Man's Day

Duration: 1hr 1min
Gospel—D. Liening
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And let's sing #10 together please #10 Where is the?
On high in the glory as Savior who suffered on Calvary's tree, A Savior is willing to save now as ever. His arm is almighty, His love great and free. Number 10.
There is.
Save your son.
Rain and rain.
Racing down there small and.
Heavy around me. I love being around me. I've been wrong.
Shall we look to the Lord in prayer?
One feels the responsibility of speaking tonight.
And what I have before me is to speak about the world to come.
But before we get into that subject.
I would like to just make a few comments in connection with the epoch of time in which we are found.
I'm going to read an expression from the First Epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 4.
First Corinthians, chapter 4.
And I'm going to read it at least one expression of it as we have it in a better translation.
And actually I believe the margin will give it and it's verse 3.
But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you or of man's day.
Man's Day.
I was sitting in a reading meeting recently.
That just came forcibly before one soul.
As to what that expression means, Man's day.
Now I know we'd like to think that as we were born in this world, we have the prerogative to do what we want to do.
Our life is before us, especially those of us that are younger. We don't like to think of having to do with a God.
Who's very interested in our soul?
And I'm sure there are those who are younger here that have passed through a time of of your understanding of divine things.
Where you thought that God was making demands on you.
And that because you didn't feel that you could measure up to those demands, you kept him at a distance.
And I don't know, there might be some here tonight that are doing that very thing.
You feel that should the Lord Jesus come into your life, you're going to have to walk, as we say, the straight and narrow way.
The Lord is good.
And I want to say to you from my feeble experience.
That there's no one that can fill your heart, that can make your cup run over, except the Lord Jesus Christ.
Perhaps you've known some pretty happy experiences in your life.
You've known what it is to have, as we say, a good time.
But it only lasts for a short period.
Now I want to say something.
That the exercise of your own will can only bring you sadness and sorrow while you're here in man's day.
Why is it called Man's Day?
Because the Lord of life, when he came into this world to save sinners like you and like me.
They said it comes out in a parable. We will not have this man to reign over us.
Is that what's stealing its way through your heart tonight?
You know, as we've taken up the book of Romans, I'd just like to add a little something.
Because I believe that the burden of the apostle.
To show how God could righteously justify the Sinner, but not only that, but to bring him under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
And you can read it yourself. You can go from the end of chapter 4, you can go to the end of chapter 5, chapter 6, Chapter 7, chapter 8, and it all ends with Jesus our Lord, or in some combination of expressions like that.
The purpose of the gospel is to bring you under the lordship of him that can make you truly satisfied and happy.
And when the Lord Jesus was about to go to the cross of Calvary.
He said these words.
This is your hour.
And the power of darkness.
What is your power and the power of darkness?
Well, friends, there was never a day so dark as when they took the Lord Jesus, the precious Son of God.
And nailed him to the cross of Calvary.
Never a day so dark we don't have time to look at it, but in the Gospel of Luke, if we would read the account there three times, Pilot said. I find no fault in this man.
And yet what was prevailing, friends, what was prevailing, man in his day was just beginning to to commence.
When he could get rid of the perfect goodness of that was displayed in the Lord Jesus.
And the thief on the cross can say, This man hath done nothing amiss.
But he said, but we received the due reward of our deeds.
And because he looked on that precious Savior and faith.
He had a saved soul as he passed into the realms of eternity.
Our friends, our burden tonight, the burdens of the brethren as they prayed, was that we might represent solemnly, faithfully, and yet lovingly the fact that God is a Savior, God.
Again, I say I knew what it was to keep the Lord at a distance.
I saw young people in high school carry their Bibles down the halls.
But I didn't want to get near to them.
Oh, you know this little core world.
I thought at the time that to have its smiles as we sang this afternoon, to have the soils of the world, was more than than taking up with the Jesus as Lord.
I can remember a young man asking me to come to the voice of Christian youth meetings, Bible studies.
