Obal (Hebrew #5745)

10:28  And Obal
`Owbal (Hebrew #5745)
Obal, a son of Joktan
KJV usage: Obal.
Pronounce: o-bawl'
Origin: of foreign derivation
, and Abimael
'Abiyma'el (Hebrew #39)
father of Mael (apparently some Arab tribe); Abimael, a son of Joktan
KJV usage: Abimael.
Pronounce: ab-ee-maw-ale'
Origin: from 1 and an elsewhere unused (probably foreign) word
, and Sheba
Shba' (Hebrew #7614)
Sheba, the name of three early progenitors of tribes and of an Ethiopian district
KJV usage: Sheba, Sabeans.
Pronounce: sheb-aw'
Origin: of foreign origin