Money for Lepers.

(Our dear little friend Bertie Bird was taken away from us this summer. “I do know, and thank our Father, that the dear lamb was ready,” writes the lady who so kindly forwards us the little gifts of several dear children, amongst whose gifts was Bertie’s.)
We have sent to Mrs. Bailey over sixty dolls, some of which are dressed as daintily as a royal child could wish. Really, some of our kind friends have taken the most wonderful pleasure in making the dolls look simply beautiful; we know why they had done so, for in cheering the leper children they have sought to do it under the loving eye of the Master. Some have also sent a little letter with the doll to the leper child for whom it is intended. How will the poor little children value them? We have also sent Mrs. Bailey money to buy balls and knives for the elder boys. By and by we shall have letters from the poor children, giving us their thoughts about these little gifts, but you must not expect them till January next, for it is a long way to Purulia, and it takes a VERY LONG TIME to get an answer in English, and Mr. Uffmann is very much overworked.