And they turned him down.
Because the suspicion was in one's heart.
That the Lord Jesus was going to Take Me Out of that which I was so fond of. And that's the praise of this world.
Do you know what tells us the Lord himself says?
That the praise of men is worth absolutely nothing.
It's really an abomination to God.
The high things, the things that are available to you and to me in this man's way, when the Lord Jesus was cast out of this world.
When the blessed Savior suffered there.
He did a work that no one else could do.
And you know, it's a marvel to me. For the last three months I've been working probably with the most vile men.
That I have ever had occasion to work with.
When the golf goal was presented to those men.
They actually thought that they could live a life that somehow that God would accept if they died.
Their mouth is an open sepulchre and yet, resident in their heart, they think that if they could just do as best as they can, God will receive them in the end.
Do you know that the scripture said that all of our righteousnesses are as filthy rags?
Slippery race, You and I have no standing before God.
Except as a defiled Sinner.
That Jesus is the only way. He's the only way.
We live in a time called Man's Day.
It tells us in the last chapter of the book of Daniel.
But it will be a day when knowledge shall be increased.
And men shall run to and fro.
I've just been working for a man who owned the cellular franchise for Southeastern Washington.
He branched out and took other franchise area in the southern part of Oregon.
And now he's sold all that possessor of millions. And now he's heading into
I don't even have a computer, So what I'm telling you is hearsay.
But you know.
That dear man.
Is just seeking to provide something for people where they can do things faster and better. Faster and better.
So that when the stock market comes out with a certain detail in New York, we can have it in the state of Washington in second, just second.
You know people are running to and fro, the pace of this life is going quicker and quicker, so much so that Satan is blinding the minds of them that believe not to where they don't have any time to even think about eternity.
But I'd like to quote a verse tonight and it says this.
The coming of the Lord draw nigh.
Oh, it's the most thrilling thing to speak of.
That tonight, this very night, the Lord Jesus could come.
And I want to ask you, do you know that at the moment of his coming that if you are not converted?
If you are in your sins tonight, that door will be shut for you to you forever.
Can you imagine the horror of your heart?
Should the Lord come while we are having this gospel meeting tonight and you see a host of souls gone?
And here you are, alone in this room.
Maybe there will be a handful there with you.
Maybe you'll try to console yourself that.
Somehow it's going to workout, my brother quoted the verses. We prayed tonight the master will rise up and shut to the door, and then will you come and you will say, Lord, Lord, open to us.
And then the Lord Jesus will say, Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew you.
You know, again I say I do not know the hearts of everyone here. Having come from the state of Washington, there are many that I do not know.
But I do know this, that God looketh on the heart.
And I don't want there to be one person here tonight to leave this room carrying on with a facade.
Kind of a profession of the Lord without there being reality in your heart.
God will have truth in the inward part.
And what a solemn thing to think that you, if you are, shall I say, playing games with these eternal matters. And the Lord Jesus would come tonight. Then you would be here, lost forever.
Oh, there's nothing so unutterably horrible than to think to be left behind and fall under the eternal judgment of God without any hope whatsoever. No hope. Let me ask you tonight, are you saved?
Are you saying?
Don't let this night pass.
Don't leave this room tonight without knowing of a surety that Jesus is your Savior. He came into this world to save you.
He does not want you to perish.
He came to give you eternal life by believing on Him.
He that believeth on the Son hath life.
And he that believeth not of the Son of God hath not life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.
Yes, the wrath of God has been made known. It has been revealed since the Lord Jesus came here.
The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of them that hold the truth in unrighteousness.
Yes, we have been, shall I say, the recipients of scriptural knowledge of the Word of God, the knowledge of the Word of God that tells us what God thinks about sin in your heart.
We have to put away all the thoughts of men tonight.
You could walk the streets of Des Moines and if you would ask them how it could be that you could be just with God, how that you could have your sins put away, you'd have 101 different answers. We are shut up to this blessed book, beloved friends. But you see, the reason why there's so many answers is because it's man's day.
