Treasures are varied, and their value is according to individual estimation. We speak of treasures in the sea, treasures hid in the sand, treasures in the heart of the earth, treasures of science, and so on.
Or one may speak of his vast accumulation of money in a bank, and call this his treasure. A mother folds her babe in her arms, and calls it her treasure. A little child directs your attention to his toys and books, and calls them his treasure. All these are valued in their way; but none of them are lasting! Earthquakes, floods, and failures remove the banks; death takes the child; destruction follows the books; and where are the treasures?
Dear reader, have you felt the loss of treasures? Then is your heart open to receive a lasting one?
“There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise." That treasure is Christ; the dwelling of the wise is His home. Do you want Him? You may have Him. He is even now knocking at your heart's door. Will you let Him in?
A few weeks ago I was walking in a seaside village when I was accosted with the following words by a countryman whom I had never met before. "Mister," he said, "I have something to tell you. There is a poor old man down the road a piece who has lost his treasure. He had managed to lay by from his hard earnings the sum of $140.00. He hid his money in two wheat-) stacks and the other night lightning struck the stacks and they were burnt down. All his money was lost in the fire.”
“Poor man!" I exclaimed. "And what did he do?”
“Why, he wept and wailed, and refused to be comforted.”
“Well, my good man," I said, "I must tell you of my great treasure.”
“Have you got one, too?”
“Yes, I've got a treasure, and it cannot be destroyed. No fire can burn it, no flood wash it away, and no circumstances can lessen it. Even death can have no dominion over my treasure.”
“You must surely mean the Lord God Almighty?”
“My friend, my Treasure is Christ, God's beloved Son, who is now seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high. He has been upon this earth and suffered a shameful death upon the cross. It was there that He bore the punishment for my sins, and for all those who believe upon Him.
“Do you wonder at my calling the Lord Jesus my Treasure? You would not if you knew Him. The more one thinks of Him, the more is one amazed at the exceeding beauty and riches and glory that are in Him! Listen to His words: 'Riches and honor are with Me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.'"(Prov. 8:18,1918Riches and honor are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. 19My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver. (Proverbs 8:18‑19).) Is not Christ worth having?"
"Yes, He is; and I'm doing my best to obtain Him.”
"What is your best?”
"I fall, down upon my knees ten or twelve times every day, and say my prayers.”
"And you think to earn salvation in that way?”
"Yes, I do. I know God is merciful, and I am no scholar. I am poor and old; but I hope when my time comes to die that He will accept the best I have to give Him.”
“My friend, you will never get God's great Gift by any of your doings. God has shown His marvelous mercy to man in sending His own Son into this dark world. God gave His dear Son to die for you and for me— poor, guilty, lost sinners. Would you then do despite to that precious shed blood by trying to earn or to buy its benefits?
"If you want to partake of the mercy of God you must have it entirely apart from all your own works. You must accept the work done upon Calvary's cross for you. Go to the Savior. Tell Him you have nothing but your sins to bring Him. Tell Him your treasures of wickedness profit nothing, but that you believe His Word: 'The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth from all sin.' Believe it in your heart, and you will enter into life eternal. As His own, you will become a part of His treasure. Will you not acknowledge Him now as Savior and Lord? Only thus can you partake of the benefits of God's great Gift.”