"Yes, I know I am not a Christian; I don't profess to be one," was the light and careless answer given by a young woman not long ago. She seemed to think, poor girl, that really some small credit was due her for not pretending to be what she was not; as if, when brought face to face with her Maker and her Judge, she could by her bold answer, "I have never professed to be a Christian,” escape the reward of her indifference.
Dear reader, I hope these words so lightly spoken, "I know I am not a Christian," will strike you as solemnly as they do me. What an awful thing this would be to know! How strange that anyone can go on eating, drinking, sleeping, playing, taking pleasure in all the trifling things of this poor world, and not at all worried about what is to follow after this earthly life is over. Then, perhaps suddenly, death comes, and the giddy, thoughtless one is snatched away to hear the Lord utter His terrible words, "Verily I say unto you, I know you not." Matt. 25:1212But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. (Matthew 25:12).
I want you now to think for a few moments. You know of some—perhaps some whom you love dearly who are waiting for the Lord Jesus to come from heaven and take them to Himself. They are true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and they can each say, "I know that I am a Christian.”
I should like for you to write down the truth about yourself. Would you have to put down, I know I am, or, I know I am not a Christian? That little word "not" that word makes all the difference.
Should the Lord Jesus come today, do you think that by saying, "I know I am not a Christian, but then I have never pretended to be one," you would be allowed to go up into the glory with His people? No, indeed! and you know it too.
Dear reader, if still unsaved, now is the time to accept of God's wonderful salvation in Christ. Now is the time God gives you to be saved!
"I need no other argument,
I want no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.”