Man of Sorrow, Patience, Joy

Duration: 1hr 21min
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Address—P. Wilson
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General Meetings Wheaton, August 19, 1962 Address Large Day by Paul Wilson.
Lord Jesus, come and take thy rightful place.
As son of man, of all the theme, come, Lord.
To reign or all supreme?
Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, come.
The man of sorrows once.
The man of patience, waiting now.
A man of joy forever thou.
Come savior, come some brothers, started 260.
Right. We turn first to this afternoon to Isaiah 53 for a verse.
But before reading.
This verse.
I would like to make a comment or two.
It is not my thought.
To expound some ponderous truth.
This afternoon.
It is my thought.
That as we consider some portions of the word of God.
That our hearts may be refreshed.
That our affections may be drawn out to that Blessed One who loved us and gave himself for us.
And that the result of this meeting.
May be a strengthened life for Christ the little while we're here.
And that all may read down to his glory.
Now what is before me this afternoon was contained in the second stanza of the hymn we sang.
The Man of sorrows.
The man of patience.
And the man of joy.
Now in Isaiah 53.
Well, we might read the second and third verses.
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground.
He hath no form.
Nor lordliness. Read it.
And when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
He is despised and rejected of men.
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were our faces from him.
He was despised and we esteemed him not.
The 53rd chapter of Isaiah stands out in the Old Testament.
In my mind.
As that verse that brings the Lord Jesus before us in a most remarkable way.
That first, the second verse, the word one we read first.
He shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground.
God had looked down on this earth.
For 4000 years.
The boldness of time had come.
Man had been tried and tested in every conceivable way.
And fallen man could not bring forth fruit for God.
If God spoke of bringing a vine out of Egypt and planting it, Speaking of Israel.
His comment was that it brought forth wild grapes.
No fruit for God.
And all this barren land for those 4000 years.
At last the Lord Jesus came, and God looked down on this scene, and he saw in this world a man in whom he delighted.
One of whom he could say in thee, I have found all my delight.
I like to quote the words of the a few words from the prophet of poet Gambled.
There has one object been revealed on Earth that might commend a place.
But now it is gone. Jesus is with the Father.
One object revealed on Earth that might have commended the place.
And what did men say about him?
No beauty that we should desire him.
This chapter could bear much meditation.
We find God's thoughts of Him. We find the Jews thoughts of him.
We find his own work in his lifetime. We find his work at Calvary's cross bearing of sins.
And you go on through the chapter and you'll see the glory at the end.
All the 53rd of Isaiah is a marvelous chapter.
But the point that's before me this afternoon is that one expression.
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
Who's who is this?
Why the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe?
Not merely the creator and sustainer of this little earth.
But all those orbs?
But the entire universe?
And he came down into this world where sin had done its work.
Came down to show out the heart, the grace of God.
The poor fallen man. And they didn't want it.
Well, as the poet said, man of sorrows. What a name.
For the Son of God who came. What a name.
Well, if we want to see him as a man of sorrows.
Down here we read the Gospels.
And his whole life was one of rejection.
He came into this world and there was number room for him in the inn.
He was placed in the stable.
He was laid in a borrowed Manger.
If he wanted to use a boat, he was indebted to Simon for the use of it.
He had nowhere to lay his head.
The meanest, the smallest of his creatures.
The foxes and the birds had nests and holes. Son of Man had not where to lay his head.
Go on through the scene, follow his footsteps.
When he wanted to make a point why Caesar's coins were circulating in Emmanuel's land, he was indebted for another to show him a piece of money.
We never read of the Lord handling a piece of money.
He said Show your family.
He went on through and as we were remembering this morning.
He was nailed to a cross.
What an end. I'm not thinking of it now as to the atoning sufferings of Christ.
I'm thinking of the hatred of the human heart against him who came.
The Man of sorrows.
What an end to have his creatures the work of his hand.
All his very self sustained their breath.
Take him out and nail him to a cross.
To spit in his face.
