O Saviour! whom absent we love,
Whom not having seen we adore,
Whose name is exalted above
All glory, dominion and power;
Oh come, and display us as Thine,
And leave us no longer to roam;
May we in Thy glory, Lord, shine,
Thy presence soon summon us home.
Oh when shall the mists be removed,
And round us Thy brightness be poured?
When meet Thee, whom absent we've loved,
When see, whom unseen we've adored?
Oh then nevermore shall the fears,
The trials, temptations and woes,
Which darken this valley of tears,
Intrude on our blissful repose.
Or if yet remembered above,
Remembrance no sadness shall raise,
They will bring but new thoughts of Thy love,
New themes for our wonder and praise.