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70 8.
And we have a number again, 100, seventy, 178.
Our amount of service.
That's right. So that's where you find the cream and you skim the milk.
Well within the 18th 1St.
Look 9.
Verse 18.
I came to file as he was a lone train. His disciples were with him. He asked them saying, whom say the people that I am?
The answering said John the Baptist, as some say Elias, and some and others say that one of the old prophets is risen again, and said to them, But don't say thee that I am Peter answering said the Christ of God.
When he is greatly charged them, and commanded them to tell no man that thing, saying, The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day. And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life and lose it.
But those whoever will lose it might from 96 the same should save it. But what does a man advantage if you gain the whole world and lose himself, or be cast away? But who survives will be ashamed of me and of my words of Him Shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when He shall come in His own glory and in His Father's, and of the holy angels?
But I tell you the truth, there is some standing here which are not taste of death till they see the Kingdom of God.
The famous house about him. Eight days after these things he took Peter and John, and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the sanction of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and blistering. And to hold their torch with him. Two men with their Moses and their lives, who appeared in glory and spake of his deceased, which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.
Our traders, and they they were with them, were heavy with sleep, and when they were awake they saw his glory in a few minutes, lived with him and came to pass. So they departed from him. Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here, and let us make 3 tabernacles, one for the and one for Moses, and one for Elias, not knowing what he said.
While he thus faked, there came the cloud and overshadowed them, and they feared as they entered into the cloud and became a voice out of the cloud, saying this, his mind, beloved son, hear him.
And when the voice was found, Jesus was found alone, and they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen.
And it came across that on the next day when they were come down from the hill, most people met him.
And behold, a man of the company cried out, saying, Master Hyd, beseech thee look upon my son for you as my only child, And lowest fear taketh him. When he tried suddenly quiet thou, And it teareth him that he foameth again. And bruising him, armed him, took part from him, And I besought thy disciples to cast him out, and they could not.
And Jesus answering sadly, all faithless and fervent generations.
How long shall I be with you and suffer? You bring my Son together? And as it was yet a coming, the devil threw him down and tear him. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered him again to his Father.
And there were all ways of the mighty power of God, while they wondered everyone, that all the things which Jesus did and said unto his disciples, But these things think done under your ears, for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.
But they understood not the same. They were hidden from them, but they perceived it not, and they feared to ask him of that saying.
Then there are a role of reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest. And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him, and said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me, and whosoever shall receive me. Receiver did this, sent me. For he that is least among you, all the same shall be great.
John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in my name, and you forbid him, because he followed not with us. And Jesus said unto him, forbidden not, for he that is not against us is for us.
Came to pass from the time of come that they should be received up. He steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem and sent messengers before his face. And they went and entered into a village of Samaritan to make ready for him. And they did not receive him to call. His face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples, they, James and John, saw this, they said, Lord grilled out of them, command fire to come down from heaven and consume them.
Even as Elias did.
But it turned into a gift then and said, you know not what money must bear here of for the Son of Man has not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another building.
And it came to pass that as he went in the way, a certain man suddenly in Lord, I will follow thee with us, whoever thou blows.
And Jesus turned to him. Foxes have rolls and birds of the air have met, but the Son of Manna cannot wear the latest heaven.
And it's certainly another follow me. But he said, Lord suffered me first go and bury my Father. Jesus said unto him, look at dead, bury their dead, and but go thou and treat the Kingdom of God. And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee to let me first go bid them farewell, which are opponent in my house. And Jesus said unto him, No man having put his hand to the plow, and looking back.
To sit for the Kingdom of God.
This morning we had before US1 Thought in connection with Christian activity, that we shouldn't allow it to be from a substitute for communion with the Lord.
In between the meetings, someone spoke to me about that.
And was concerned.
Last, there might be left in the minds of sounds thought that we were discouraging Christian activity.
An action with that, perhaps it might be well to make a statement something like this.
That Christian work should not be allowed to become a substitute for Communion, but it should flow out from communion.
We are not discouraging Christian work, Christian activity, but there is the order in Scripture where there must be that spending some time in the presence of the Lord first before there's a going out. I believe we have the principle of it in first Peter chapter 2, where we find ourselves in the in the holy place as holy priests offering up spiritual sacrifices. We're in the presence of the Lord there.
In the presence of the Lord for worship, prayer, communion.
