You are rejecting the wonderful gospel from the heart of God.
Are you doing that? Are you doing that? Oh, I trust not. Come to the Lord Jesus tonight.
Let's go to Umm Luke chapter 15. This is a blessed chapter.
Heaven with all its blessedness.
Let's see.
Umm, verse 11.
And he said, A certain man had two sons, and the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion that falleth to me. And he divided unto him his living.
You know, this strikes me as being a Christian home. It is. It really is a Christian home. This father was a praying father. We know he was.
And, you know, there's fathers that are praying for children here tonight in the prayer room.
There were fathers there praying for young ones. Is there a young one here tonight that is still a stranger to the Lord Jesus?
Maybe your father and your mother brought you here.
I say I asked you tonight, are you saved? Are you really saved as a song that we sing in Sonny's Good. Are you Really SAVED? Are you sure?
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
Do you know, do you know Christ as your Savior? The younger them said to his father, Father, give me, Father, give me. Oh, we have a wonderful giving God.
Give me the portion of the goods that falleth to me in the divided unto him as living. And not many days after, the younger son took all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living and going down the street. And I give a track to a man.
And that track happened to be the prodigal son, this very story on the track, and he's got it here, I think.
Wonderful track. And the man said to me, he said, you know, I'm a prodigal. And he started telling me a story of his life and I'll tell you it wasn't very good. He was in a wheelchair and he was pushing himself around the wheelchair. He was down there in Cordova St. where I go.
A dear man, he told me all about his life and what a life it was.
But you know he hadn't come to Christ yet.
He was a prodigal, but he hadn't come to his father. Is there a prodigal here you know?
There's a product called standing in front of you tonight.
Uh, most of you here don't know me.
Most of you don't know me, some of you do, but I was a prodigal as a young man.
I grew up in a Christian home just like this.
And I wasted my substance on riotous living. I did. I did it all. The whole ball of wax did everything.
But you know, God finally had to talk to me very strongly and I came to Him.
Was I sorry for that?
No. You know how many years ago that was?
Oh well, over over 50 years.
But a wonderful God ever since. And I just say this dear one, tonight, if you don't know Christ as your Savior, you're missing something wonderful to have a wonderful God that looks after you and cares for you every moment of your life. One who blesses you and keeps you.
The blessings that have flowed down from that wonderful God on my SH on on on my life. I think just what a wonderful savior he is.
And I just say this, this world is missing something because something wonderful because they don't know Christ as their own personal savior.
Wonderful, wonderful God, a God who in this great love could send his beloved Son here into this world. God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. I say this to many on the street. Do you know the author of John 316? Three young boys, girls here tonight. Do you know the author of, of the Lord, uh, of John 316? Think of it there in John who quoted that verse?
The Lord himself, the Lord himself, and what a wonderful verse it is the the means of so many countless souls coming to Christ and knowing them as their own personal Savior. And when he had he, he goes into the far country and 1St 14 when he had spent all, there arose a mighty family in that land, and he began to be in want. You know, God brought a famine into that man young man's life.
And you know, if you're gonna turn your back upon God, God can bring a famine into your life.
And like the Philippian jailer, God can bring an earthquake into your life and sometimes God has to shake you before you come to the Lord Jesus. Sometimes God has to bring a famine into your life before you come to the Lord Jesus. Why? Because God doesn't want you to send you to hell. He says I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his evil away.
Then he says, turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die? He doesn't want to send a man to hell. Wonderful, wonderful God. Oh man only knew the heart of God.
And when he and he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him in his field to peace. Wine.
T swine and Ivane would fill his belly with a husk that the swine did eat, and no man gave unto him. And that's the world no man gave unto them.
The hus that the swine didn't eat.
You go to dinner.
Umm, how about some watermelon? OK, watermelon. OK, you like watermelon?
You eat the green rind.
Dewey, the green part.
No, no, no, this young man did.
I don't like the green part. I like that nice red watermelon that's sweet and juicy and the juice is running down your, your face. That's, that's what I like. This young man was eating the husk that the swine did eat and you know.
There are many that I see this very day that are doing that very thing.
Down in the streets where I go.
So we're the, the most horrible, horrible sites that you can see. And I believe that some of those fellows and some of those girls and some of those ladies that I see are ones that probably were in a gospel meeting, probably in a, in a, in a Christian home and turn their back upon God and God into the horriblest that this world can offer. They were eating the husk that the swine did eat.
And it says, No man gave unto him.
And when he came to himself, oh friend, I want you to come to yourself tonight to realize, friend, that you're a guilty, lost Sinner and you need to be saved. You must be born again this very night.
And he says, how many hired servants of my father's have bred enough despair, and I perish with hunger.
This man was hungry.
I see so many of these men, they're hungry, never had a meal.
They're eating the husk that the swine did eat. I will arise and go to my Father and we'll say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee. Yes, he says, I am a Sinner. I am a Sinner. And dear friend, you are a Sinner and you need a, a Savior.
