Open—Bill Shane
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No one will be proud to be on a roll. Make me am at night.
Pretty high.
On the Father's change of life.
They're coming on Tuesday.
Long to dwell with the.
Thank you.
Home and welcome you. You know all the great metal tongue, thy love.
Oh Lord Jesus.
Converting us to any thy shape.
Ephesians chapter 2 together.
Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 10.
For we are his workmanship.
Created in Christ Jesus.
Undo good works.
Which God hath before ordained.
Then we should walk in now.
Chapter 4 and verse one.
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you.
That he walked worthy of the vocation for which ye are called.
With all loneliness and meekness and long-suffering.
For varying one another in a low.
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit.
In the.
Verse 17.
This I say therefore, and testified in the Lord.
That ye henceforth walk.
Not as other Gentiles walk in.
The vanity of their mind.
Chapter 5, verse one.
Be ye therefore followers.
So God is your children.
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us.
And have given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour.
Verse 8.
For we were once darkness.
But now ye are liked in the Lord.
She then the ego circumspectively.
Not as cool, but as wide as needing the time.
Are you?
You can see that there are six walks.
But I have written the book of Ephesians.
Discussing a few other things about Ephesians first.
Before I come actually to my topic of walking.
The book of Ephesians.
Is quite often divided up.
As the first three chapters in which we have the wealth.
By that, let's look at verse seven of chapter one.
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sin.
According to the riches of his grace.
While back I.
Looked at this verse.
And we all know this according to the riches of his grace.
And I meditated highly upon.
I've heard many of them speak upon it.
I've found a different person that has to really sink into me in a simple sort of way before it comes home and deep.
In whom we have the redemption, the purchasing price.
And therefore we stand on redemption ground, the price that was paid in full. Those of us that know the Lord, we know about redemption. The price is praised, paid to set us free.
Through his blood, the precious blood of the lamb without blemish, the one that serves power in.
Cleansing power to remove my sense as far as Jesus from the West and never could be remembered.
The forgiveness of my sins.
Only Jesus Christ was capable of forgiving me since because he fathered Christ.
Pure, spotless Lamb of God, with whom no God was smiling his mouth.
But here comes the sticker, according to the ridges of His grace.
It was not according to the quantity.
Nor the quality.
Of my sins.
Not according to the quantities or the quality of my sins.
According to the riches of his grace.
First three chapters of Ephesians is following our riches in Christ.
My natural state of me would like to say that it was according to.
Bill's terrible simflax that he did.
There's a scripture that says this is a worthy saying.
This is a fateful saying and worthy of all acceptations. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
I liked the last part of it, the next part of it, of whom I am chief.
In order for me to be saved and look at myself, I had to see myself as the chiefest of sinners.
Therefore, one time I heard two brothers speaking at a conference and one said.
The greatest miracle that ever took place was the day that God raised Jesus up out of the ground and I was a young convert. I just gotten saved and I had that old punky self in here. The buttons was having a hard time staying on my shirt. I said no. No, the biggest miracle was the day that Bill Shane got saved. How wrong I was.
The greatest miracle that ever took place was the day that Christ rose from the grave.
Given the power by the Father to be raised up.
What a thing that is.
Raised up from the dead. So therefore it wasn't according to Bill's quantity nor the quality of his Sims, was it?
It had nothing to do with it at all.
It was according to the riches of His grace.
It takes a little while for me to kind of learn some things and each and every one of us it does, and some learn it faster than others.
But here I opened up this verse.
As according to the riches of his grace. I know I was saved by grace. I knew I was in a big pool of sinners.
We heard that there is no difference.
Romans 3 at the end of verse 22, the last five words.
Brother spoke unto the Gospel.
Since being no different than the one that's in prison or wherever it may be.
Have they spoke that to Muna's young man? I probably stuck my fist up and been ready to fight and get the Irish temper night outside the door. Let's go. I wouldn't have taken it very well.
Took the Lord to humble to see my place.
That I was a Sinner.
And he did that to each and every one of us, and he picked us up when we were down low.
Out of that might reclaim the center of feet upon a rock. And we established our goings. But not only that, He set us in the heavenlies all in one motion. Boom boom, boom.
We have riches in Christ verse 18 of chapter one. The eyes of your understanding did enlighten, that ye may know what the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance of the Saints. Chapter 2, verse 7.
That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace and His kindness towards us through Jesus Christ.
Verse 16 of chapter 3, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened.
With might and by spirit and the inner man. Back up to verse eight of that same chapter 3 Unto me, who am the least of all the Saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles in circles, unsearchable riches of Christ?
