How wondrous God’s way of dealing with souls! The one of whom I write has, since his conversion, sought to bring others to the Lord Jesus, and is rejoicing in the blessed hope of His coming. In a letter he says: ―
... . I worked as a farm laborer... and was a daring, reckless, ungodly man, cared for nothing and nobody but drink and tobacco... Enlisted... and after a short training crossed to France...
And then he describes his life there: ―
.... Lying under a canvas tent, not asleep, or fully awake.... There was no real sleep, for the guns were close, and firing all night... it seemed as if the heavens opened, and I had a glimpse of the glory and those there, and I thought what a picture for a sinner so hardened as I was....
Even after this the downward path was followed, but God’s mercy arrested him, and he heard the Gospel from one of the Lord’s own messengers. Then he could write:
.... And by his help I was led to the Lord Jesus Christ.
What a glorious change! From “darkness to light.”