More About the Children

A lady engaged in work among the young writes: ―
Dear Dr. Wreford,
Enclosed are two one pound Treasury notes to your New Testament Fund, with our interest and our prayers ... . For some years I have had a Bible class in my home. On Wednesday evening last I read to them your appeal: “Any soldier or sailor who has not a Testament to fit his pocket can have one by return and post free by applying to Dr. Heyman Wreford, The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.” I queried, “Should you think there would be many applicants?” The answer regretfully was, “Not many.” And then I read to them, “A very great demand,” which almost took their breath away. And the result was the two pounds sent you ... . I was very much touched, that amid all your work you should think of the children. I questioned your statement that hundreds of children were asking for the Word of God. But I discovered afterward that you are right.... Child after child has come to me saying they had no Bible in their home. This is a proof of the need.... These little girls repeat the Scriptures to each other, and in their homes, and so it is my little way of spreading the precious Word amongst the people. So will you please send me a parcel of the Testaments. ―Yours very truly, A. M. W―.
A parcel was sent and prayed over, and we trust the if “showers of blessing” will not be withheld from these dear children.
These arid wastes of human life lie all around us. We must pray and work. Pray that the blessed showers may descend and send the “Water of Life” and the “Bread of Life” far and wide.