AS was notified in our December number of last year, we think it better that FAITHFUL WORDS should in future be issued as a halfpenny magazine of twelve pages. There is a rich store of papers which have been out of print for years―we shall occasionally re-issue these, and also some of the illustrations which have not been seen for a considerable time. By this means we shall be able to give twelve pages for one halfpenny, instead of sixteen pages for one penny. We shall keep to the simplest subjects in our articles, and shall devote certain pages to missionary intelligence. We have received communications from different parts of the mission field of a very encouraging character, and are delighted to be able to aid in any degree the great missionary spirit which so largely prevails.
We trust our friends will do their best to aid in the circulation of the magazine in its present form, and thus assist in evangelic work at home. We thank our correspondents for their papers, and beg to notify that true and original articles relating conversions to God or His ways of providential goodness will be gladly welcomed, and specially such as are suitable for the children’s columns.