And then later on in the chapter we have the view of ourselves there as.
At royal priests going out, going out to those outside.
Being a testimony to them.
There is a danger.
Of making work serve as preeminent.
And if service does not flow as a result of communion.
It will not have the Lord's approval. Now the Lord may use it, and no doubt the Lord uses much that's outward service that's even done contrary to the ways that He's laid down.
Being sovereign and he can use what he pleases.
I've heard of people getting saved through scoffing infidels.
Talking the Gospel to.
Man saved through the noted infidel in England was his name Bradford.
And God is sovereign and can use what he pleases.
But if it comes to our own service, we want to see that it proceeds from Communion.
For one thing, and that it's according to the rules for another.
If a man strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully?
Children know what it means and some game at school. Suppose it's a 50 yard dash.
And there to start the gun, but if they start ahead of time they they're disqualified.
And the Lord is not going to approve our disregard of the rules, even though He may be pleased to use something that was said to the salvation of some soul.
Don't you think that we have an illustration what you're talking about?
In the case of Martha, we read the 10th of movement that Marvel was cumbered about much service. Well, she had allowed her service to hinder her communion, so that she finds fault to Wisdom the Lord because he hadn't told her sister to her.
To bid her to help her, and the Lord reproves her by telling her that Mary had chosen that good part that was not to be taken from her, and that part was to sit at the feet of Jesus and to hear His word. That was more important at that time than service. And remember, that was service to the Lord. Well, on another occasion in the 12Th chapter of John.
We find where they prepared supper for the Lord, We find Martha serving again. But in that case our service was acceptable to the Lord, and the Lord doesn't have to reprove Martha at all. And when the very anointed defeat the Lord, speak with the ointment, so that the whole house was filled with the order of the ointment.
You find that all of his cycles are led by Judas to condemn Mary, but there's one on this occasion that didn't condemn Mary, and that was Marvel.
He had the mind of the Lord. Then she had learned her lesson. So you see when.
Service is the fruit of communion with the mind of the Lord.
Why it's acceptable and one might like Martha. You see how the mind of the Lord.
When even the most esteemed among the Lord's people are in the wrong.
Being misled by an evil man.
I like your connection there, bringing that into the subject. Of course, we have to remember that between those two occasions that Martha had learned through the death of her her brother.
What it was to to really get in the Lord's presence, but we don't want to just keep away from our our subject. We're not taking up more from married. We're taking up.
9th of Luke and we started out with and it came to pass as he was alone praying. I believe I'm right in saying that in Luke's gospel you have the Lord in prayer seven times.
Perfect number.
The thought of Exodus 51 and Exodus 81 bring up.
Our worship and service.
Exodus 51 After Rick, Moses, and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may have hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.
And eight months. And the Lord speak unto Moses, go on the Pharaoh, and stare to him. Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve me. Is that the thought there, or is that something else?
I think that's along the same line, brother. Pretty curve, very nice.
Well, what was stated this morning was merely that Dawson been noticed where there's a loss of communion, there's a greater activity than tempting to make up for loss of communion by activity. That was merely what was stated. There is an activity that's of the Spirit of God. There is an activity that doesn't flash.
And might say two there is a danger in forcing young people.
Into activity that is beyond them and that sometimes proves disastrous.
I believe Mr. Wigram makes some comments about.
One's legs carrying them faster than their spiritual apprehension, and is liable to end in a moral fall.
I know it's customary and Christendom take young people and immediately layout a project for them and put them to work.
And they'd have them walk and walking and talking and long before they had digested him enough for their own sustainment.
I was the brother spoke to me at noon about this 13th verse.
They were there in a desert place.
You won't find food in the desert place.
They were needing nourishment. And he said unto them, Give thee them to eat.
Father said that verse always comes as a rebuke to me.
He says sometimes we fail to.
Minister, a little refreshment to those that need Well, there, there is a word and we can apply the word to ourselves as we read it. We should, in fact.
Many a time that this would come in appropriately.
See the Lord's people.
Well, what are we interested? You need them to eat.
At Wright Brothers.
Yes, the exultation is that feed the flock of God which is among you.
Peter was definitely committed to that worker, the work committed to him.
He and well, he says that to the others, But then he was to feed the flock, he was to feed the lambs, he was to feed the sheep. Now he says to the other, to the elders he says, beat the flock of God, which is upon him.