The first three chap chapters are about our wealth.
It's about.
What Christ has done for us.
What God has done for us.
The last three chapters, chapters 4:00 and 5:00 and then chapter 6, are about our duty and our responsibility.
When I read the six verses on walking, one of them was in chapter 3 and set apart from the other five walkings.
The other ones were in chapters 3:00 and 4:00.
And so we see a final chapter.
In chapter 6.
In our in our armor that we put on the war a spiritual warfare. Let's just turn over that part of it just a minute.
If we look at that and I could take time on going down through it.
It begins in verse 11 about putting on the army.
And it goes down through it. I want to emphasize one thing that is different in there.
The young ones, I want you to look that verse real hard one.
It says that your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
He doesn't say you'd put your shoes on, does it?
It says that you're already shod the minute you got saved.
I had a pony at a young age. I had horses all my life.
Until 99, when arthritis was so bad I could no longer hardly get a farm and ride and I moved to town.
To have a horse shot means to put the shoes on the feet with nails.
And they're put on there.
I want to tell you a little secret about your shoes. You never need another pair.
They don't need resold.
You can't wear them out.
Nobody says you can't use them.
I can't stop you from using.
You were divinely shod.
And your Lord and Savior expects you to use it because it cost you the price with that pair of shoes on your feet.
You study hard.
Hope you got a lot of scars and scratches on them.
5 scars and stretches on your shoes.
You were divided shot.
The moment you got saved, it's going to last you all the way through a lifetime.
And when you go down through that armor, you've got helmets, you've got Shields that we could all lock together in unison and make a wall in front of us.
You got breastplates?
You got girdles.
Nothing for your knees.
Nothing for your needs to spiritual warfare. You're on your knees training, you're wrestling against.
Not people, but Satan.
Stay inside.
Just touching on a few highlights.
Now I'd like to look and come right back to this a minute, but I want to be installed more and more together.
Is a man.
Who walketh not in the consoles of the ungodly?
Nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the swan hole.
Was written in the negative.
Blessed is the man that does not.
So blessed is the man that does the correct things, OK, Blessed is the man that does not do these things. He doesn't walk, he doesn't stand, he doesn't sit.
That's the verbs that I want to pull out of there. Walk, stand and set. If you don't do what it tells you here, you're blessed, OK?
Let's go back to Ephesians.
Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 6.
And he has raised us up.
Together, and that is set together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Now we have one of the three verbs set.
Back to verse four, chapter one, which I read earlier. I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation for which you are called walk.
The one we just read a minute ago in chapter 6.
And verse 11.
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the Wiles of the devil.
We have sitting, walking and standing.
I simply got a little bit of that and I really mean it. Sometimes it's really hard for me to grasp and I think the wrong way.
And the Lord thinks you different than I do, and I have to read His word and study hard.
For me, I can go out there and I wanna fight the devil first.
I want to get on my arm and go out there and stand up against you.
And then I would come back.
And I'd want to walk.
That if by chance I was walking the walk right then I could get to sit in the heavens.
That's kind of the human way of thinking of it, isn't it?
If we had any way of thinking of it before we were saved, it's probably the way we thought of it.
Kind of the natural way to think of it. That's not the correct way. Is it called?
God says.
I'm going to place you first in the heavenlies and let you sit there.
Place you first in the heavenlies, and let you sit there.
And show you all the love.
And all the riches and all these things I've given you, and that's placing you in the heavenlies.
We're in the heavenlies now, currently setting in the heavenlies with our Lord and our Savior spiritually our.
We've been hearing about being fully equipped.
We're talking about his grace. We're talking about his mercy.
All of this that He has done for us in our riches and our wealth that we have in our Lord and our Savior, we are now currently standing.
And then we can walk with him.
And as He would have us to do, and in the walks that had been prepared for us ahead of time before ordained.
And then we can put on the arm and we can stand.
He takes it in the other order.
I'd like to go back to chapter one and one cover just a little bit more until we just want to be pretty strong on a little bit here before I get into Milwaukee. OK, verse 3.
The God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed us.
With all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places where we're setting.
We're rich with those spiritual blessings.
He's blessed us #1.
Verse four. He has chosen you and He has chosen me. Verse #5 We have been adopted.
When I moved to my farm in 80.
Six, I think it was give or take a year or two. I think there was 10 apple trees out there and.
They were all old apple trees and looked pretty sad.
And so I thought, well, maybe I'll start reading about apple trees and I got a book and I could have bought this one apple tree that had in grafted in it four or five other kinds of apples.