Then we follow if we go back otherwise in this pathway, we see him entering into the sorrows that were down here.
He never healed a man without feeling for.
All he put forth his hand and touched the leper.
He didn't need to touch the leper.
But he sympathized with that poor man.
Take Mary and Martha at their grief when their brother died.
Jesus went there and he groaned in spirit.
He He saw Mary weeping, and the Jews weeping would come with her.
And next thing you know, you'll find that Jesus wept.
2 little words.
In a verse, Jesus wept when what volumes they tell he was the man of sorrow.
He was down here and he felt what had come into God's creation.
You felt it.
He wept with those that wept.
Think of him going to Jerusalem and weeping over that guilty city that was soon to cry out away with him.
He beheld Jerusalem and wept over it.
Why did he weep over? Because of the things that were coming on it.
Because they knew not the time of their visitation.
Take the 11Th chapter of Matthew and he reviews those cities in Galilee wherein most of his mighty works were done.
For raising Bethsaida Capernaum.
He mentions one after the other and said whoa to them.
And then he says, I thank the old Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because I was hid these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto babes, Even so Father.
For so it seemed good and eyesight.
All he felt, the rejection.
But he he also recognized the father's will, the father's hand in it all, and says Even so father.
Even under those conditions.
There's another verse here in Isaiah 53.
Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.
Sometimes that's applied to the cross.
That verse does not apply to the cross.
He bore their griefs and sorrows on his heart during his pathway.
Part of the reason he's called the man of sorrows.
If you go to the 8th chapter of Matthew, you will see that Borne outlet's turn to it.
So there will be no misunderstanding.
Matthew 8 and verse 16.
When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with demons.
And he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick.
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying.
Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses.
There in Matthew 8 that verse from Isaiah 53.
The fourth verse is applied to his bearing on his heart.
The sufferings of poor, fallen humanity as he went about doing good.
All brethren.
May our hearts be drawn out to that blessed one.
Who went through this scene to God's glory?
At every step of his path.
And yet touched with all that he saw about, You know, there is a sense in which we can have that too. There is such a thing as a Christian suffering with Christ. I'm not referring now to suffering for Christ.
If you give a testimony for Christ and you're rejected for it, that's suffering for Christ.
But suffering with Christ?
Would be entering into the sorrows that have come on into this world through sin.
And feeling for those that are so suffering.
Suppose to you hear the name, the blessed name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Taken in profanity.
Taken in vain.
Does it offend you? Do you feel that this world is under the power of Satan? Who is its God and Prince?
You see the world rushing headlong to doom.
Do you feel it? Do you feel for the poor priceless multitude pressing on?
On and on and over the precipice.
Oh dear brethren, we need to enter into what the poor creature is suffering.
We need to enter into it when we hear his name taken in vain.
Spoken and blasted.
When we enter into those thoughts of Christ, we are suffering with Christ.
Now suppose you and I.
Pass through certain trials and difficulties down here.
And I suppose I'm Satan saying that there isn't a single person in this room.
That has not at some time or the other pass through severe trials.
God has not exempted his people from the sufferings that go with his creation.
Do you realize that the one who came down here and trod this scene?
Entering into its sorrows its difficulties and woes.
Is now at God's right hand.
As a great High Priest to succor you.
He passed through it all.
He went along the same pathway.
That he might be able to enter into what you and I endure.
No, he hasn't exempted us from the trials that go with this world.
But he is upon I now to encourage us to suffer us.
But let's pass on a little further with this thing.
Turn to the 69th Psalm for a moment.
We come now to the sufferings of Christ in his rejection.
At the cross.
69th Psalm, the ninth verse.
For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
You remember, the disciples noted that Psalm, that statement.
In the days when he was here.
And he was jealous for God's name in this world.
It brought him suffering. It brought him reproach.
With the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
The reproaches of them that reproach thee fell on me.
Makes me think you know how, in a little way, Daniel knew something of the reproaches of God falling on him.
Daniel was an upright, godly Jew in his day, and his enemies were determined to get something against him.