Even sisters have a place here in helping the younger sisters, don't they?
Yes, not taking the place of teaching, but giving them help instructing them. Well, we find to that expression, you know the whole that body by joints and bands having nourishment, minister.
Rather one time said that if you're at a meeting and you'll hear some truth that has warmed your own heart and you go tell somebody that wasn't there, you're one of the joints and fans.
Carrying the nourishing well, I think we can go away from these meetings and perhaps pass along the little that we've enjoyed for ourselves. If we haven't enjoyed it for ourselves, it won't be passed along with much enthusiasm or joy.
I thought that was the person who said 10th chapter is John was speaking about service. Remember rather really more rather William boss him what he used to say.
Lie on the door. Why me? That's a man instrument. He shall decide that shall go in and out and find past it. So he's decided to go African Union and out for service.
Well, that is true, and what has been referred to in Peter's epistle? That is true in what is referred has been referred to in Peter's epistle. The holy praise goes in for worship. He goes out for service as a royal priest.
And I like it is.
But I think Brother Barry was interested in seeing us get down to the 18th. Was the 18th where we started?
Yes, I hope we would get on to the transfigurations, such a precious subject.
But before that, we find the Lord in prayer here. In fact, we find the Lord in prayer twice in this chapter.
Find him in prayer on the occasion when he asked the question, whom say the people that that I am with the different answers.
And you find that when Peter makes his confessions our Christ, the Son of God, that he charged them and commanded them to tell no man this thing. Why was that?
Well, it's for this reason.
The Christ you see was the anointed One, the coming Messiah and Israel had rejected.
Their own Messiah, so now it was number longer in season to.
To proclaim the fact that the Messiah was there in the land of Israel, His people had rejected Him. And so instead of the Kingdom once before, the Lord is the cross and the shame it's suffering in making a coma and bringing in the purposes and counsels of God.
Why is it brother Wilson in Matthews Gospel you have on this occasion where?
The Lord brings in the Church.
While you get in Matthew's Gospel.
The church, the Kingdom, all the different things in different chapters, do you not?
But here it is the only references to the coming Kingdom.
And here it's the Son of Man. It's a wider aspect and even Matthew where you get him as the Messiah.
In the hall of Luke's Gospel, the general tenor is the Son of Man.
Doesn't that tell because in Matthew in Peter's confession, he says thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Well that takes us into a range of glorious smuck before us. Here you see his massage. If his being the Christ doesn't go beyond the Kingdom, but when you bring in.
The Son of the living God that brings in the glory that.
Occasions the Lord to bring in the fact that He was going to build a church, the gates of hell would not prevail against it.
The second song really is the basis of that.
That truth is generally mentioned in the Gospels. Thou art to Christ, the Son of God that should come into the world. The 2nd Psalm he's declared to be the Son of God. He saluted as such when he came into the world.
Thou art my son. This day have I begotten. Then you get up. I will set my king upon my holy hill of Zion, or his anointed.
And Mary, Martha says, thou art the Christ, the Son of God that should come into the world.
Well she didn't answer the Lords question, she merely stated another fact.
But they've never got beyond the 2nd Psalm. But when Peter in the 16th of Matthew refers to.
The Lord Jesus as the Son of the living God.
He really goes beyond the 2nd Psalm.
He, the Lord says flesh and blood hasn't revealed it unto you, but my Father has revealed it to you. It took special revelation from the Father that looked for to see Him who He was when He was down here in humiliation.
And then he goes on to what you've just referred to and he says, I also say to you.
He had something more to the revelation that Peter had from the Father, and then he reveals the church.
Well, that's before us. Here is the large rejection.
The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected as the elders and the chief grace and strides of the slain, and be raised the third day. Then you see, the Lord marks out the path for His own in connection with His rejection, and that is.
That to follow a rejected Christ.
One will have to deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Instead of the Kingdom and the place of honor and perspective and earthly Kingdom.
Now the king is rejected and his own are to share his rejection, and it requires picking up the cross.
So we could inquire as to just what is meant by taking up the cross.
We might say plainly what it isn't.
The general application of it is that you have a certain trouble that you're crossing. I have a certain trouble. That's my cross. And we all have to bear different crosses. But here it isn't any such thing. It's my cross, the cross, his cross. The cross in Scripture is the symbol of the world's formal rejection of Christ. You know, we're going to be identified with him. We're going to suffer reproach. We're going to have to be identified with him as a rejected Christ.