And it's his hour. And the power of darkness. You know one thing to me that makes up man's day.
Is this fact?
That Satan is the God and the Prince of it.
There are many experiences of Saints of God that we could recount.
Who have been on, shall I say, ground floor of huge businesses that make millions and millions and millions of dollars every year.
And I had a brother tell me last November when we were in Dorothy of a certain business back east and he knew the corruption there was infiltrating through that that company.
Oh, the deceit, the lies.
The unhallowed way in which they were deceiving men.
Lying their way through this world in order to make another dollar.
Oh dear friends, Satan is the God and Prince of this world and there used to be a brother. I never met him, but I'm going to see him one day.
And many has been the time when he in the words that have been passed down to us.
That have stirred my heart no end.
And one of them was The higher you get in this world, the closer you get to the God and Prince of it.
The higher you get in the world, and that doesn't have to mean only the political world, any phase of this world you can think of, the higher you go, the closer you get to the spirit and influence and power of him that is governing, governing behind the scenes.
Now that isn't to say that God is going to be moved from his purposes. God is over all and in the in the resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus, He has set him above every power in this world and authority and every name that is named and given him a name that is above every name.
But for the moment.
He is cast out and when Satan came to tempt that blessed Savior.
He said to the Lord Jesus, He took him up to a mountain.
And we showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them in a moment of time.
And he said, If you will bow down to me, I will give you all the kingdoms of the world. How could he say that He would give the kingdoms to the Lord, because he was the grand usurper of those kingdoms?
We know very well from the book of Daniel chapter 10.
But when Daniel set his heart to pray to the God of heaven.
That there was an Angel sent forth to go and comfort that dear man of God.
It took him three weeks to get there. How was that? He had to contend with the King of Persia before he left. You see, there's a tremendous warfare going on in the unseen world as they go to see the inhabitants of this world, making them blind to the fact that they have to do with God.
That they are going one day, if they leave this world without Christ, they're going to ban me to him.
When He comes to judge this world in righteousness.
And God has appointed the day in which He will judge this world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained.
But Satan said to the Lord, I will give you this if you will just bow down to me. You realize, friend, what that means, that if you set your sights in this world to climb, to make a name for yourself, to be successful here, to have that security that men are looking for.
That Satan is right there to deceive you. There was a young man in a fraternity in Walla Walla.
There was a brother in the meeting who was there to do some renovation on their building.
And as they were standing there, they were talking about what they were going to do in life.
And this man said to our brother, actually he was just a young fellow, a member of the, I forgot which, Sigma Kiney.
But anyway, he said.
I intend to climb the ladder of success.
And he said I don't care who gets in the way. Whoever gets in the way, I'm going to go right over the top of them so that I can go to the top.
I'll tell you the case of another man who lives in Bellevue, WA. He too has a very successful business.
And he told a brother who used to work for him.
He said there's one thing I want in this world.
He said. And that is to make money.
I want to make money.
And he has a certain business on the side where he makes 85 grand a year, to say nothing of his other job. But you know what?
His life is so sad.
It is so empty.
The average tenure of his employees is 2 months.
Two months.
He makes light miserable for his employees because he is so fulfilled with this obsession to make money.
Money will not satisfy either.
And the poor man.
I don't know what his domestic life is, except the fact that his life, his marriage, is on the rocks.
So you know what happens when Satan gets ahold of your heart.
He gets you to the point where, at least outwardly speaking, there's no return.
But we have good news to tell tonight, and that is, as a brother once said, that God takes up Satans reject.
He does. He takes up Satan's rejects. And if you are one here tonight who has known the disappointments of life, maybe you've known the sorrows of a broken home. Maybe you've known what it is to feel unloved in this poor world. But I want to tell you, there's a God that created you that will never be satisfied until you bow your knees and receive the Lord Jesus because He wants to find pleasure in you.
