Not of Condemned, or Condemned Already.

THERE is no middle ground, no place of probation, test, or trial it is “Not condemned,” or “Condemned already,” with each and all of the children of men.
“Not condemned.” Not to come into judgment; preserved for the glory; separated from the tares for the heavenly garner; taken out from the condemned cell of this world and secured for everlasting blessedness. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus”: and wherefore? Are they better than others? Far from it. Does Justice mete out to them everlasting security for what they have done? In nowise. They are free, and free forever; but their freedom was obtained by blood, by death, by the full payment of the penalty of their guilt.
The law has passed its sentence upon the prisoner in the condemned cell. He awaits his doom. There is no hope. The prison walls are thick, and the barred window is beyond his power of escape. In the morning the bell will toll his dying hour. Already the sweat of the dread of death hangs about his brow. Such is the condition of man now. Man is condemned already.
But is there no escape? Listen. A Voice speaks― “Deliver his soul from going down into the pit: I have found a ransom.” Justice demands the sinner’s life, but God found the ransom, even His own Son. God sent Him into this world for sin, and when His Son stood in the sinner’s stead, upon the cross, God forsook the Substitute. The life of the Holy One has been given, Justice has received its demand, and the believer has been condemned and put to death in the person of his Ransom. The cross of Christ is the condemnation of sin in the flesh; and those who have died with Christ have been condemned on His cross; they were crucified with Christ. Now they are alive with Christ, who lives to die no more; hence to them there is no condemnation.
“He that believeth on Him is not condemned”; he is passed from death unto life, and shall not come into judgment; he is as secure as the resurrection of Christ has made him. Before the believer’s place of security can be shaken, the throne whereon Christ Himself sits must tremble.
These are fearful words, “condemned already.” Not under probation, not being tested, not having an opportunity of becoming good, and so of winning a smile from divine Justice, but under judgment already.
Are these condemned ones worse than the secure people? Can anyone be worse than those who needed, in order to be saved, that the Son of God should be crucified for them, should bear the wrath of God for them? What condition can be more hopeless than that which needs for a ransom the Son of God—yes, the Son crucified and made sin for us?
The reason that the sinner is condemned already is because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God. Possibly our reader has lived up till now an indifferent hearer of the gospel, a neglecter of the love of God, in sending Jesus to die for the unjust. If so, he is a sinner in peril of hell. Possibly our reader is one to whom for years God has presented the Person and the work of His Son and bidden him believe. Is this so? Has God again and again bidden you believe in His Son, and you still remain indifferent to His love? Then it is your unbelief, not your sins, which is your condemnation.
Time treads surely on. How many of the readers of this page will reach the close of this year? How shall you die? “Not condemned” or “condemned already.” Reader, has not your tabernacle shaken more than once? Look you, are there no gray hairs upon your head, no warnings in your body or in your home that death draws near? Dare you die as you are? Dare you drop into the grave “condemned already”? Oh! why will you die? Believe God, who tells you, you may be saved, and saved now, today. His Son died that you may live, He was condemned that you might be justified; receive Him, and henceforth it shall be said of you, “Not condemned.”