We don't. The flesh doesn't like that.
Christ that's being offered as a Savior today is not.
The Christ connected with the cross. But a popular Christ, the cross has become a symbol of religion today.
Constantine made it so when he used it to advance his armies. Rome 4th century went forth with the banner of the cross, but all he was doing was trying to use the symbol of Christianity to gain advantage over his enemies and today the cross is used as a symbol of religion.
Or most of it apart from Christ, but a symbol of religion.
To thwart the advance of the hammer and sickle.
But to share the cross here, to take up our cross dailies, to be go forth knowing we're identified with the Christ the world rejected.
Across separation between US and the world. We have a word for that in Galatians 614.
But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. That's a little different from the death of Christ or the blood of Christ. The blood of Christ puts my sins away and the death of Christ.
We might say puts me away that deals with the central nature, but the cross separates between the Christian and the world.
And taking up the cross daily.
Signify whether or not it has to be in the present. The Lord receive strength day by day. You can't say on a certain day I pick up the cross.
No, and that's what tries the Spirit to go on day after day.
Being despised by those with whom we work.
Shunned by those with whom we go to school.
They'd rather not have us in their company and they let us know it.
Well, why? Why do they act that way towards? Because they see that we are identified with Christ and we go on in that path. Well, they couldn't tolerate it in Him and they're not going to like it in US.
Would you say that's right, brother? Yes, I would. It's a daily thing to try as a spirit. But let's not worry about that now. We don't have to do it for a year at a time. It's a daily thing. Don't we have grace for one day? Well, we can ask for grace for one day. Often think of.
You know, walk with God 300 years. Well, if he tried to walk with God for 300 years when he started out, he just said I'll never do it. I can't do it in this wicked world.
Just before the floodgate. Ah, but how did they do it? Just one day at a time. And that's all you and I have is today. Can we be faithful today?
God put it on that basis of being a daily thing, so we'll be kept dependent. Man got away from that in the beginning and back in the Garden of Eden from being dependent, and He brings us back to that point. He wants us to be daily dependent upon Him. That's what glorifies Him.
You and I think that we can make it on our own. We're going to signally fail.
I know the apostle Paul said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Well, they did. He could say that. He could say it experimentally. He'd been through many, through the school of God to be able to say that. But if you and I say that's a verse for me, that's my motto.
We'll find out that we're going forth at our own charges.
I am very loath to appropriate any language of the Apostle Paul's that was his own experience as my experience.
Well, before we get picking up the cross instead of let him deny himself.
That's more than.
Denying some pleasure or some sin is denying self.
Help is always ready to adopt something.
For the flesh.
So there has to be that constant.
Denial of what we naturally like.
Please ourselves, settle down in this world, live like the world and leave the Lord and his interests all of our lives. So all that has to.
Has to be exercised about that continually too. And then the third thing is and follow me.
Right pleased, not himself, thought through all of those things. Please the Father.
And that comes in nicely. And where you'll find it.
Pleased his neighbor for his good, and so on. And then he says, even Christ please, not himself.
We are naturally selfish.
The human being is that.
And he'd like to do those things that please himself.
Folks back there hearing, I know there's complaints. You hear, do you? John? Didn't hear Brother Wilson more.
That person referring to Brother Wilson is in Romans 15, in case someone wonders where it is Romans 15.
Might read it together with verse one.
We then, that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification and then.
That perfect example is brought before us, for even Christ pleased not himself, but as it is written, the reproaches of them.
That reproach thee fell on me.
In connection with the kicking up of a car.
Some little word you said about taking the yoke.
Matthew 11 you referred to.
Well, in Matthew 11, the Lord Jesus recounts the.
The rejection of the cities where in most of his mighty works were done.
There's a parent with campernium and then as a result of that, he says, I thank the old Father, Lord of heaven and earth.
Now he says, if you lack rest for your conscience, you come to me and I'll give it to you. But if you want rest in your circumstances, you take my yoke. And that was that yoke that he expressed when he could say, I thank the old Father, Lord of heaven and earth, He could accept rejection as the Father's will. And whatever crosses the path that we're able to take it from the Father's hand as the Father is ordering.
It's taking his yoke and that's the way we find rest in our circumstances. At least that's the way I understand.
That a heavy old brother. My oak is easy and my burden is light.
