Articles on

Matthew 17

Mt. 17:15 KJV (With Strong’s)

kurios (Greek #2962)
supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Master (as a respectful title)
KJV usage: God, Lord, master, Sir.
Pronounce: koo'-ree-os
Origin: from κῦρος (supremacy)
, have mercy
eleeo (Greek #1653)
to compassionate (by word or deed, specially, by divine grace)
KJV usage: have compassion (pity on), have (obtain, receive, shew) mercy (on).
Pronounce: el-eh-eh'-o
Origin: from 1656
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
huios (Greek #5207)
a "son" (sometimes of animals), used very widely of immediate, remote or figuratively, kinship
KJV usage: child, foal, son.
Pronounce: hwee-os'
Origin: apparently a primary word
mou (Greek #3450)
of me
KJV usage: I, me, mine (own), my.
Pronounce: moo
Origin: the simpler form of 1700
huios (Greek #5207)
a "son" (sometimes of animals), used very widely of immediate, remote or figuratively, kinship
KJV usage: child, foal, son.
Pronounce: hwee-os'
Origin: apparently a primary word
: for
hoti (Greek #3754)
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because
KJV usage: as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why.
Pronounce: hot'-ee
Origin: neuter of 3748 as conjunction
he is lunatick
seleniazomai (Greek #4583)
to be moon-struck, i.e. crazy
KJV usage: be a lunatic.
Pronounce: sel-ay-nee-ad'-zom-ahee
Origin: middle voice or passive from a presumed derivative of 4582
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
kakos (Greek #2560)
badly (physically or morally)
KJV usage: amiss, diseased, evil, grievously, miserably, sick, sore.
Pronounce: kak-oce'
Origin: from 2556
pascho (Greek #3958)
to experience a sensation or impression (usually painful)
KJV usage: feel, passion, suffer, vex.
Pronounce: pas'-kho
Origin: πάθω (path'-o), and πένθω (pen'-tho), used only in certain tenses for it apparently a primary verb
: for
gar (Greek #1063)
properly, assigning a reason (used in argument, explanation or intensification; often with other particles)
KJV usage: and, as, because (that), but, even, for, indeed, no doubt, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet.
Pronounce: gar
Origin: a primary particle
pollakis (Greek #4178)
many times, i.e. frequently
KJV usage: oft(-en, -entimes, -times).
Pronounce: pol-lak'-is
Origin: multiplicative adverb from 4183
he falleth
pipto (Greek #4098)
(which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); probably akin to 4072 through the idea of alighting; to fall (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: fail, fall (down), light on.
Pronounce: pip'-to
Origin: πέτω (pet'-o)
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
the fire
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
pur (Greek #4442)
"fire" (literally or figuratively, specially, lightning)
KJV usage: fiery, fire.
Pronounce: poor
Origin: a primary word
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
pollakis (Greek #4178)
many times, i.e. frequently
KJV usage: oft(-en, -entimes, -times).
Pronounce: pol-lak'-is
Origin: multiplicative adverb from 4183
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
the water
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
hudor (Greek #5204)
water (as if rainy) literally or figuratively
KJV usage: water.
Pronounce: hoo'-dore
Origin: ὕδατος (hoo'-dat-os), etc. from the base of 5205