I could have got a Jonathan in there and I could have got a Granny Smith and I could have got a Whitney and I could have got a delicious and all that in one apple tree and grafted in. And that was about the time I was studying this adopted.
Oh, why He's taken the root to stem.
Lord Jesus Christ, when you take the knife to the tree and you cut a little slice and you cut a little branch off and you point and you stick it down in the slice and you tie around it and you wrap it and pretty soon it's growing out of there and there's one little stem will produce all these different kinds of athletes.
Into his family. I've been adopted into his family because of Jesus Christ. I must get verse six for a minute. Verse seven, I've been redeemed. We talked about that, didn't we?
So we've been blessed, we've been chosen, we've been adopted, and we've been redeemed by Skip verse six for a moment.
Verse six through the phrase, that's what is 2 of the glory of his grace through which he has made us accepted in the Beloved.
You've probably heard accepted in the beloved a lot.
If you haven't, it's a beautiful verse.
I wanna emphasize in my crude little way about accepted.
I am no more accepted today.
Than I was.
37 years and nine months ago, I think of trickish occupation.
My brother Al had over 50 years, my brother Jim had over 40, but Bill's got about 30, just short of 38.
Just short of 38 December 23rd, 1971.
I was accepted in the Beloved.
I will be no more accepted in the beloved the day I die than the first day, nor today. I'm 100% accepted.
100% accepted in the Beloved.
I'm going to read.
A little piece I wrote down out of a book.
If he gave his son for me.
Then he must love me.
As greatly as he loves his son.
Or he never would have permitted.
His son to die for me.
Brother Dawn gave out him #27 in the back of the book. Grab your book so fast.
Right in the back hymn #27.
Saturday morning.
And we're singing down through the hymn.
We get down to verse 4.
Hymn #27 in the back of verse 4.
So dear, so very dear to God.
More dear, I cannot be the love wherewith He loves his son. Such is his love to me.
The minute we sang that him, I was smiling from your ear.
I was smiling weird here.
He loved me as much as he loved his son, or he never would have put his son on Calvary's tree to die.
I have three sons, six children.
I couldn't put one of my sons on Calvary St. for somebody I didn't know, a Sinner.
But our God did it for us, therefore we are accepted in the beloved 100%, the same as His Son. You know what? I've been joining in today. I've been enjoying it for three days.
I've been looking around the room.
I've been talking to elderly people.
Young people.
Help take fish and a line off of one of Mark's kids that was all mixed up over there.
Talk to a brother here and listen to him tell me about some scriptures and different things.
Talk to his sister and let me tell about her family.
We're all accepted in the beloved the same amount.
Every one of us the same amount.
100% accepted.
That's the beautiful pot.
It keeps unity.
When you look at US inequality.
As far as being accepted.
There's not one more accepted in this room than I am.
There's not one less accepted.
What a beautiful thought that was.
Have you ever seen a child that cuts their wrists and leaves scars?
They don't think enough of themselves. There may be someone here that reached that point before the Lord picked him up.
If we look at this first and see ourselves 100% accepted, we can accept ourselves. And if I can accept myself, I can accept my brothers and sisters.
And any time that my eye or my thought starts to go wrong, I need to pray about it that it gets cured right inside of here.
Because each and everyone of you that know the Lord accepted the same as I am. No level higher or lower, exactly the same.
Now let's get to our topics. There's not many minutes left.
I don't want to take too long, but I got to get it done.
Verse 2 and 10. Chapter 2. Verse 10 For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good work, which God hath before ordained, that we should walk in. Look over at verse 11 according according to the eternal purpose.
Before ordained out of our verse.
Don't want get in predestination election. OK, I don't have the time, I'll cover my purchase.
Before ordained that we should walk in them. I'm going to put a title on this one, OK?
It's a selected walk or prepared walk that He has ordained. He has decided according to his eternal purposes that we will be in that walk.
No choice in it.
He decided.
We are his workmanship and he's working a good work in US.
He's working a good work in every one of you young ones and everybody in here until the last day we die. He's working a good work in US, and we're his workmanship unto good works. There's where we're walking under good works, aren't we?
In Christ Jesus.
And God, before ordained, He decided in his eternal purpose that every.
Saved person on the face of the earth that becomes part of the body of Christ in that category, that group of sinners saved by grace.
He says it's my eternal purpose and I've decided this that you will walk in this walk because I'm you're my workmanship and I'm working in you a good work.
Sometimes I speak on pleasing God.
