The man evidently was in great distress of soul. A Christian worker approached him with the question: "Are you saved?”
“No, I intend to be, though not just yet, for I am not quite ready," he replied.
“But now is the accepted time," the Christian urged.
He sought earnestly to impress upon the lost man the need of an immediate acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Savior.
“Don't tell me," said he, "that I can be saved without doing anything.”
A young lad standing by had been listening attentively to the conversation. Now he hastily opened his Bible, and handing it to the Christian said "Please read that to him.”
The man listened intently, and the word was used of God in blessing to his soul. Emphatically he exclaimed: "Well, there is no getting away from that! It must be a fact, for God says it: 'TO HIM THAT WORKETH NOT.”
Working will not save me!
Purest deeds that I can do,
Holiest thoughts and feelings too,
Cannot form my soul anew!
Working will not save me.
Christ alone can save me!
Faith in God's beloved Son,
Faith in work that He has done;
Lord, to whom else could I come?
Thou alone canst save me.
Jesus bled and died for me:
Jesus suffered on the tree:
Jesus waits to make me free;
He alone can save me!