And you know that Scriptures tells us that God has bought this world. There are those that tells us who are false prophets in this world, and it tells us that they have denied the only Lord God them.
You see, when the Lord Jesus died upon the cross of Calvary.
The work was done for God to say, I am going to invest the authority of this world into the hands of my beloved son, and he's going to have it for his own, and it's called the world to come. Would you be satisfied with the paltry things that Satan pulled out tonight for your soul when it's only a transitory thing?
Have any of you ever read?
The introduction to the King James Bible.
The second paragraph is the most precious thing.
I know it by heart that I don't trust my memory, but I'm going to read it.
It's the second paragraph.
These dear men, and they have the Greek Scriptures and the Hebrew Scriptures before them, they have this task of translating them for King James.
But listen to this second paragraph. If you don't have a Bible, just listen to this.
But among all our joy, there is no one that more filled our hearts than the blessed continuance of the preaching of God's sacred Word among us.
What is that inestimable treasure which itself all the riches of the earth, because the fruit thereof extended itself not only to the time spent in this transitory world?
That directed and disposeth men, and to that eternal happiness which is above in heaven. Isn't that precious, dear friend? Yes, while they were doing this wonderful task, this service to the Lord, there was one thing that just filled their hearts, and that was the blessed continuance of God sacred word among them, which was that inestimable treasure that excel of all the riches of the world.
Oh yes, the Lord Jesus became poor.
But you do this. Poverty might be rich.
Yes, He was made sin for us. He knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in him and in Him. All believe are justified from all things.
From which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. Let me ask you again, dear friends, dear young person, Maybe it's just a child in this room tonight. Are you saved?
Do you have peace with God?
Are you ready? If the Lord would come tonight? Are you ready to ascend up? Will you hear his voice?
For those that love him, it's going to be the voice that says come up, hit her, come away. My love, my fair one.
Yes, he wants to have his bride with him.
If you are saved tonight, you are a part of that company.
Now the Lord Jesus is going to reign over this world.
Men cast him out in its man's day, but I would just like to look at a few scriptures.
To direct our hearts and minds to the fact that yes, the day is coming. The Apostle Paul and others of the apostles, when they preach the gospel, they preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Which to me also entails the fact that the Lord Jesus is going to bring in a time ultimately when he will take the Kingdom from his Father and He will have it for his own for 1000 years. And then when those thousand years are over, he's going to deliver up the Kingdom to his Father, even God, that God may be All in all, all dear friends, we're talking about eternal things. You cannot find out any of this information.
In the directories of this world, no, you can only find it here in the Word of God. And I'd like to read a verse in the Ephesians chapter one.
Which we read today, although we didn't meet this particular verse in connection with the calling of God.
I want to tell you again.
That the Lord Jesus wants to identify. Yeah, he wants to take your soul and link it with heaven.
It's a man in the glory tonight. You know, there is a man I know. And he was in the service of of this country. He was Lieutenant Colonel in the Army in Vietnam. He saw active days, days in which his life could have been snuffed out. And you know, he thought of the Lord Jesus as just a historical figure.
He thought Jesus died.
He was buried. As far as he was concerned, that's all there was to it.
And one time a friend of yours.
Said so and so. Would you like to come to a meeting tonight? The chaplain is going to have a Bible reading.
And for some reason.
He said yeah, I'll go.
And so as they sat there and read the scriptures together.
That dear man who taught the word of God that night.
There was one thing that he said.
He said Jesus.
Is alive.
And he pressed home that point.
So that that young man who was caught in the price of liquor.
When he went home that night.
His soul was shaken.
The thought that Jesus was alive.
Stirred his soul.
And you know what he said? He said from that night on, I wanted to read the word of God.
He wasn't saying yet, but something stirred his heart to question the fact that this one, who to him was only a historical figure, was a line.
He was alive, you know, one of the happiest things I know as a child of God. And I've heard other Christians say the very same thing, that as they go day by day through this world, there's nothing that's so blessed than to think in our hearts that that blessed man is looking down upon me.
