By the Editor
DEAR FRIENDS, I have had many letters about the disobedience of children since my article appeared in February “Message from God.” For want of space, I only print two now. May God raise up more and more workers among the young. They are needed.
I am also printing a few letters about dear Mr. Fred Smith, whose passing away I wrote about in March “Message from God.” As truly as God sent me to preach the Gospel, so truly was Mr. Smith sent to help me all through the years of my public gospel testimony. I thank God with all my heart for giving me such a devoted friend. His work was done, and he has been taken home.
“Duty to Parents”
A friend writes to me: “As grandparents we realize the value of your article in the “Message” for February on “Duty to Parents.”
Uncontrolled Children
Dear Doctors―I am writing to thank you again for your kindness in sending so many Testaments to me for distribution. I have some left. I pray the dear Lord to make them a great blessing... I think the children here are not like they were when I was young. So many parents seem to have no control over their children―the children are consulted, not the parents, and I am sorry to say this is among Christian parents. I am shocked at them. It discourages me to see and hear them.... I pray our dear Father that He will bless and strengthen you, that you may be made strong for His service.... ―Yours in Christ, J.P.
The Passing of Mr. Fred Smith
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―I thank you for this month’s “Message.” The life and passing away of Mr. Smith, I think, is simply lovely.... ―M. C.
Another writes: ―
... We also desire to express our Christian love sympathy to you in the loss of your dear old friend and brother in the Lord (Mr. Smith). We were much touched by the account given by you in the “Message.” But how short the time is, and all that love our Lord Jesus will be together for all eternity... May God strengthen and bless you. ―E. W. R.
Another writes: ―
“Kindly send me one or two more “Message from God” containing account of Mr. F. Smith’s Home Call. It brought before me my late beloved husband’s Home Call. —Yours affectionately in Christ, M. B.
A sympathizer writes:—
... . I hope you are better, and pray that you may be comforted in the loss of your friend and brother, Mr. Smith. One man in our meeting remembers Mr. Smith very well. He indeed met his Lord that Lord’s Day morning. We shall all, too, soon meet Him in the air, and then meet many kuch as dear Mr. Smith. —Your affectionate brother, W. K.
One more letter: ―
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―Would you be so very kind as to send us two more copies of “A Message from God” for March, with its beautiful account of our brother, Mr. F. Smith, going from the Table of the Lord, and the Lord’s presence there, to the Lord in the Father’s House on high. ―E. M. M.
To My Readers
I trust the following article, “Christ and His Word Blasphemed,” which has been occupying me for some time, may be used by God to make many think. I ask your prayers, dear friends, for myself, and for the work God has given me to do. We want to fill our shelves with Testaments all paid for. We cannot say that yet.
Yours affectionately in Christ,
Heyman Wreford.