We'll find we'll never find comfort and difficulty in trial till we accept it as the Father's ordering for us, and then the burden is easy.
Well, some of us have had experience in connection with breaking horses. We've never, I've never seen anything like that in connection with breaking an ox. But I suppose it's the same thing. You put a young ox that's never had its head or neck in a yoke before and it doesn't like it. It won't submit to it. It'll squirm around and jump all over the place and maybe get itself into a lather, just like a horse will do. And it isn't until.
It has learned to submit to that yoke and go along with the old ox that's in the other side of the yoke, that it's really going to what we might say, have rest as long as it's jumping around, not submissive. There's certainly no rest there. And I suppose that's what this speaks to us out we humbly submit and go along with the Lord and that gives us rest.
What we can say Even so far? And so, so it seemed good in thy sight.
The sting, the burden is out of it.
For whosoever will save his life to lose it. But whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. I believe that that's found eight times in the Gospels.
Twice and Luke, I think I forget all these places, but the Lord certainly has put great importance on that statement.
Whosoever will save his life's lizard. I don't myself think that this refers to martyrdom.
Life, you know, was used in different ways in Scripture.
We speak about social life, business life, commercial life, political life and so on. It's character of life, the way you live well, the life that.
Is is valued by the world at which the world looks upon as a real life having a good time and and enjoying your money and enjoying your.
Your home and your pleasures down here. Well, of course I'm not condemning a home.
But what the world calls light and the all the magazines are just full of it today, just having a good time in this seat. Well, the one who who follows the Lord, he gives up what the world calls life. But in losing that life, why he gains a life that's going to last for all eternity.
Now let's not misunderstand the subject, because if it's a matter of the present position of eternal life, we have eternal life just as much now as we'll ever have it in heaven. That isn't the subject here, the one that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as a Savior, as eternal life, and shall never perish. The Lord plainly says that, but here is it's connected with.
Our reward and in order to.
Gain that character of life that goes on.
In in fullest joy and communion with Christ and with heaven, and all the happiness of the sanctioned glory, one has to give up.
What the world calls life down here.
Under Barry is that word lay hold on what is really life, The correct translation in the last verse, in the last chapter of Second Timothy, the 19th verse, I understand. That's why Mr. Darby translated I have it, I have it. I can tell you in Second Timothy 619.
There's no question. I mean First Timothy 619, yes, there is no Second Timothy 619.
Yeah, what is really like? What is really like? Now let's see the context of just what Brother Barry is bringing for us. Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded nor trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God who giveth as richly all things to enjoy, that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute of their substance, willing to communicate.
Laying up in store a good foundation against the time to come.
That they may lay hold on what is really like Speaking of how the world considers life.
Well, God says I want you to lay hold on what is really like. That's different, isn't it? Well, let's.
The 24th verse is really, you might say, the opposite of what we have in the 23rd. That is, saving one life would be shielding oneself from the effects of denying himself and taking up his cross daily.
Finally getting the best out of this world.
Say the reproach be similar to second Peter one about the one that was there that.
Hasn't made any progress.
Gone back with his soul, forgotten his purge from his old sin, lost all his joy in.
Perhaps our brother Mizzen asked something to say now and then, and we don't give him much check. All right. We'd be glad to hear from you, brother.
After notice.
That little three letter expression there for my faith, that's why enables 1 to do it.
It's just merely a legal matter of of giving up something because it's harmful or wrong.
You won't have the right object before us, but if it's for my sake.
The Christ is filling the affections of the heart.
Well, then, it's easy to carry this out. I suppose it's something like the 12Th chapter of Hebrews.
It says there in the first verse, the 12Th of Hebrews. Wherefore, seeing ye also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Well, now, how can you run that race that is set before you? Next verse tells us looking unto Jesus.
The author and finisher of Faith Without the.
The eye on Christ. Nothing is harder. You could say more impossible, but nothing is easier or happier or simple when Christ is the object before the heart.
Then the world, with all its offers only becomes Christ as you see something infinitely better.
And the delight of pleasing that blessed One who has now already crowned with honor, glory, and honor in that glory, the one to whom you go before your soul. But it's just like a man in a race, and his whole heart is set on winning that race. Well, he'd throw a bag of gold to one side as fast as he would throw a bag of pebbles to one side.
His object is to win that race and the bag of gold would only hinder him.
From reaching the goal and winning in the race.
