"Time is so Short"

I have written this short extract to show how one heart, recently brought to Christ through reading “A Message from God,” is now seeking to win other souls. May we, who can say “He is precious,” be found also in real earnest to bring others to know Him (John 17:33And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (John 17:3)). Will the reader ponder these words, “Time is so short,” and I must add, “Eternity is long,” and how great the value of one soul? It was a great cheer to read the following: ―
“I can truly say the ‘Message’ was the means of bringing me to Christ, our loving Saviour, and now ‘I am able to say that I am His, and He is mine.’ How grand it is to know that He is mine forever. I shall be very pleased indeed if you will send me a few books to distribute to others.... As you say, dear friend, ‘Time is so short,’ and there are so many going down.”
A parcel was sent, and I quickly heard again.
“I have nearly distributed them all, and I have asked God to bless each one who will read them. I should be very thankful if you would send me a few Testaments to give away.”
I was glad to hear again this morning, and my young friend writes: —
“God’s Word and books I have safely received today. What a great work it is to take God’s blessed Word round to the men; so many perishing souls there are today. May the dear Saviour bless and touch the hearts of those I distribute these books to. I enclose a small donation to help on the great work of our Saviour.”
My dear friend closes asking me to send more Testaments and tracts. May God indeed use him to many precious souls.
A. A. L.