And their comment was.
We shall not find anything against him unless we find it concerning the law of his God.
Do those with whom you work.
To those at school, recognize that you're a Christian, that you belong to Christ.
Do they recognize, too, that you do things differently than the unsaved man?
Or girl or boy about you.
That you walk and do it in the fear of God.
Your work is honest and upright.
And they can save you. The only thing we can get against him is the fact that he's a Christian.
He belongs to Christ.
All if you suffer for the name of Christ, happy are you?
Don't shine a little reproach, for Christ's sake.
Think what that one that saved us went through down here in his pathway that led to the cross.
Now this 69th Psalm 12 verse.
They that sit in the gates speak against me, and I was the song of the drunkards.
Now what he means here and in the Psalms we get the heart of the book, and sometimes we go back to the Psalms and we find the expression of the Lord's soul under circumstances that are not meant. The circumstances are mentioned, but not the state of soul or the feeling he had. In the Gospels we go back to the Psalm and we find it.
They that sit in the gates speak against me.
The judges sat in the gate.
They spoke against him.
The judges of the people that should have stood for rectitude and righteousness.
Softballs witness to put him to death.
They that sit in the gate speak against me, and I was the song of the drunkard, high and low.
Moral and immoral.
United in one thing that they didn't like him.
Such a pathway.
Turn to the book of Lamentations.
Following Jeremiah.
Lamentations, Chapter One.
12 Verse Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?
Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow.
Which is done unto me.
Wherewith the Lord is afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.
All dear fellow Christian, that was not only the sufferings that he passed through, as he went on the way from from the Manger to the cross.
Not only the zeal of God's house eating him up.
Not only feeling what sin is brought into the creation.
A verse comes to mind in connection with what sin brought into the creation. They rebuked him.
For healing on the Sabbath day.
He gave many reasons why he healed on the Sabbath day, but there are outstanding one to me is this my father worketh hitherto, and I work.
When sin came into the world.
Creations Rest was broken and God began to work to clothe the guilty pair Adam and Eve with coats of skin.
And here was the Lord of Glory down in this scene, ruled by sin. And how could he not work on the Sabbath day?
There was need. There was suffering.
Man of sorrows. What an egg, He entered into it all as he passed along.
But here is the close of those three hours of darkness on calories cross the ultimate of all suffering.
The whole spotless Lamb of God was made sin.
There He bore our sins and his own body on the tree.
I wonder if there should be some here yet this afternoon that cannot say that.
I know him as my Savior. I know that He bore my sins in His own body on the truth.
Oh, I would. That everyone here could rejoice in Christ as his Savior.
Blessed abortion for those that accept it to know their sins are all forgiven.
And more than not to have him as an object.
Have won him was 1 dissatisfied the heart.
All you don't have to go after the poor vain father, the follies of this world.
To have a good time.
I address these remarks particularly to the young people here.
The world bids for you. The world bids for your affection for your attention.
But you don't have to go after those things to find peace and joy if you have Christ.
One said I have Christ what want I more?
Well, he says, Behold, and see if there is any sorrow like unto my sorrow.
And if we apply this as an expression of what the Lord suffered in the three hours of darkness, we must say.
Unequivocally, that he was alone.
All he suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane.
There he is suffering in anticipation of being made sin the following day, and so great was his sorrow that the sweat tinged with blood fell to the ground.
No one can do that.
Some people on this with mistaken ideas sing, I'll go with him to the cross, or I'll go with him to the garden.
3 disciples attempted that you know, and they had to stay back.
And one of them soon denied his Lord.
But when it comes to the cross itself and the suffering in those three hours of an honorable darkness and sorrow.
When his son refused to shine at noon, day, blackness covered the scene. He was alone.
The fire of God's judgment against sin burned itself out.
On him.
Those 3 hours were over during those three hours, he said. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me, that 22nd Psalm where you'll find that expression of the Lord?
In The Sufferings of Atonement, quoted in Matthew and Mark.