Of course. How embarrassed. How embarrassed. How embarrassed. Yeah, I suppose this Turn around. See how you're Alexander was. We'd lose weight.
Right Brother Palin, There's a verse in Philippians chapter 3.
That, I suppose, would fit in with this too. Philippians, chapter 3.
Verse eight yeah, doubtless, and I count all things but lost for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I suffer the loss of all things and do counting. But done that I may win Christ, win Christ. That is how Christ at the end of the road, Christ is my game. He's the object there at the end of the way, just like the runners run down the race track. Well, he has a goal before it.
And so we have a goal before us too, Christ at the end of the road.
You should be sitting up here where we can hear you.
Second verse, you brought the forest looking under teeth while they're running the race.
And then in the third Earth we have considered him.
That endure such contradiction of sins against himself lefty be made and pain in your mind while you're running the race.
I believe to say there is an object in the eyes and an object of a sound, and spiritualize the rest of one, lest we be weary in faint.
That's one of the things that we have to characterize everyone of us. You get plain by the way.
We need encouragement and we need.
For us.
Very helpful brother. And who has reached the goal?
You seated the God's right hand as the one that has attained the goal.
Or the one that ran the path of faith perfectly is already there.
Is that any encouragement to us?
Then you get in the next verse.
Our little value of the Lord puts upon all the glory that this world has to offer, for he says, what is a man advantage? If you gain the whole world and lose himself will be a castaway. Well, you did get it everything the world has to offer, and then lost your soul. But after all, is the whole thing worth?
No one I believe ever gained the whole world, but I believe there's been many that lost their own soul by just getting a part of it.
All the kings of the world were offered to the Lord, but he turned them down.
I rejected the kingdoms from man and he rejected them to Satan. He'll have them. Yet when he takes them from the hand of God, that was only showing him what he thought was a shortcut to them.
This is a verse that deals in profit and loss.
Suppose you gain all and lost your soul.
You're the loser.
People sometimes hold back from accepting Christ, fearful of what it will cost them.
They don't know that if they don't accept Christ, what it will cost them. They don't stop to consider that.
God of this world has blinded the mind to them that believe not, he'd like to keep them in the world.
Well, is the 26th verse a warning to Christ's rejecter? For whosoever shall be ashamed of me, and of my words of him, shall the thought of man be the same, when he shall come in his own glory, and in the Father, and of the holy angels. I take that as the Christ rejected. He's a He's ashamed to take sides with Christ and accept him as his Savior.
I put that one in the class where those in the.
And the 21St of Revelation, where it says, with the fearful, and so on shall have their part, and the lake that burneth the fire and brimstone. Because I don't think the Lord will be ashamed of those who are his own.
Not ashamed to call my brother. Thank you brother.
But I tell you of the truth, that there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the Kingdom of God.
Now that verse puzzles people.
But every time you'll find it, you'll find it just immediately preceding the transfiguration seat.
So the application is conclusive.
They were to see the Kingdom of God in a miniature.
Some of them standing there. Three of them standing there, to be exact.
Were to see the Kingdom of God in a miniature form, so Peter understood it. That's turned to Peters epistle.
2nd accessible and 1St chapter.
16 First, thank you, brother, for we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His Majesty.
For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory.
This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heaven, we heard when we were with him in the holy mountain.
We have also prophecy made more sure.
Or prophecy is confirmed to us by what we saw. We saw a miniature form of the Kingdom.
We've been eyewitnesses of His Majesty.
You want to get this from an eyewitness account? Here it is.
Men put great stock in an eyewitness account. Peter's one of them. He has seen the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has been privileged to see the glory of Christ in his coming millennial Kingdom.
And now he says, we've had probably confirmed the Old Testament prophecies, told about it. Peter says we've had it all proved to us now we've seen it. It's not something we cunningly devised. We've seen it.
Of course you can tell us where it is today.
Yet with Christ ahead with God.
While the Kingdom of God is is a is another term, but the Kingdom of God may be.
Outward it may be inward.
Yeah, but the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. It's a moral thing.
Here it's coming in power. Yes, here it's coming in power.
In his own glory and his Father's another holy angels.
Do you take it that?
Where he says there in that 27th verse about their standing there should not taste of death to see the Kingdom of God that the Lord expressed that thought differently. Each here is a little bit different as in Matthew and in Matthew at six days after they're transfigured. Here it's eight days after I take it the thought was expressed on different occasions, but each time was a little different.