And sometimes.
When I get deep into the subject.
I sat there and I looked at this and were his workmanship created?
When I first got saved, my cousin gave me a book.
It's from Second Corinthians.
Chapter 5.
Verse 17. Wherefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature or a new creation. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things become new.
And in that book.
It used a term man made anew.
Man made anew.
Old things are passed away.
He is taking this new creature, this new creation.
That their sins have been forgiven. That's accepted 100% in him and he's working a workmanship in US.
The good works he's doing with his what pleases himself, what he wants to do, what he has before ordained before the foundation of the world in his eternal purposes.
My children, Troy and Christine are 34 years old. They're twins.
And I can remember when they first became time that they could hardly talk.
And Troy?
Learn this verse and he had a very hard time saying creature.
And he got up and he stood up. We've been hearing about one that stood up and went blank.
My son Troy stood up and said.
Therefore, if many man be in Christ, he is a new teacher.
Everything that we do sometimes.
Comes home to us in a different sort of way.
We can remember those precious moments that the Lord has shown us in our children.
We can remember verses and plaques that were on our wall, and that's where I got saved through Ephesians 28 and 9:00 IF.
If I had anything to say to any young family in here, you got children going by the biggest plaque you can with the biggest, boldest letters, this gospel verse and hang it in the most prominent place in your house.
Because if it hadn't been diverse, I might have never gotten saved. I didn't have a Bible and I hadn't been under the word of God for 12 years, even though I was raised in a Christian home. And all I could remember was every time I laid on the downboard, I was sick. I looked up before my Gray star. You saved through faith.
It's a gift of God not to work. So sick, mentioned most.
Hanging on my parents wall.
We're a new creation.
And he wants us to walk, for he has ordained that we walk in his walk.
He has decided it's his eternal purposes. All the other works walks are in versus four and five, which are outside, and they're our duty and our responsibility. In other words, we should walk in them or we ought to walk. OUGHT, should or ought to walk. OK.
It could have gotten the Holy Spirit on that. I don't have time.
A walk that is suited to Our Calling.
A walk that is worthy of Our Calling.
And a walk in unity.
Let us walk together, brothers and sisters.
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you.
Home in beseeching is begging of you.
Our God breathed inspired word through Paul.
God is saying, I beg of you.
I beseech you.
That you walk worthy.
Whenever you're called, you're called from something into something.
From something into something, whenever we're saved, we're saved from here and to something we're delivered from here and to there. And Israel from delivered from Egypt and to the promised land, etcetera, etcetera. And we've been called out of the world and unto him and.
And that's the thought there. Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. And where does He come? Right in amenities tos topic loneliness and meekness. Our Savior was low and weak, wasn't it?
We are preserved in the spirit. We sang the song this afternoon.
Had the preserved in it twice.
And preserved was in Second Timothy chapter 4 and around verses 1617 or 18.
And if you look at the book Jude the first verse.
Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, the brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ and called.
We see in verses 4-5 and six.
The Spirit.
Of Ephesians 4.
And later on, we see the gifts.
Preserved. My mother always kept jams downstairs and jellies.
And Pickles. And tomatoes.
And she made preserves and put them on the shelf and anytime I was hungry and ran out of something, I wanted some Raspberry jam down the base. When I went and got a jar, Mom had preserved it and spent the time doing it.
Preserve being preserved in Christ.
Is our assurance.
In my salvation, I needed assurance.
That I would be eternally kept.
That's the thought of it eternally kept I.
I will never lose thee, nor forsake thee.
Preserved is my assurance.
With that assurance.
I can walk.
According to my colony.
Because I know I'm preserved.
Throughout the endless ages of eternity.
Running out of time fast as usual.
Umm, verse 17.
We have don't walk like the other Gentiles in the vanity of their mind.
We have a walk in purity here.
And a walk that is separated.
From the walk of others in this world that don't know Christ.
A walk of purity and a walk separated.
So we have a separated Walker walking thirty look at verse 22. Just pick up these words real fast. Put off verse 24 put on verse 25 put away verse 26 is 6 says be not angry. Let me change that to stand in awe. Just trust me on that. Come short of time. Stand in awe verse 27 never neither give place to the devil.
Every one of these things.
In order to walk in purity, to walk a walk separated, he has told us. He's told us what we need to put off. He's told us what we need to put on. He told us what we need to put away out of her mouth of speaking lies and everything.
He told us to stand in awe or reverence like the Old Testament.
Reverential trust and fear of the Lord.
Holding the guard so high and so pure that we stand in awe of Him. Stand in awe of your God.
