The Canal Bridge

A SHORT time ago, when passing under a bridge over the G― J― Canal at N―, Middlesex, the writer noticed something wrong with the brickwork of the bridge, and stopped to examine it. The brickwork had been whitened with some thick whitewash, and at first sight that seemed to be flaking off. But closer inspection showed that the bricks were cracking, large pieces of the face of the work, about a quarter of an inch thick, peeling off. Apparently, the bridge (a main road one) had been strong enough for ordinary traffic, but the extra weight and vibration of motor lorries, etc., was proving too much for it, and it was gradually being crushed.
The thought that presented itself to the writer was, that it would not stand the test of time, but the Bible, God’s word, had stood the test for hundreds of years. All of us have at some time to cross the bridge that spans between time and eternity, and it behooves us, while we are yet in “time,” and have the opportunity, to see that the bridge we pass over will carry us into eternal life, eternity with Jesus.
And how is the bridge built that can carry us there? Why, with nothing but Jesus — Jesus for the foundation, also for every part of the structure. “There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:1212Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)). Jesus is the one and only bridge that can carry us safely into eternity, and yet thousands of people today are foolishly trying to build a bridge of their own. Some, unfortunately, meet with a great measure of success in building what they imagine to be the real thing. They start the foundations with good resolutions, and amongst the bricks used in the structure may be mentioned “kind actions,” “self-denial,” “regular attendance at a place of worship,” “total abstinence,” “non-smoking,” “spotless moral conduct,” and a host of other things that are quite right in their place, but have not the slightest power to help anyone to obtain eternal life.
What a terrible awakening for the poor soul just passing out of time into eternity to find that the bridge they have been building to carry them into eternal life is not strong enough, and that unless they can get on the bridge Christ Jesus they must perish amongst the ruins of their beautiful structure!
Dear reader, if you have been building your own bridge, ask God to show you what an awful mistake you are making, and there is no doubt His Holy Spirit will lead you to leave your future entirely with our Lord Jesus Christ. Put all your confidence in Him, whether your past life has been good, bad, or indifferent. If you are not already trusting in Him as your Saviour, start at once by giving yourself entirely into His care and keeping, and you will then have started crossing the bridge that spans the distance between now and eternal life, and it will never fail you.
You, dear reader, who think carefully sometimes over these matters, would it not be worth something to you to know that the future holds no terrors for you? That whenever the call comes for you, whether suddenly or after a long illness, you were “simply trusting” in Jesus, so that “all is well.” “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” B. E.