We want within three months to pay for 50,000 Testaments. That will mean more than £600. We want them clear of all debt before we use them. One thousand Testaments can be bought for £12 10s. If 50 of our friends will send us this amount we shall indeed praise God. But we are thankful for the smallest help. We ask above all for your prayers that God may bless every gift and every giver.
The need of work among the children is very great.
A Christian write’s: ―
Dear Dr. Wreford. ―The children in the neighborhood have been stirred through one little boy starting to go to Sunday School. We bought him a Bible, and we wonder if you will send us a parcel of Testaments as you are led, for children about ten years of age. Hoping you are better in health, Yours in the Master’s service, S. C.
The Army Testaments
Dear Friend, ―The little boy who lives at my home has been looking at the New Testament given to me while in the Army, and he said how he should like to have one, and as it is my desire to see him in the army of Jesus Christ, would you kindly forward one that I could give him.
As regards the one I have myself, I see your name and address within, and although it was given to me while in the Army, I should like you to accept my thankfulness for the comfort and consolation the reading of your Testament has brought to me, when the devil has been trying to upset things. Your fellow-worker in Christ, A. F.