Little Margie lived on a farm just a little distance from town. She was often sent on errands by her mother, taking mail to the post office, or shopping in town, and always wherever she went Crusoe, the big watch dog, went along with her. Crusoe was very fond of Margie and would walk close by her side all the way. She had no fear of anyone interfering with her as long as big Crusoe was by her side, for Margie placed full confidence in her brave keeper. Even on dark nights she would come and go without the slightest fear, so strong was her trust in Crusoe’s power to protect her. This went on for seral years until Margie had grown up to be a big girl, and I shall tell you what took place then.
It was a very sad day at the farm when Margie’s father died. He was a saved man and loved the Lord Jesus; so he went to be with Him in the glory. His wife and loved ones missed him greatly, especially Margie. She had often heard her father speak about going to heaven, and of how a sinner could be made fit for that holy place. Before he died he earnestly prayed that they all might be saved and meet him there.
Now he had gone, Margie at least began to think about her soul. She loved her father so much, and it came to her one day in this way: “What if I should never see my father again? He was saved, and he has gone to be with Jesus; and I too must be saved, else I cannot go there.” Such were her thoughts and they gave her more concern day by day. Margie knew the gospel well and very often she thought she believed on Jesus; but still the fear remained, and after all she might not get to heaven.
One Sunday evening she went to hear the gospel preached. The message that night was just what she needed. The preacher showed that when once a sinner puts his trust in Jesus, he need not fear, for God will save and keep that soul secure forever. Isaiah 12:2 Says, “I will trust and not be afraid”; and David said, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me.” (Psa. 23.)
Margie saw it all clearly now. She used to trust herself implicitly to Crusoe coming along the road on dark nights so that she feared no evil, and surely she might trust the Lord Jesus with her soul and fear less. So it was Margie trusted herself to Jesus, and she was truly saved. Her fears and doubts were all gone now, for she knew that a mightier One than Crusoe was her Friend and Keeper, even the Lord Jesus who has said: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.” Isa. 41:1010Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10).
Dear young reader, have you trusted your soul to Jesus, that wonderful Saviour?
ML 12/12/1965