In a country village an old man was anxious to know how he could obtain that forgiveness which he felt his need of.
Somebody, professing to be a minister of the Gospel, visited him from time to time, and taught him that he must pray as long as he lived, and hope in God's mercy through Christ; but that he must not expect to know he was forgiven till the Day of Judgment.
A servant of the Lord, hearing of his case, went to see him, when something like the following conversation took place between them:
"How do you expect to be saved?"
"Well, sir, I keep on praying, and I hope God will have mercy on me."
"Because you pray?"
"Well, yes, sir, I cannot expect to be saved unless I do pray."
"Then prayer is to save you?"
"Why, as to that, I suppose it is Christ who must save me; but I must pray for forgiveness."
"That is, YOU must have a hand in it. But now, if I were to hold out a dollar in my hand and ask you to accept it, would you beg and pray of me to give it to you, or would you take it?"
"Why, TAKE it, of course," said the poor old man, smiling at the apparent absurdity of such a question.
"God, Himself, offers you forgiveness. He holds it out to you, bidding you believe Him when he declares that the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth from all sin.' Instead of taking what He offers, and believing His blessed word, you keep on asking Him to give you that which He has been offering to you ever since you were a child. He bids you look to Christ: you look to prayer. He declares to you forgiveness through the blood of Christ; you tell Him in return you don't believe Him, for if you did you clearly would not ask Him to give you that which He is offering you. Thus, you make God a liar, and hope to be saved for doing so!"
The poor old man's eyes were opened. He was astonished at himself; his conscience was exercised; a real conviction of sin against God followed; and he finally believed and was saved.
His false teacher came to him at intervals, sadly confusing, bewildering and upsetting him. But it was only for a time. Faith overcame at last, and he triumphed in the assurance of having forgiveness of sins and everlasting life, in and by the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 6:2323For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23); Col. 1:1414In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: (Colossians 1:14).)