We were holding some gospel tent meetings. A young boy named Arthur, just eleven years of age, had come to the evening service. Many children were there that night. They listened attentively and sang the hymns and choruses telling of the Saviour’s love.
Though all seemed interested, they all went away home after the meeting, all except Arthur. It was getting dark and away at the back of the tent Arthur sat. The Spirit of God had shown him that he was all wrong, and though not very old, still the Word of God had said, “All have sinned,” so that included him. We read to him some scriptures and he listened very earnestly. He learned that although he was a sinner, the Lord Jesus came to save such as he.
With what joy did Arthur believe the message and hurried home to tell his parents the glad news that he was “saved.”
I met him a little while later and he seemed rather sad. He told me he had no Bible and badly wanted one. How pleased he was when we presented him with a fine new copy of the Scriptures.
Soon after we received a letter from him saying he was reading it through and writing down in a notebook all the promises he found, as he came to them.
Is the Lord Jesus your Saviour, dear young friend? If so, are you faithfully reading your Bible and seeking to serve Him?
ML 11/28/1965