And He knows what's passing through my heart, and He loves me, and He wants to conduct me over the wilderness of this world, and present me faultless before His presence, with exceeding joy. Yes, think of it daily, to have that thought that that dear man is alive and He's thinking of me and He loves me. And friends, His love for you is no different than His love for me.
Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it.
And the very expression of the love of God is found in that blessed man who is alive forevermore, and who has the keys of death and hell.
All right, Lieutenant Colonel. He couldn't rest his soul. And the day came when he received the Lord as his savior. We're going to be with him one day.
But I'd like to read this first in Ephesians chapter one and verse 10.
That in the now I'm going to read this in the new translation.
03 Verse 9. Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, with which he has purposed in himself for the administration of the fullness of times.
To head up all things in the Christ, the things in the heavens, and the things which are upon the earth, in Him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance. Now the Lord Jesus is going to head up a millennial Kingdom.
Of which he will be reigning for 1000 years.
You know, if we had time to go into the prophetic word tonight, I believe it would be possible to stir every soul here tonight as to the imminency of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is coming. And that verse that we read, if I didn't read it, I meant to in James the coming of the Lord is drawn night. That's the new translation. Not has come, it is drawn. 9 And when God sends his dear Son out of the heavens to take his church.
And take them home to be with himself. There's going to be a time, seven years of tribulation on this world that it has never known before.
If we could dig up the annals of history, and to read some of the horrible times of war and famine and desolation, it tells us in the 30th of Jeremiah, that this time of Jacob's trouble is going to be a time that has never been before.
The church.
Redeemed through the precious blood of Christ are going to be there in while those on the earth are going to undergo the judgment of God and pay the penalty of their sin.
Not only for being a Sinner, but for rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus is going to head up all things for the administration of the fullness of times.
If we would turn to, well, maybe we should do it. Let's turn to Hebrews chapter 2.
For another verse.
You know what is so blessed about the world to come?
Is because God has one thing before him since the resurrection, the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
And that one thing that he has before him is to exit.
And glorify Him before this whole world, because it tells us that the knowledge of the Lord is going to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Why is that? Because when God gave his beloved Son for you and for me.
Gave him to be a sacrifice for sin.
And he left man to take him, insult him, beat him with his first spin upon him, crucify him to the cross of Calvary, and there to Pierce his blessed side.
With a spear of man's enmity.
And then to see him give up his life farther into thy hands, I commit my spirit, and for him to say it is finished.
He bowed his head and gave up the ghost. All friends, he who could say, thou art my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, has brought before him that he is going to bring him out of heaven, and he's going to display him before the eyes of this whole world. And when he comes out of heaven, it says the nations of this world, the kingdoms of this world are going to wail because of him, because he's not coming as a savior God.
Which he is this very night, but he's coming as the judge.
All friends, he is going to come for that time of trial that's going to come upon this world and once he sets things in order, he's going to reign for 1000 years over this world.
And God is going to display that we with him are one. That is God's purpose.
And he wants to have his house full. Yes, and that parable of the Great Supper.
He says go to the highways and byways and compare them to come in.
That my house may be filled, may be full. Oh what a God we represent tonight. I do feel the burden of being an ambassador for Him and all our weakness, but that He does want to have you. He is not to intend to see you there with any kind of a facade between you and Him. If there is a veil between your heart and his, He feels it. And maybe through His word tonight, He would touch your conscience.
To make you realize that you have to do with Him all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do, and yet He still loves you.
Who wants to take you and give you a change life, change your heart of and give you a heart of flesh?
Well, in chapter 2 of Hebrews chapter 2.
It tells us in verse 5, For unto the angels have we not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak.
But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man without mindful of him, or the Son of Man? That all visitors to him thou mayest him a little lower than the angels, Thou cronest him with glory and honor, and it set him over the works of thy hands, and has put all things in subjection under his feet.
All friends you realize stop to think of this.
