A servant of God recently called at a small cottage, the sole inmate of which he found to be an aged woman.
Noticing her visitor's tired appearance, she very courteously asked him to rest awhile, and share her simple meal. The invitation was gladly accepted, he deeming it a fitting opportunity of speaking for his Master. Accordingly, he soon asked her how matters stood between her and God.
"What about eternity? Where will you spend it?" he inquired.
The dear old woman, who had learned, and was realizing the blessedness of simply taking God at His word, and resting in what He said, readily responded, "that the Lord Jesus Christ had settled the matter for her, having died for her sins according to the Scriptures." (1 Cor. 15:33For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; (1 Corinthians 15:3).)
On being told that the same blessed Lord Jesus was coming to take those for whom He died, to be forever with and like Himself; and that seeing He Himself said He would come quickly, the grave might never receive her body, she expressed great gladness; and tears of joy trickled down her wrinkled cheeks as she thought of Himself, and of the depths into which He descended in order to win her soul.
"Were He to come now, as we are talking together, would you not be afraid?" asked the servant of God.
"Afraid!" she exclaimed, "No, indeed! Why, I love Him!”
"We love Him, because He first loved us.”
Who dares to speak of fear to one who is the conscious object of the love of God.