Those precious words seldom found in the Old Testament the sufferings of the Atonement.
But there he was, alone.
The wrath of God poured out on his holy heaven.
And then the fire of God's judgment burned itself out, and then he comes out into the light.
Before he gives up his spirit, he looks up and he dresses God as Father again.
The judgment exhaust.
What I say?
And that judgment that God poured out upon him, when which burned itself out upon him.
Forever satisfied the claims of God's holiness against them.
And gave God a righteous foundation to come out to every poor Sinner on earth and say if you'll accept him as your savior, I'll forgive your sins, I'll give you eternal life.
And the home and globe.
Oh, isn't it strange how few will have it? One of our gospel hymns says.
Angels reviewing this strange sight.
God beseeching and man refusing.
To be made forever glad.
Well, so we go on. We find him suffering. He knows 3 hours of darkness, the climax of all.
That means that they have to close. As was said this morning, he was placed in a borrowed 2.
God had the right man at hand, the rich man, it says. He was with the rich in his death to bury him in a rich man's tomb.
But that's the last the world saw.
God took him home. God took him back in righteousness.
He came down in grace and he's gone back in righteousness. 16th of John says the Spirit of God will think will speak of righteousness because I go to the Father.
It was a righteous thing that he should go back to the Father.
Well, where is he now? He's there. And if we would turn to the 110th Psalm, we would read this.
That God said unto him, Sit down at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
As an interesting sidelight, I might say that I believe.
The 110th Psalm is more quoted in the New Testament than other any other part of the Old Testament.
We've got his seated at God's right path by God's command.
In Hebrews one, he seats himself there.
And I think it's the 15th of First Corinthians. We won't have time to turn to it. We read that he's seated there from henceforth, expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
Leave and tells us what he's thinking about up there.
That's one side of it, one part of it, from henceforth expecting until his enemies be made his footstool.
Want to turn to?
Revelation 3.
We come now to the man of patience.
The evidence is full as to his having been the man of sorrows here once.
He's sitting there at God's right hand.
You say. Does he need patience there?
All he's been there for 2000 years.
From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
As Revelation 3.
Seven verse.
We'll read this one section.
For some thoughts that might go along with it.
Seventh verse and to the Angel of the church in Philadelphia, right these things saith he that is holy.
That is true.
He that has the key of David.
He that openeth the no man shutteth.
And shudder the old man open it.
I know thy works.
Will all I have set before thee an open door?
And no man can shut it.
For thou hast leave out that little word a there.
Thou hast little strength.
And has kept my word.
Have not denied my name. Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not.
But do lie.
Behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy speak, and to know that I have loved thee.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience.
I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them to dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly.
Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy ground.
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.
And he shall go no more out, and I will write upon him the name of my God.
And the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem.
Which cometh down from my God, and I will write upon him my new name.
He's an atheneer. Let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
It's rather remarkable place in which we find this, the word of my patience.
This is an address from the Lord in glory.
To the Church on Earth, at the very end of the Church's history.
We're down at the end we're living in these days.
But all in the midst of these days when man is going his own way.
When the world is ripening for doom.
The Lord has some down here in this world.
That he delights to communicate these precious truths to.
What does he say?
To the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, you know, means brotherly love.
In Revelation 2 and three we have 7 addresses from the Lord in glory to seven churches on earth.
These seven literal assemblies existed in Asia Minor in the province of Asia.
And the Lord chose to send a letter to each one of the seven.
And each one was chosen with utmost precision and accuracy. They were chosen according to the state that existed in the individual assembly.
The Church in Ephesus, the very first state, gives us what was on earth among the profession of Christianity when the apostles left the sea.
Rick, they were faithful.
They tried those that were apostles and were not, and found them liars.
There are many things that he commended, the church or the assembly at Ephesus 4.
But he had this to say about them, that thou hast left thy first love.
You know, all failure of Christians begins there.
Giving up?
Leaving first love, May I ask this not only of you.
But for myself as well.
Has there been a time?
