"My Friend and Yours"

I have a Friend, whose faithful love
Is more than all the world to me;
‘Tis higher than the heights above,
And deeper than the soundless sea:
So old, so new, so strong, so true.
Before the earth received its frame,
He loved me — blessed be His name!
He held the highest place above,
Adored by all the sons of flame;
Yet, such His self-denying love,
He laid aside His crown and came
To seek the lost, and, at the cost
Of heavenly rank and earthly fame,
He sought me — blessed be His name!
It was a lonely path He trod,
From every human soul apart.
Known only to Himself and God
Was all the grief that filled His heart;
Yet from the track He turned not back
‘Till, where I lay in want and shame,
He found me — blessed be His name!
Then dawned at last that day of dread
When, desolate, yet undismayed,
With wearied frame and thorn-crowned head,
He; now forsaken and betrayed,
Went up for me to Calvary,
And, dying there in grief and shame,
He saved me―blessed be His name!
Long as I live my song shall tell
The wonders of His matchless love;
And, when at last I rise to dwell
In the bright home prepared above,
My joy shall be His face to see,
And, bowing then, with loud acclaim,
I’ll praise Him — blessed be His name!
C. A. Tydeman