That God is going to put all things under the feet of the blessed Savior. That's not going to be one thing that is not put under Him.
But now we do not see all things put under him. Why? Because it's man's day. Man is having his fling.
And I notice that men are so anticipating the millennial day, this millennial 2000, we're talking about their cruises, their parties. They're going to live it up.
What tour?
To have a transitory.
To have a transitory party.
But we see Jesus.
It was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor.
That came by the grace of God, should taste death for every man.
And you know, it's not only every man, but when the Lord Jesus comes out of heaven, he's going to release the problem of this world, the slavery that's here, the growth of this poor creation, and he's going to hush them forever.
Because he's going to reign as a king in righteousness, and a man shall be a hiding place from the storm.
Yes, he's going to be the shadow of a mighty rock in a weary land. Just the very thing that he wants to be to you tonight.
You know, when the Lord Jesus reigns on earth, it's going to be an inflexible reign.
You know there are men tonight who are taking that precious name and blaspheming it, making fun of the things of God.
Why does God allow that? Because it's the day of His sovereign grace.
And He's not willing that you should perish in your sin tonight. He wants you to come. But today is coming, when every willful infraction of His holy nature is going to meet with immediate judgment.
And that person is going to be cut off immediately, morning by morning. Will that take place?
So flexible will be that rain.
That men will not dare to express their will against him.
They will feign obedience until the thousand years are over.
And they have seen the witness of the Church glorified in heaven, the Old Testament Saints there glorified with them.
And have seen the goodness of God, to see the lion and the Lamb lie down together, to see the desert blossom with the Rose like the Rose, to see the child's way over the whole of a wiper. They will have seen all of these wonderful, glorious transformations of a Kingdom that is headed up by Christ Himself. And then when Satan is loosed at the end of 1000 years let out of his prison, he will have had 1000 years to meditate.
On how he's going to deceive the inhabitants of this world again.
And he will do it all, friends.
Well, if I could only impress you of the reality of this written word of God. I was thinking of a verse this afternoon in Ezekiel chapter 12 and the and the verse goes like this. Well, let me turn to it.
You know, men tonight might be saying, where is the promise of his coming?
But I'd like to read this verse in Ezekiel chapter 12.
Verse 21 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, What is it that? What is that proverb that he has in the day in the land of Israel, saying, But days are prolonged, and every vision faileth. Tell them therefore, Thus saith the Lord God, I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel, but say unto them, The days are at hand.
And the effect of every vision. For there shall be no more anything vision, nor flattering divination within the House of Israel. For I am the Lord, I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass. It shall be no more prolonged, for in your days old rebellious house will I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord God, in the first chapter of the book of Jeremiah.
He says to Jeremiah, Jeremiah, what do you see? He says, well, I see an almond tree.
And he says, well, I don't understand this friends completely, but the Lord says this, he said I am watchful over my word to perform it.
I am watchful over my words of performance.
Of every vision is at hand. We heard a little bit about Romans 9:1010And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac; (Romans 9:10) and 11:00 today. God is going to take up his earthly people, Israel. Yes, He is.
But today is the day of His sovereign grace, and He is calling you to come and receive the Lord Jesus. Who could say to your soul, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Now you know there was another proverb in Israel.
And it says this.
The Fathers have eaten sour grapes.
And the children's teeth are set on edge. I think our brethren this afternoon touched on this in principle.
And I know as a father.
And I believe I can speak for every other father in this room tonight. Many have been the days when we ate sour grapes.
And maybe we convey to our children some of the discontent that we felt in our hearts in whatever spirit may have been in. But the Lord says there in Ezekiel that that proverb is going to cease.
And why? Because the children were not going to be put to death for their fathers.
The children would have an answer to God on their own responsibility.
Now you know. I know because I've had this experience in my own life. There have been times when I tried to make excuses for myself because of the weaknesses and the failures of my parents.
It doesn't go anymore. The word tells us that every man is going to die for their own sin. Now, I don't say that every parent here in this room doesn't have a responsibility to be faithful in their household. We own that.