And sin not.
Neither give place to the devil.
I heard his sister come over and say to brother Mark.
I hope it's all right, sister. I can repeat it.
Your mother said something 36 years ago that stuck to me.
Your mom should keep life simple.
Isn't that beautiful? What mother's still? My mom said to my kids. God created your body, created you pleasingly in his own sight.
You don't need to put tattoos on it. You don't need to do all kinds of things to try to get attention and change yourself.
Don't if one's on her, that's alright. If that happens before you say we just have to. But what she tried to portray to my children was that when God created you, He created you pleasingly in his own eyes. That ties in with you seeing yourself accepted.
That God created you the way he wanted you.
And it pleased himself.
And he's accepted you and saved you and he loves you.
OK, walk in purity.
Put on, put on, put away, stand in awe, and neither give place not as the other. A gentiles were the unsaved.
Last couple minutes.
We got sacrificial walk.
Be therefore followers of God as your children and walk in love.
As Christ also hath loved us and has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice for a sweet smelling savour, one that rises up to his nostrils. If you walk in love, a sacrificial walk is going to rise up.
Him as a sweet smelling savour.
Be ye therefore.
First thing I notice when I come down here.
Southern accent beautiful.
Little boys talking like their dads, Dad's probably talking like their dad's like their grand.
Once in a while you might catch me with a little roll on the R.
Little Irishman in me.
Talking like my father talked.
And if you come to Iowa, you'll probably hear WARSHED washed in the blood.
Intimidators or in in in. Excuse me.
Yeah, yeah, say it again, Imitators. Here we got it, imitating the same as their fathers.
Be therefore imitators.
Oh God.
What a thought.
As dear children, just like little children, a lot of you like your mom's, maybe like your dad, like your grandparents.
You know, when we look at brothers and sisters, what we need to do.
We need to pick up the good qualities in them.
A little paraphrasing on this, but Jesus said about his disciples, They shall be known by their love.
It didn't say Jesus said that his disciples would be known about it.
How well they can find fault and pick things wrong with everybody does it.
That will be known by their love.
And that's what our verse says.
Walk in love.
This brother is very, very good at giving out a hymn and this is very, very good frame.
And this was very good.
Recognizing when I need a hug.
And this sister might bring you over.
A dish to eat.
And this couple might invite you to their house.
Can we find the good in one another?
It's easy to find the wrong.
First John 1, four or four and eight. God is love.
God is light.
And God is truth, all found in first John.
Next we need to find a spirit filled walk in verse 8.
For ye were sometimes.
I have once in my Bible.
Over on the side I have the. Sometimes it used to be there.
Sometimes makes me think that in the past I only occasionally might have been in darkness, and that's not true.
Once. I was in darkness all the time. That's the thought. Once.
Once I was in darkness all the time, but now ye light. Ye are ye the light, but now are ye light in the world.
Used to be, but no longer.
So now I am the light in the world, for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness, Truth. This is a spirit filled and a spirit guided walk.
Spirit filled in a spirit guided walk verse 15.
See, then, that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. This is a walk of sincerity.
What that means?
Is that means that you walk carefully?
And with exactness.
Because that type of walk.
Is a walk of wisdom, but as wise.
There's two Latin words.
In that walk.
And one of those basically is that you're looking around.
Now they're looking around.
And see in the way that we walk.
The other thought of it is.
With precision and accuracy.
Like one that would be walking across a tightrope wire from here to there.
That's the Greek word. The other two Latin words are looking and around.
It says that that wall.
Not in schools, but as wise is a mark of wisdom.
Why verse 16? Because life is short.
The days are evil.
Most of all, God has a plan.
In your life and my life.
God has a plan in your life and my life.
He has already decided in His eternal purposes.
One walk Forest.
Ephesians 2 and 10.
The other five blocks are walks that we should walk.
And if we walk in them?
It's going to come up as a sweet smelling savour to them.
We're going to please our Father.
Walk in unity and walk in love.
Walk in the Spirit and guide Spirit guided walk. Walk in sincerity.
May the Lord bless the reading of His scriptures today.
I enjoyed the hymn 27 in the back of the book. Do you happen to remember John? The melody you gave it out to?
27 In the back of the book will close, and I'll pray and give thanks, and then we'll sing him #27.
Father in Heaven, in the fearless and wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we bow our heads under Thee.
Father May, it humbled me.
To walk as his walks.
May there be little Nuggets that we can take home from this.
Meetings here together in the last three days.
May the sisters be like Hannah.