In our early Christian life.
When we found our hearts more going out to him than now.
Was there a time in our early Christian experience when our hearts were all aglow?
At the thought of the glories of Christ.
We sometimes speak of people in the freshness of First Law.
All Isn't it nice to find a young man or a young woman? Or an old man or an old woman, either?
Who finds Christ as his savior, and his heart is booming over with what he's found in Christ.
All there is a freshness to that love.
But the trouble is that sometimes as we go on and we get pressed down with the trials or the troubles of the way, just ordinary duties perhaps.
That they love to Christ. While it's there, it isn't in the freshness and order of first days.
And the Lord says, I was left thy first love. That was the condition at the beginning.
We find the various stages and we come down to Philadelphia, one of the four that go on to the end.
And here's our company.
Honoring him? What does he say?
Thou hast little strength.
Would you like to be identified with a company that had little strength?
Suppose you were going to work.
For a business enterprise.
And the man that sought to enlist your services told you. Now we're a little company.
And we hardly have any strength to hold on and we're just trying to get by one day at a time.
Do you think you'd go to work for that kind of an outfit?
Well, suppose that somebody would come to you and tell you that they wanted you to join a certain Christian body of Christian.
And they would say now we're the largest body of Christians on earth.
You know, they're working it up now, but they'll have one of these great big ecumenical churches.
Everything in one Good, bad and indifferent. Get the mall together. The bigger the better.
Suppose they come to you and say, now I want you to get into this. This is going, this is a big thing. This has strength.
What would you say to it?
Would it appeal to you?
Not if you knew your Bible.
Not if you knew the word of God.
Thou hast little strength if you find any company of Christians boasting of great strength.
Shock it all.
Little strength.
Nothing to boast of there.
But he says.
Thou has kept my word.
You remember?
In the early chapters of Luke says of Mary that she kept all those things and pondered them in her heart.
Do we keep his word? I'm not speaking now of keeping it as an austere command.
I'm Speaking of it in the way that Mary treasured it. She kept all those things and pondered them in her heart.
I was kept my word.
And not denied my name.
All dear fellow Christians.
Are you satisfied not to have a name associated with you?
Are you satisfied to go on with a little company with little strength?
And not be able to boast of large things.
Not be able to even boast of a name or a handle that men would like.
All you know, people all have to have handles for things. They get a name for this and a name for that, and a reputation for this and a reputation for the other.
But thou has kept my word and not denied my name.
Now I'm not saying here we are. Now find us, here we are. Little strength. Here we are. We keep his word.
Brethren, how far is it true of us?
Is there not a tendency?
To endeavor in some way.
To make a show of a little strength, just a little more.
Is there not also a letting go of keeping his word and treasuring it in our hearts?
Treasuring up that word from day-to-day, isn't there a danger with us?
Of not going on this way.
These things are not written to.
Make us complacent. They're written to encourage us, yes.
But let's not be so complacent and say here we are, We answer to that.
We better let the Lord answer that. We better leave that to the Lord's judgment.
We better seek to be in that state of soul that He's Speaking of. And now what does that Blessed One say?
Because thou has kept the word of my patience.
What does that mean?
We get the same thing in Thessalonians.
The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the.
Not the patient waiting for Christ, but the patience of the Christ.
The Lord direct your hearts into the patience of Christ.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience.
Yesterday I talked with an agent brother.
92 years old.
His hearing is getting worse and worse.
His cataracts get worse and worse, and so he can read less and less.
Every day he gets more shut up.
He said. Well, I'm just waiting.
Just waiting.
But I said there's a blessed back to.
He's waiting.
That's the part we often neglect.
The patience of Christ.
Do you know he's waiting?
He's waited long.
He's still waiting.
The Lord direct your arts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.
Because thou has kept the word of my patience.
Are you willing to suffer reproach and shame and go on year after year, or probably just day after day, or come down hour after hour?
Remember, the Christian life is composed of justice living for Christ now.
Just doing it now.
We don't have to worry about.