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Cross References

Mt. 15:22• 22Y he aquí una mujer Cananea, que había salido de aquellos términos, clamaba, diciéndole: Señor, Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mí; mi hija es malamente atormentada del demonio. (Mt. 15:22)
Mr. 5:22‑23• 22Y vino uno de los príncipes de la sinagoga, llamado Jairo; y luego que le vió, se postró á sus pies,
23Y le rogaba mucho, diciendo: Mi hija está á la muerte: ven y pondrás las manos sobre ella para que sea salva, y vivirá.
(Mr. 5:22‑23)
Mr. 9:22• 22Y muchas veces le echa en el fuego y en aguas, para matarle; mas, si puedes algo, ayúdanos, teniendo misericordia de nosotros. (Mr. 9:22)
Lc. 9:38‑42• 38Y he aquí, un hombre de la compañía clamó, diciendo: Maestro, ruégote que veas á mi hijo; que es el único que tengo:
39Y he aquí un espíritu le toma, y de repente da voces; y le despedaza y hace echar espuma, y apenas se aparta de él quebrantándole.
40Y rogué á tus discípulos que le echasen fuera, y no pudieron.
41Y respondiendo Jesús, dice: Oh generación infiel y perversa! ¿hasta cuándo tengo de estar con vosotros, y os sufriré? Trae tu hijo acá.
42Y como aun se acercaba, el demonio le derribó y despedazó: mas Jesús increpó al espíritu inmundo, y sanó al muchacho, y se lo volvió á su padre.
(Lc. 9:38‑42)
Jn. 4:46‑47• 46Vino pues Jesús otra vez á Caná de Galilea, donde había hecho el vino del agua. Y había en Capernaum uno del rey, cuyo hijo estaba enfermo.
47Este, como oyó que Jesús venía de Judea á Galilea, fué á él, y rogábale que descendiese, y sanase á su hijo, porque se comenzaba á morir.
(Jn. 4:46‑47)
he is.[Seleniazomai ,] from [selene ,] the moon, one who was affected with his disorder at the change and full of the moon. This is the case in some kinds of madness and epilepsy.
This youth was no doubt epileptic; but it was evidently either produced or taken advantage of by a demon or evil spirit.for ofttimes.
Mt. 8:31‑32• 31Y los demonios le rogaron, diciendo: Si nos echas, permítenos ir á aquel hato de puercos.
32Y les dijo: Id. Y ellos salieron, y se fueron á aquel hato de puercos: y he aquí, todo el hato de los puercos se precipitó de un despeñadero en la mar, y murieron en las aguas.
(Mt. 8:31‑32)
Job 1:10‑19• 10¿No le has tú cercado á él, y á su casa, y á todo lo que tiene en derredor? Al trabajo de sus manos has dado bendición; por tanto su hacienda ha crecido sobre la tierra.
11Mas extiende ahora tu mano, y toca á todo lo que tiene, y verás si no te blasfema en tu rostro.
12Y dijo Jehová á Satán: He aquí, todo lo que tiene está en tu mano: solamente no pongas tu mano sobre él. Y salióse Satán de delante de Jehová.
13Y un día aconteció que sus hijos é hijas comían y bebían vino en casa de su hermano el primogénito,
14Y vino un mensajero á Job, que le dijo: Estando arando los bueyes, y las asnas paciendo cerca de ellos,
15Acometieron los Sabeos, y tomáronlos, é hirieron á los mozos á filo de espada: solamente escapé yo para traerte las nuevas.
16Aun estaba éste hablando, y vino otro que dijo: Fuego de Dios cayó del cielo, que quemó las ovejas y los mozos, y los consumió: solamente escapé yo solo para traerte las nuevas.
17Todavía estaba éste hablando, y vino otro que dijo: Los Caldeos hicieron tres escuadrones, y dieron sobre los camellos, y tomáronlos, é hirieron á los mozos á filo de espada; y solamente escapé yo solo para traerte las nuevas.
18Entre tanto que éste hablaba, vino otro que dijo: Tus hijos y tus hijas estaban comiendo y bebiendo vino en casa de su hermano el primogénito;
19Y he aquí un gran viento que vino del lado del desierto, é hirió las cuatro esquinas de la casa, y cayó sobre los mozos, y murieron; y solamente escapé yo solo para traerte las nuevas.
(Job 1:10‑19)
Job 2:7• 7Y salió Satán de delante de Jehová, é hirió á Job de una maligna sarna desde la planta de su pie hasta la mollera de su cabeza. (Job 2:7)
Mr. 5:4‑5• 4Porque muchas veces había sido atado con grillos y cadenas, mas las cadenas habían sido hechas pedazos por él, y los grillos desmenuzados; y nadie le podía domar.
5Y siempre, de día y de noche, andaba dando voces en los montes y en los sepulcros, é hiriéndose con las piedras.
(Mr. 5:4‑5)

J. N. Darby Translation

Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is lunatic, and suffers sorely; for often he falls into the fire and often into the water.

W. Kelly Translation

Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is lunatic, and suffers sorely; for often he falls into the fire and often into the water.

WK Verse Note

(Note: Words in italics have been inserted from the J. N. Darby translation where the W. Kelly translation doesn’t exist.)