"Thy Word Giveth Light"

Yes, quite true, if we give God’s Word to men, women and children, God is sure to give His blessing with it. Many people have an idea now that our gallant soldiers have no need of Testaments since November 11Th, when the armistice was signed; but, dear friends, many of them need it more than ever; so many new men are being enlisted. Hear what my dear friend, Colonel Savile, says, when he sent me £3 for Testaments: “I know they are wanted as much as ever for those armies staving in France and Germany.” As there is no fighting, the men have more leisure, and if they will only read they will be sure of blessing, for the Bible carries out its great work entirely without human agency. Only see they get the Testaments.
Listen to what a woman in Morocco said to a Christian Missionary: “I have never seen a Christian’s face before, but years ago a man passing through our country left a book with my father, who read it to us. It told us of the Saviour and my father, believing in Him, died trusting in Jesus, and I am trusting in Him also.” The entrance of God’s Word gave them light; so do let us pray more about it, and give more to help on this glorious work of circulating the Scriptures. The Rev. W. Knight said to a friend, “Read the Bible itself every day, and don’t care so much for books ABOUT the Bible.” Very good advice. The Bible is the chief weapon of our warfare for Christ.
Emily P. Leakey