The next hour, or the next day, or the next year? Just living for Christ now in the expectation that he was waiting there.
Is waiting till he can have us with himself.
All he waits patiently till his enemies be made his footstool.
But he waits too, worth receiving his bride. There's a day coming, according to Isaiah 53. Again, I quote from Isaiah 53.
He shall see of the fruit of the travel of his soul, and shall be satisfied.
You think he'll be satisfied till he has his redeemed ones with him.
We were reading yesterday, he says. I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am there ye may be also with me.
All brethren, the heart of Christ would never be satisfied to redeem you from hell.
And leave your hair unattended.
The heart of Christ would never be satisfied to leave the air with the attention of millions of angels.
The heart of Christ that caused him to give himself for us would never be satisfied till he has his with himself, enjoying us as the fruit of the works on Calvary's drug, He looks forward to it Now He says, I want you to the hearts to be directed into the patience of Christ.
Are you impatient? Sometimes people, when they get a little older, say, oh, if the Lord had only take me whole.
I know I've known of some who say I can't understand why others are taken and I'm left here. I'm no good.
Have you ever thought of it? The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.
You say. Oh, I've been very patient. I'm very old now.
How long has he waited?
2000 years roughly. The patience is right.
All is soon going to rise and take his people home. What a moment that will be, but the one that's the patient that wants us directed into the patience of Christ. He is the one that encourages us here in this address to the church in Philadelphia.
And he says.
Who is he?
He that is holy.
None but he.
He That is whole.
He that is true? Any difficulty identifying that one?
He that is holy, He that is true.
He is intact hath the key of David.
Oh, he's not only going to open the key of the House of David, he's not going to set it, only going to set up the House of David on Earth.
He that openeth an old man shutteth and shutteth an old man openeth. This one has all power.
That he's the one that speaks to us. He wants us just going on patiently.
And in the meantime keeping his word and not denying his name.
Brethren, is that too much?
Is that too much for us to do, to look back with joy?
And wonders we follow his footsteps as the Man of Sorrows.
We think of the one that was the man of sorrows is now the man of patience.
Is also our great High Priest feeling for us and all the difficulties of the way and suckliness, But he's a man of patience up there right now.
Can we have a little patience, the patience of Christ?
What does the Lord want you and me to do today?
Well, I know one thing and we did it this morning.
He says this do in remembrance of me.
He didn't leave us to conjecture what that meant.
He told us what to do.
Suppose that he had gone away and he said I'm going away. And there's only one thing I ask now that you Remember Me. What? I'm gone.
And said no more.
While everybody would have right had a right to his own idea of how to commemorate him.
Even at death.
Everybody would have had a different idea.
But he didn't leave it open to choice.
He says to take a law.
And break the law in remembrance of his body broken.
To take the cup.
Speaks of his bloodshed.
I know there is a system on earth that says that in a way, for it's all combined bodies, souls, spirit and blood and all, which is a denial of the shed blood of Christ.
Nor the way the Lord gave it to us. The cup is separate from the Lord, and the blood separate from the body, was the proof of death.
The Lord didn't leave us in any doubt as to how to do it. He asked us to do this in remembrance of him.
In remembrance of him, and what his life knowing.
The broken loaf from the cocktail of death.
There's due in remembrance of Maine, and the manner of it is in death.
Now the 10th verse, because all this kept the word of my patience.
Enduring along with him, I would take it to me.
Waiting while he waits. Waiting till he can have his place of glory and honor.
Because I was kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation.
Which shall come upon all the world.
To try them to dwell on the earth.
Now, brethren, there are those abroad today that denying the hope of the Lord's coming, the imminent coming of Christ.
Many of them, they're trying to undermine that blessed truth that has cheered the Saints for ages.
They say all kinds of things that are wrong.
They try to make us go through the tribulation and one thing and another. I am not waiting for the tribulation.
I'm not waiting for the beast. I'm waiting for Christ.
And he may come before this day is over. It's right at the door.
