Articles on

Nehemiah 13

Neh. 13:14 KJV (With Strong’s)

zakar (Hebrew #2142)
properly, to mark (so as to be recognized), i.e. to remember; by implication, to mention; also (as denominative from 2145) to be male
KJV usage: X burn (incense), X earnestly, be male, (make) mention (of), be mindful, recount, record(-er), remember, make to be remembered, bring (call, come, keep, put) to (in) remembrance, X still, think on, X well.
Pronounce: zaw-kar'
Origin: a primitive root
e me, O my God
'elohiym (Hebrew #430)
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative
KJV usage: angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Pronounce: el-o-heem'
Origin: plural of 433
, concerning this, and wipe not out
machah (Hebrew #4229)
properly, to stroke or rub; by implication, to erase; also to smooth (as if with oil), i.e. grease or make fat; also to touch, i.e. reach to
KJV usage: abolish, blot out, destroy, full of marrow, put out, reach unto, X utterly, wipe (away, out).
Pronounce: maw-khaw'
Origin: a primitive root
my τgood
checed (Hebrew #2617)
kindness; by implication (towards God) piety: rarely (by opposition) reproof, or (subject.) beauty
KJV usage: favour, good deed(-liness, -ness), kindly, (loving-)kindness, merciful (kindness), mercy, pity, reproach, wicked thing.
Pronounce: kheh'-sed
Origin: from 2616
deeds that I have done
`asah (Hebrew #6213)
to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows)
KJV usage: accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of, commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in) execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, (fight-)ing man, + finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, go about, govern, grant, great, + hinder, hold ((a feast)), X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer, pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure, provide, put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take, X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be (warr-)ior, work(-man), yield, use.
Pronounce: aw-saw'
Origin: a primitive root
for the house
bayith (Hebrew #1004)
a house (in the greatest variation of applications, especially family, etc.)
KJV usage: court, daughter, door, + dungeon, family, + forth of, X great as would contain, hangings, home(born), (winter)house(-hold), inside(-ward), palace, place, + prison, + steward, + tablet, temple, web, + within(-out).
Pronounce: bah'-yith
Origin: probably from 1129 abbreviated
of my God
'elohiym (Hebrew #430)
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative
KJV usage: angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Pronounce: el-o-heem'
Origin: plural of 433
, and for the ψoffices
mishmar (Hebrew #4929)
a guard (the man, the post or the prison); a deposit (fig.); also (as observed) a usage (abstr.), or an example (concr.)
KJV usage: diligence, guard, office, prison, ward, watch.
Pronounce: mish-mawr'
Origin: from 8104

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Ministry on This Verse

Remember me.
wipe not.If thou wert strict to mark what is done amiss, even my good deeds must be wiped out:
but, Lord, remember me in thy mercy, and let my upright conduct be acceptable to Thee!
By some, Nehemiah has been thought to deal too much with God on the principle of merit.
That he wished God to remember him for good is sufficiently evident, and who does not wish the same? But that he expected heaven for his good deeds does not appear; for it is perfectly clear that he expected nothing from God but through the greatness of his mercy.
good deeds.
Heb. kindnesses.
1 Cr. 29:3• 3A más de esto, por cuanto tengo mi gusto en la casa de mi Dios, yo guardo en mi tesoro particular oro y plata que, además de todas las cosas que he aprestado para la casa del santuario, he dado para la casa de mi Dios; (1 Cr. 29:3)
2 Cr. 24:16• 16Y sepultáronlo en la ciudad de David con los reyes, por cuanto había hecho bien con Israel, y para con Dios, y con su casa. (2 Cr. 24:16)
2 Cr. 31:20‑21• 20De esta manera hizo Ezechîas en todo Judá: y ejecutó lo bueno, recto, y verdadero, delante de Jehová su Dios.
21En todo cuanto comenzó en el servicio de la casa de Dios, y en la ley y mandamientos, buscó á su Dios, é hízolo de todo corazón, y fué prosperado.
(2 Cr. 31:20‑21)
Esd. 7:20,24,27• 20Y lo demás necesario para la casa de tu Dios que te fuere menester dar, daráslo de la casa de los tesoros del rey.
24Y á vosotros os hacemos saber, que á todos los sacerdotes y Levitas, cantores, porteros, Nethineos y ministros de la casa de Dios, ninguno pueda imponerles tributo, ó pecho, ó renta.
27Bendito Jehová, Dios de nuestros padres, que puso tal cosa en el corazón del rey, para honrar la casa de Jehová que está en Jerusalem.
(Esd. 7:20,24,27)
Sal. 122:6‑9• 6Pedid la paz de Jerusalem: Sean prosperados los que te aman.
7Haya paz en tu antemuro, Y descanso en tus palacios.
8Por amor de mis hermanos y mis compañeros Hablaré ahora paz de ti.
9A causa de la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios, Buscaré bien para ti.
(Sal. 122:6‑9)
or, observations.
 It has often been pointed out that Nehemiah in his prayers was too much occupied with himself and his own good deeds. We do not say that it might not have been so, but they are capable of another interpretation. He was almost alone in the midst of prevailing corruption, and it was only in God that he found his strength and encouragement. (Exposition on Nehemiah: Nehemiah 13 by E. Dennett)

J. N. Darby Translation

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deedsd which I have done for the house of my God, and for the charges thereof!

JND Translation Notes

Chasidim, as 2 Chron. 32.32; 35.26. see 2 Sam. 22.26.