While it is an absolutely 8 days here, it's about an 8 days 8 days of bringing a resurrection, was it not? Yes, it might bring bring in the eternal character. Yes, the Feast of Tabernacles had an eighth day. What does the eternal state?
We do not get the eternal state in the Old Testament except hidden like the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Which means that the glory will go on into a new creation.
And I've often wondered about that very thing. Brother errors when? If after six days.
Doesn't prefigure the Millennium and this, the 8th day, carry us on to the 8th day of the Day of Tabernacle. Peace to Tabernacle takes us all the way through thy Kingdom, doesn't it? Yes. It's a new beginning anyway, isn't it?
A new, unknown kind of souls in the music.
Well, there will be some that enter the Kingdom on earth that will yield feigned obedience.
When they see His power, see Him coming in power, they're going to yield faint obedience. You get it twice in the Psalms, in the correct translation. As soon as they shall hear me, they shall obey me. It should yield vain no obedience.
There will be many that will submit themselves to him that are not born again in the Kingdom.
Yes, we get the expression that Sinner shall die being 100 years old. Well, that's one that was not saved. Get the proof of it too. At the end of the Millennium, when Satan's loosed, he deceives them, gathers them together. I look at those, Brother Anderson, as chiefly the younger people that are born during the Millennium, never been tested, but even of those that enter the Kingdom.
Which was brother Baylor's part in question. Many of them are not born again, but merely.
Yield vain obedience. Now that's among the nations, for the Lord will separate the children of Israel. He'll pass them through the fire is a refiner of silver, and he'll bring through that part that is real, the 20th of Ezekiel. He'll meet the 10 tribes in the wilderness and purge out the rebels among them. But among the nations there will be at the beginning of the Millennium a yielding of feigned obedience.
And then the millions and millions that will be born during the Millennium, never tested, are going to get a test in that little season at the close of the millennial period. You agree with that? Yes.
Lucas, the only gospel I believe that speaks about the Lord praying when he was transfigured. And as we've already stated that in Luke's gospel, you get the Lord as there as the perfect man and the perfect man was the dependent man. And so at his baptism, here again at his transfiguration.
We find the Lord in prayer.
And that is something for us to to weigh to that importance of prayer. Prayer keeps us defended.
Lord, what willst thou have me to do? There is the expression of defendants. What wilt thou have me to do? So although the Lord was the divine and eternal Son of God, the Creator, yet He so truly became a man that He was the dependent man, a man of prayer. And we see how on this occasion, when the Lord had been telling what is gained by.
Walking the path, his rejection going on Independence is.
All this glory unfolds before him right at the very time when the Lord was.
And that most abandoned position.
Think what a wonderful resource, what a wonderful encouragement to those 3 apostles it was when they saw him rejected and cast off down here to know that he was the coming King.
I suppose the differences are not between the vision that the three had here and the one that the Apostle Paul had. Oh yes, he saw Christ up there. Yes, they saw the coming Kingdom on this earth, and the apostle Paul saw what was in heaven, the heavenly scene entirely, and the Lord.
And with the Lord up there, wasn't Paul's revelation more in keeping with Paul's ministry? Oh, I think so, yes.
He tells us of the churches, a heavenly body. He doesn't speak like Peter does. His power and coming Kingdom coming in power of the Kingdom. He doesn't speak of that. Someone has said that Peter never got over the mountain.
Ask you another question. Can I ask you another question?
Well, he'll come back with the church, accompany him when he comes back as the Son of Man to reign. That's about as far as I could go.
And that's why you have two men in company with the Lord in his glory, Moses and Elias. His brother Wilson was saying that you get a minister picture of the whole Kingdom coming, Kingdom of Christ. But you'll see that there's an upper part of the Kingdom and there's a lower part of the Kingdom.
Lord is in the glory above. There are two men in company with Him.
In that glory, then, there are three men below looking up at the Lord, and those in company with Him. Well, I believe that those in company with Him above represent.
All that are translated to glory.
By the Lord calling them when he comes, gives a shout, and takes his people to heaven.
Because it will take in all the Old Testament Saints as well as those that are alive and remain all caught up together and meet the Lord in glory. And you notice there are two classes to that company. There's Elijah. Elijah went to heaven without dying. Well, you might say that he represents those that are alive and remain those that will never die at all.