The Savior of sinners.
And I'm no more worthy to be called thy son. Make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell in his neck and kissed him. Think of it. Here's this young man, it all his bedraggial state, and he's coming up the road and his father's season. Would his father come to him and say, Son, look at you're, you're a mess.
No it didn't.
This is the heart of God. He comes to him and he wraps his hands around him, and he kisses him.
It says here.
Uh had compassion on and and ran and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight no more worthy to be called thy son. But the Father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe and put on him.
And put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet, and bring hit her the fatted calf, and kill it. And let us eat and be merry for this. My son is dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found. And then I like this phrase. I love this phrase. They began to be married. They began in that beautiful. They began to be married.
You know.
The Lord Jesus coming, coming so very soon. His coming is as sure as the dawn.
And I just long, dear ones, tonight I long for my blessed Lord to come and take us all home to hear the shout. It'll take us out of this Christ rejecting world, to take us out of this awful world that is fast going on to instruct destruction.
When you see the events of this world in the last months, in the last year.
Right for the judgment of God.
Right for the judgment of God. I believe his communist so very, very near.
Lord Jesus, come thus by constant prayer. Lord Jesus, come and take us home.
And they began to be merry. Oh, what a wonderful moment. You know, as I hope you don't mind a little personal thing.
I would I I stood. I stood at the bed of my wife.
And I watched her take her last breath.
She left this world and she was into the presence of her savior.
Uh, she's there. Enjoy Christ, She's there and I'm gonna there. I'm gonna be there. I'll join her one day very soon.
And each and every one of us here that know Christ as your Savior, that's your portion. No wonderful.
The best is yet to be. That's it. The best is yet to be.
Heaven with all its blessedness. Oh, what a wonderful moment. It's just ahead of us. How we can rejoice in this. Are you looking forward to this?
Chapter 16.
Chapter 16.
Verse 19. There was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.
You know, as you preach the gospel, I feel that it is a deep, deep, very serious responsibility to speak about health.
A very solemn thing.
You know, if you're without Christ tonight, you're on your way to hell.
You're on your way to hell.
That's a very, very solemn thing.
I bought a car the other day.
The other one was given out.
And I went to the dealership I used to work to work for about 40 years ago.
And uh, I, uh, looked around I Washington, I wanted to find a familiar face and yes, I did.
And I found a few, uh, fellows that I used to work for 40-40 years before and they were still there. And uh, there was one particular person who was a parts man and his name was Jerry Pugh.
And, uh, I.
A a nice fella, nice fella. I really liked him, polite and and he really knew his parts. I it was a good part.
And, uh, I asked, what was Jerry? Well, he's in the hospital. Oh, OK. Umm, and he's dying of cancer.
He's got bone cancer and he's dying right away. I want, I'm gonna go see Jerry. I gotta go see Jerry.
So I went to the hospital. Palace of Care award.
A word that my wife is in and she Washington and he was a couple of beds down from where my wife was.
And, uh, the, the, the grades were closed and there was most of the family in there and I kind of peeked in and, uh, to 1 to one of the folks there and I said, can I talk to Jerry?
And so I went in, they let me in, and there was Jerry, skin and bone, an awful emancipated mess. He was just skin and bone.
And, uh, I talked to Jerry for a few minutes and then I left because, uh, polite, because of the family that was there.
But I left some gospel tracts for for for him to read.
And then a day later.
I was bothered. I was really bothered. Here's a man who's going out of this world and where, where I didn't know, I didn't have any evidence of where he was going. And so I thought I must go back there. I must go back there. So I went back there the next day and I had on my heart to, to, uh, to read from John 14.
And I walked in there and the family was there.
And uh, could I speak to Jerry? No, Jerry was in a coma. It was too late.
It was too late.
I felt bad because I had never really told him the real gospel story. I don't know whether Jerry was really saved or not, but I felt bad because for me it was too late to talk to this person.
You know, we need to seize upon those opportunities that are granted to us.
It was too late for Jerry. He left this world.
What about you? Are you going to go out of this world without Christ? What a solemn thing.
OK, let's read this. Umm, this man, he fared sumptuously every day. He lived for himself. He had money, by the way. Uh, they showed me a picture of Jerry's house. Beautiful house, right on out on the deck. You know what happened to Jerry's house? He left it behind. You know what happened to this man? All his fortune he left behind.
He fared sumptuously every day. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of swords and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. What a scene, what a scene. Here's this rich man and here's Lazarus lead at his gate. Pull a sword. Just give me a few crumbs.
No, no.
And it came to pass. You know, that's a phrase that what a solemn phrase. And it came to pass.
The beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. What a blessed thing carried by the angels into into Abraham's bosom, right up to heaven.
Beautiful. And that's where I'm going. Is that where you're going?
And the rich man also died and was buried.