We have no assurance that we'll be here tomorrow.
I'm speaking now of the Lord's coming.
In all probability.
He could shout that shout tonight and take us home.
That moment is not far off. We see the world shaping up for that, which is to precipitate the great Tribulation.
This verse reads should read. I will keep thee out of the hour of it.
It isn't like Jacob and Israel to be saved through the great Tribulation.
The Church is promised here to be kept out of the hour of it from the very time in which it will take place.
Why we're to be all to be with Christ first. That's what we're awaiting.
We're awaiting that blessed moment when he that shall come will come.
For all I come quickly.
Hold that fast. Which thou hast that no man take thy clown. Are you going to give it up?
The thought isn't here that you'll lose your crown.
But that no man will take it from you.
If you do not go on faithfully.
The Lord will have someone else to step in and fill the ranks. The Lord will have a faithful remnant that honor him and keep his word to the end.
Now, he says, hold and fast what you have that you don't lose, don't lose your reward.
Now if we would give up, we'd lose the reward of having gone on faithfully to the end.
But that doesn't say he'll not have his own to the end. He will.
Now, one other point we've seen. He's a man of patience now.
The man of joy. Let's turn to Psalm 45.
I'll read the from the first of it. I won't comment because we're getting along in time. My heart is indicting a good manner. I speak of the things which I have made touching the king. Now this is one of the messianic psalms that deals with the king.
The king that comes to reign. I speak of the things which I have made touching the king.
My tongue is a pen of a ready writer.
Thou art fairer than the children of men. Grace is poured into thy lips. Therefore God hath blessed thee forever.
Ger Dies sword upon thy thigh, almost mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty, and in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness, And thy right hand shall teach the terrible things.
Thine enemies are sharp in the heart of the King's enemies, whereby the people fall unto thee.
I thrown, Oh God is forever and ever this scepter of thy Kingdom is this is a right scepter.
Thou lovers, righteousness and hate us wickedness.
Therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness or joy.
Above thy fellows.
Now this 45th Psalm deals with the subject of the Lord when he comes back to reign on earth.
Is going to put down his enemies.
He's going to dash them in pieces like a Potter's vessel.
He's going to rule them with a rod of iron.
But he's going to reign gloriously on Earth, in this very earth.
On this very earth, where he was once rejected, where they cried away with him, he's going to reign.
But what else does it say here?
Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever.
Then the next 7 words. Therefore God thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness or joy.
Above thy fellows.
Is going to have companions in that day.
Fellows speaks of companions.
May I just make a little aside at this point?
There are three songs and three expressions in those songs that belong together.
In the 16th Psalm he refers to Saints on earth. They were the godly Remnant that were confessing their sins and being baptized of John when Jesus came. He calls them the Saints, the excellent of the earth, those confessing their sins. And he says in them is all my delight.
He calls them Saints. They were confessing their sins.
All that's the only proper thing for a Sinner to do, and he calls them Saints. Then the 22nd Psalm, he says.
He calls them.
Brethren, I will declare thy name unto my brethren.
Oh, in the 22nd Psalm he'd gone down into death.
The death of atonement.
The sacrificial sufferings of Christ, not merely the martyrs suffering.
And he comes forth in resurrection. And he says, I will declare thy name unto my brethren.
That's what the Commission he gave to Mary. Go tell my brethren, I ascend to my Father and your Father, my God and your God.
He could do that in resurrection. He has it. He has brethren and resurrection.
But when it comes to reign in his glory, he's going to have companions here in the 45th Psalm called Fellows.
All the day of joy is coming for Christ in this world where he was rejected.
Rather than we're going on now in the scene where he was rejected.
And dear young people.
Do not be deceived by what this world has to offer.
All its glitter.
Is false.
The tinsel is soon gone.
It's effervescent. The fizz is soon gone.
It deceives people, though many a dear Christian has gone after the bubbles of this poor world.
To his own sorrow, heart, and dishonor, to the name of Christ.