But those of you who may be younger today?
Maybe you remember the day when you heard things like this, and now you've learned the weakness of your own heart and the raising of your children. But remember young people. Remember the children. Remember tonight. If you are hiding behind this fact that things were dropped into your heart by your parents, and so you've got a bitter spirit because of it, it's no excuse. Before God, you must answer for the sin of your own soul.
Before God tonight.
He's provided the way, He's made the way, and you can stand where the fire has been rather than to receive the judgment of God for your sins. You can stand in that place for the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, for the judgment in His own body on the tree, and be free from judgment forever.
Yes, the Lord Jesus died. He tasted death for every man. He tasted death for you, and he's going to bring in this world to come where He is exalted as head over all things for the administration of the fullness of times. Look at chapter six of the same book.
And it tells about those.
Who heard the precious gospel of the grace of God? They were Jews, and he had a very difficult time.
Giving up their Jewish religion and traditions.
But the apostle here that writes this epistle tells us in verse 4 for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the word of God and the powers of the world to come. Friends, there is a world to come. The Lord Jesus is going to be over it. And if you're in the if you're in the.
Shall I say in the in the fold, in the flock of God?
In the Lord Jesus lost tonight, you're going to be in that world to come, in that heavenly place, that heavenly city. Well, we have the world to come. Let's turn to First Timothy chapter 6.
First Timothy, chapter 6.
Verse 13 Paul says to Timothy, I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things. Actually that verse should read Who preserveth all things in life.
And before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession, Verse 15.
Which in his times he shall show, who is the blessed and only potentate, the King of kings and Lord of Lords, who only have immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach, unto whom no man has seen nor can see.
To whom the honor and power everlasting. Amen. Friends, according to this verse, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is Savior God?
He is the Savior God.
He was God manifest in the flesh and if you read this verse you cannot tell.
When it slips from the person of the Lord Jesus Himself personally to when he speaks about God himself.
Yes, the day is at hand, the effect of every vision. Believe me, friends, Man's Day is shortly to come to a close.
God is calling you tonight through His beloved Son to not wait any longer. Do not trifle with your soul.
You will spend an eternity in outer darkness where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. The word of God declares it, the word of God that will come to pass.
You know, I love this little story and I'm going to close with it.
In the days when the Lord Jesus had already gone back to the Father's house, He was in glory. God had exalted him.
And 70 years or some 30 years later, the Jews rebelled against the Roman Empire.
Titus came with his armies to completely destroy the Jews in their little dynasty there in Palestine.
And Titus said to his soldiers.
Now, when we come to Jerusalem, there's one thing that I so beg you to do.
And that is, you don't touch the temple.
Do you know from Roman history?
The the shall I say the austerity of their laws?
That he found.
With any infraction of their laws, especially as a soldier with mean death, certain death. But now let's go back 30 years before and the Lord Jesus said to his disciples, not one stone is going to be left on this temple.
It's all going to come down all right.
All right, so we have the word of the Lord Jesus Christ saying that the temple is all going to be destroyed, and we have the word of this general over here. Soldiers don't touch that temple made it. By the time that little royal was over, that temple was raised to the ground.
Whose word came to pass? The generals and the Lord Jesus.
This word, beloved friends, is going to come to pass.
As sure as the dawn He's coming, and his coming is 9. It's here. Be ready. Don't trifle with your soul salvation. He wants to have you as his own. Won't you come to him tonight?
First shall we sing #36?
Oh, do not let the word depart.
And close thine eye against the light, for Sinner harden not thine heart. Thou wouldst be saying, Why not tonight?
Why not tonight? Why not tonight?
So we sing the last two verses and the refrain with them.
What? Somebody raised that tune, please?
I think I know a tune for it, but I don't know if anybody else knows it.
Our God in pink, he lingers still, and will for the fierce love requite.
Renowned. That means like sovereign will vow, as we say.