You know it doesn't tell the name of this rich man. There's no name, no name.
John 10.
Verse 3, isn't it? Let me read it, I should know it off by heart.
Uh, did I get the right one? He called them out by name.
It's Jacket Durbin.
Oh, sorry, yeah, to him the four year open it. Then the chief hear his voice and he calleth his own sheep by name. Now in that wonderful he knows your name, he knows whether you belong to him.
Uh, OK. Anyhow, he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom, and he cried. You know there's going to be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth in hell.
A solemn place to go. God doesn't want to send a man there. And he cried and said, Father, may you have mercy on me. He cried for mercy.
You know, you go through all the Gospels and you find that those who came to the Lord Jesus and cried for mercy, they got mercy. All except for this man. Why? Too late, Too late?
What a solemn thing to hear those words. Too late, too late will be the cry Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.
God's time is now. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. He says, remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. That's the time to come to the Lord Jesus. When you're young. God's time is now. Have you come? You see, this is the gospel meeting and there is a tremendous urgency to the gospel.
Because there might not be another one.
God's time is now.
God offers man salvation fallen free.
But the offer said now, now.
Don't we?
And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he might tip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in his flame. Could be no water in hell.
No water inhale a solemn thing.
We have the water of the Word of God right here. Beautiful.
This precious book, the water of the word of life, wonderful words of life, all to take this precious book out every day to read it and to meditate upon it. How precious it is the water of life, life giving stream coming right down from the heart of God to you and I beautiful. Oh, what a precious book we have open in in our in in our hands right here tonight. Oh if man with just only open this precious book and read it.
You'll find wonderful words of life. I like to whenever I see a man in need, I like to put the precious word of God in his room, in his hand. Here, open it. Read the Gospel of John.
And cool my tongue, for I'm tormented in this PLA plane. But Abraham said, Son, remember, you know, this is the most solemn thing that you're gonna have a memory if you reject Christ, if you're put into hell, you'll have that memory forever.
Supposing there was one here tonight that went out of this room lost.
And into a lost eternity you would have the memory.
Of that gospel meeting for all eternity.
Solemn you would have that memory of this Gospel meaning for all eternity.
God holds you responsible for what you know.
You heard it in the Sunday school. Your Sunday school teacher.
You've heard it in gospel meetings. Have you accepted it?
It's a solemn thing to reject God's wonderful offer of mercy.
God has offered the very best, the very best that his heart of luck, a good gift. And you know it's an insult to God to reject this wonderful offer of mercy.
But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receive as thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things. But now he is com comforted, and now are tormented. And besides all this, between US and you there is a great culprit. So that they which would pass from hence to you cannot, neither can they pass to us that would come from hands. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou would send them to my father's house.
This man is praying in hell.
But he's not prayers not being answered.
Doing that wonderful that you and I as a child of God, that we can pray to a wonderful God and he hears everything.
How, how wonderful it is, what a wonderful God. And then he says, For I have 5 brethren that may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place. And Abraham said, they have Moses and the prophets, yes, they have the word of God.
When I say this again.
Man. God holds man responsible for what he knows.
As you grow up, you memorize the verse on Sunday morning and you say your verse.
You memorize those verses.
They go deep down into this.
Precious brain that we've got. You'll learn.
And is there.
Even though I rejected it when I was a young man and still remember all those verses that I learned.
What does the Word of God mean to you?
They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. And he said, nay, father Abraham, but if one went to them from the dead, they will, they will repent. And he said, if they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they for be persuaded, though 1 rose from the dead. Oh, isn't this wonderful? There is one that grows from the dead, the Lord Jesus Christ, you know, isn't that wonderful that tonight as we proclaim the gospel.
We have a risen, glorified Savior and high in the glory. There's that song that we sometimes sing. Well, maybe we'll sing it. There is a Savior on high in the glory, A Savior who suffered on Calvary's tree. A Savior as willing to save now as ever. His arm is almighty, His love great and free. Think of it. A living Savior and dear friends by His matchless grace.
I'm gonna see him soon. How about you? Is that your portion? It's mine Through sovereign grace. Let's see that time. Uh, what is it?
Ken, thank you.
Yeah #10 there is a save one time.
Down the ground is pretty.
And I pray for me.
Great. And then?
From one stream.
On our community.
Uh, while you're now there's a circle of God come again? All right, now I have all the translation of weather.
OK, so.
1 day I'm very stressed and try and.
Set up I.
Done with those kind of art.
Always turn back.
If you're still without Christ, if you're still a lost soul, I want to plead with you tonight, Come to Christ. Come to the Lord Jesus Christ. This, this course has come. Come now. Come now to Jesus.
A dear loving Savior, receive him this moment, and peace shall be thy. You won't have peace in this world.
You can have peace through our Lord Jesus Christ. He's a wonderful Savior. Come to him tonight. Let's close your eyes in prayer, we thought.