"What Is the Meaning of Grace?"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Such was the question once put to me, when a boy, by a Godly man, and I was to write the answer on paper, and bring it to him in a few days; so I took down from my father's bookshelf a large Cruden's Concordance, and copied down a page or two on Grace; but the dear man put his pen through it all, and said, "O, I don't want all that! Grace is free, undeserved favor.”
What a lovely answer! I have salvation not because I deserved it, or because I have earned it by my goodness. No; it is undeserved and free favor. I paid nothing for it; and more, that salvation is for all. The eleventh verse of the second chapter of Titus says: "For the grace of God, which carries with it salvation to all men, hath appeared." (N. T.)
There is then no excuse. Salvation is brought to your very door, and if you won't have it, there is nothing left but judgment. You will never be able to blame God, for His grace has brought salvation within your reach, but you will not have it. You are spurning His grace, and throwing away the only means of salvation.
"Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Rom. 3:2424Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: (Romans 3:24).