By the Editor
I HAVE been reading this morning an incident that has moved me very much. It took me back to the days of the Indian Mutiny. At Allahabad were eight boy cadets, just come from England, and not yet passed to their regiments. They were full of eagerness to be enrolled among the soldiers of the Queen. But they fell into the hands of the mutineers; seven of them had their throats cut, the eighth was left for dead, but he managed to crawl away and hide himself in a ravine. For four days he lay hidden, suffering agonies from his wounds. Then he was found by some Sepoys and carried back a prisoner. He was thrust into a hut where a Christian catechist was confined.
This poor man had formerly been a Mohammedan, and the Sepoys were torturing him to make him give up his new faith in Christ. He was on the eve of giving way when this brave English boy became the companion of his cell. The lad learned all, and did his utmost to sustain his companion’s courage.
They were rescued, but four days after his release the brave English lad died of his wounds. But his, “Don’t deny Christ! sever deny Christ!” will live forever.
Brave and gallant soul, he has gone to God with those brave words upon his lips, to hear from the Saviour he confessed on earth the “Well done” that will be his for all eternity.
What are we doing for Christ?
Pasteur Le Coat is still very ill and needs our prayers. We have a touching story by Madame Le Coat in this month’s “Message,” of one of the orphans in her charge. What a noble work has been done for God at Tremel!
The name of our Hall for gospel preaching has been changed-from The Queen’s Hall to the Palladium. The interest is maintained, and God is working. We are asked to pray for unsaved friends and relatives. The door is opened widely for us now in spite of all the efforts of Satan to close it to us.
We ask the prayers of our readers for great blessing.