Oh, let's not look back to this poor world. Let's look up and see him up there as a man of patience.
Look forward to him as the man of joy and he's going to have associates.
All is going not only to have or nervously earthly associates.
Joyce Brethren is going to have the church as his bride. The 19th of Revelation tells of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
What a wonderful time it will be when Christ takes his breath.
Yes, he loved the church and gave himself for it.
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, that he might present it to himself a glorious Church.
Not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
All he's going to present us to himself a glorious church.
Brethren, he's a man of patience now.
He'll soon be the man of joy. He's going to see the fruit of the travel of his soul and be satisfied.
You'll never be satisfied in the glory without us. He gave himself for us, so he's going to have us there. May we live in the good of it. May we live in the looking back to the man of sorrows and marvel at his pathway.
May we find and reading the Gospel's fresh meditation, fresh enjoyment when we think of him who suffered thus for us.
Then may we press on day by day, not merely in human fortitude.
Not merely with a measure of human patience, but the patience of Christ.
Knowing that he's waiting for the same thing we're waiting for.
You remember back in Genesis 24?
The servant was sent to get a bride for Isaac and he brought her.
And she lighted off the camels.
When she saw the man coming to meet them.
She lifted up her eyes to hold. The camels were coming.
And he lifted up his eyes, and he saw her.
Their eyes met. What was he doing?
He was waiting.
What was she doing? Waiting. Waiting till the end of the journey? He was waiting for it to do. You get a little impatient down here with the trials of the scene, or it won't be long. Will be off. We've begun to be with him.
Then our joy will be complete. But let's not stop there. His joy will be complete.
In closing, let's read the last verse of the Epistle of Jews.
Oh, it's the 24th verse, Second last.
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling or stumbling.
And to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
With exceeding joy.
Is going to present the church to himself, a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
But it should be holy without blame before him. And love, oh, that's what we're waiting for. That's what he's waiting for. And when he come, when he gets his whole brethren, it's going to be with exceeding joy.
The 45th Psalm is the joy that he'll have when he reigns. Where once he was cast out, he's going to have associates with him when he's reign.
Yes, and he's going to have a bride with him. Do you think he'll ever be satisfied without that bride?
All he told about the Pearl of Great Christ.
He wanted that Pearl of great price, and he went and sold all that he.
Had all brethren he went down into death.
In order to have us.
He's going to have a soon just be a little more patient, brethren.
If you suffer for Christ, happy are you? And again I say in a measure, we all suffer with drugs.
And as we enter into the thoughts of Christ, it will be more and more so.
But let us not want to have joy that this poor world gives.
All what a sad story many dear young Christians have made of their lives.
By being tempted to go after the.
Little joys of this poor world and a dozen satisfies.
It will just rob you over your joy in Christ.
It'll Rob. You'll be reward in the coming day. I'm Speaking of to Christian young people and to all of us. May the man of sorrows, the man of patience and the man of joy captivate your heart and mind. Where we live as we look back on the one, we look up and see him there, waiting, and we look forward to the time when we'll have that joy of being with him.
And he'll have the joy of having.
And we sing some of #320.
Farewell to this world's fleeting joys. Our home is not below.
There was number home for Jesus here, and tis to him we go to him and Yonder home of love where he has gone before.
The only change for Calvary's cross were all our sins. He bore the 7th of stanza. The accursed tree was his the reward which this sad world did give.
To him who gave his precious life that this lost world might live.
And has this world a charm for us?
Where Jesus suffered thus, no.
We have died to all its charms through Jesus Wondrous Cross. The cross on which our Lord expired is 1, the crown for us and thankful fellowship with Him. We date. We bear our daily Cross, the last Stanton.
Farewell, Farewell, Poor faithless world with all its boasted store.
We'd not have joy where he had woe.
Be rich where he was poor. We don't want this poor world's joy that gave him only wool.
We look forward to joy that will never be the 1St, 7th, 8th and 9th.
The first two 7th, 8th and 9th and the last stances.
No, I don't know where it's going to be everything.