We may never die, beloved, We shall not all sleep. The Lord would come this moment. There isn't a Saint of God sitting here that would ever, would ever go through the article of death. But then there's the other class. There was Moses, the man that died and the Lord buried, but he's there too. So we have this picture of all the redeemed and glory with Christ.
And then below, Peter, James and John would represent the earthly Saints like the godly remnant.
Who will be saved and have the blessings of the Kingdom here on earth? They'll be looking up and seeing this glorious sight of the Lord in company with His his glorified ones.
Brother Wilson, Her brother, tried to ask a question. Yes. I didn't know who it was or what was it.
The brother.
Yes, and that they were men, They weren't angels. There appeared with him two men who were Moses and Elias. They weren't changed. They didn't become angels. They were men, but they were men in glorified bodies. Then there were three men on the representing the earthly scene, in natural bodies, in normal life, Peter, James and John.
And I take it that when the Lord and the two representing the heavenly company entered into the cloud, that was the the cloud, the Shekinah, the glory cloud of Jehovah's presence of old Peter, James and John feared when they saw those three enter the cloud. I don't think that Peter, James, and John were in the cloud. They were below it, and they heard the voice come out of the cloud. This is my beloved Son.
Hear him. Why did he say hear him?
What Peter was trying to put Moses and Elias on the same level, but when we read that about Peter's account of it in the epistle, he doesn't add here him.
Why do you think, brother?
Well, I suppose he'd he'd learned his lesson and got the honest Yeah, he wasn't looking at Moses and alive. And it's remarkable to notice what their subject to their conversation. They weren't talking about the glories of the coming king, and they're talking about his deceased, which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.
That was the basis of their being there.
That will be our conversation too in the Glory Rd. Not only ours will be the backward look while theirs was the foreword look.
This is not always the object of the cloud or separation. Anything and everything that we might see. Jesus only.
Even the clouds that come into our lives at trial and so on.
The bright cloud.
Bright cloud that they're withering everything that Jesus.
However, I really think that the specific thing here is the cloud, the symbol of Jehovah's presence, the Shekinah.
Boys came out of that cloud. That's where the Father dwelt. So that's the Father's house, isn't it? Heaven had come down to earth, as it were on this occasion. Something like the Lord speaking out of the Tabernacle, wasn't it?
I suppose our time is up.
Now there's a receipt #14.
#40 in the appendix.
And praise.
Time for anything.
Oh, great sunshine, Father all over him.
And try.
Ah, stress implied.
Oh my God.
Will be served at 5:15, few minutes from now and the next meeting will be the gospel meeting at 7:45. Connection with that there is the open air preaching and it was omitted from these folders. There will be an open air preaching at the corner of Front and Main streets over by the railroad station. Clem Deer will have the details, transportation and so on.
Also, there is a prayer for the gospel meaning in this room at 7:15.
After the gospel, meaning there will be a hymn sing in this room.
And it's perhaps not too early to mention about the curfew hour at the campus here. Many have said that the facilities are very nice here for the conferences. We can put up so many people and feed them, house them so well. Along with that, there is the restrictions that they impose. And that is the 11:00 curfew. Everyone must be in the dormitory.
By 11:00 and we hope that there won't be any.
That the campus police will bring to us and tell us that they were not in when they should be. 11:00 is the curfew.
And another restriction or problem you might say here is the parking part of these streets are of the city of Wheaton and the rules are no parking. You know, again the best place to park is by the gymnasium that is north of us, the alumni the.
Centennial Gymnasium.
And again, we'd like to.
Bring before you that the children should not be in the dormitories alone.
We assume that the parents are wanting to have their children here in the meetings, but.
Wish they had put the double effort to seeing that they are and that they're not left free to run in the dormitories. Can be some damage to property as in past years, and there can be some harm come to the children too. So please be sure that the children are in your care and they're not left free to run in the dormitory.
You've noticed that there's quite a rush to the meals here.
And I'm just wondering if some that finally rush over and then wait in line over.
At the cafeteria, might like to spend that time here, looking perhaps at the Bible truth publishers display.
It would save a little of the confusion. Some of the material there, I'm sure, would interest you. Glenn told me of The Christian Truth is on Hand, the bound copy for 1961, which is a new book. Some of the other material there too, you might like to take back home with you.
Well, shall we give thanks then for our supper?