Luther Loucks et. al.
Oh joyful day! Oh glorious hour!
When Jesus, by almighty power,
Revived and left the grave;
In all His works behold Him great,
Before, almighty to create,
Almighty now to save!
The First-begotten from the dead,
He's risen now, His people's Head,
And thus their life's secure;
And if, like Him, they yield their breath,
Like Him they'll burst the bonds of death,
Their resurrection sure.
Why should His people, then, be sad?
None have such reason to be glad
As those redeemed to God:
Jesus, the mighty Saviour, lives,
To them eternal life He gives,
The purchase of His blood.
Then let our gladsome praise resound,
And let us in His work abound,
Whose blessèd name is Love;
We're sure our labor's not in vain,
For we with Him ere long shall reign—
With Jesus dwell above.