The Greek Statue

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
Long ago there stood by the wayside, in one of the old Greek towns, a statue of strange design. The writing on it has been preserved, and was in the form of a dialogue, as follows:
"What is thy name, O statue?”
"I am called Opportunity.”
"Why art thou standing on thy toes?”
"To show that I stay but for a moment.”
"Why hast thou wings on thy feet?”
"To show how quickly I pass by.”
"But why is thy hair so long on thy forehead?”
"That men may seize me when they meet me.”
"Why is thy head so bald behind?”
"To show that when I have once passed I cannot be caught.”
Unsaved reader, apply that to your own case. Now is your golden opportunity. Time speeds on: the present is only yours, the past is gone forever, you will never see tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes. Then heed wisdom's voice, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
"There are no pardons in the tomb,
And brief is mercy's day.”