W. Williams, 1774
Luther Loucks et. al.
The Lamb of God our Shepherd is,
And He who doth us feed;
While He is ours and we are His,
What can we want or need?
He leads us to the tender grass,
And there we feed and rest;
Then to the streams that gently pass,
In both we have the best.
And if we stray, He doth convert
And bring our minds in frame;
And all this not for our desert,
But for His holy name.
Yea, in death's shady, black abode,
Well may we walk, nor fear
While Thou art with us, and Thy rod
To guide, Thy staff to bear.
If through the darksome vale of death
We pass, we need not fear;
Our Saviour, He who gave us breath,
Brings light and triumph there.
Yea, in the face of deadliest foes
He spreads our board in peace;
In Him secure may we repose,
While all our joys increase.
Surely Thy sweet and wondrous love
Shall measure all our days;
Thy Father's house, our home above,
Where dwells eternal praise.