Patsy and the Little Fishes

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Patsy and her friend Lois were running happily through the fields. Patsy was just three years old, hut she had been brought up in a Christian home, and she already loved the Lord Jesus.
Presently Lois noticed her little friend was leaning over the edge of a pond, looking down at the little fishes. “Come away quickly, Patsy, and don’t lean over the edge of that pond; you might fall in!”
“I only want to see if there are any of Jesus’ dear little fishes in this pond. Don’t you know which they are? Those are the very little ones I mean. I asked mother once if Jesus made them, and she said ‘Yes.’ So they are His, you know, and He feeds them and takes care of them all day long.”
“But you might tumble into the water, and then you would be drowned.”
“Oh, I don’t think so, or if I did, I ‘spect the Lord Jesus would let somebody lift me out again. Or even if I drowned, I would not mind so very much, because then I would go up to live with Him forever, and that would be so nice.”
In spite of all this happy chatter, Lois kept a very close watch over Patsy, and soon persuaded her to come away and pick flowers.
The love of Jesus seemed so to fill her baby heart that anything and everything that had to do with Him had an attraction for her. Dear young reader, can you say that you love God because He first loved you? And as you look at the birds and flowers, do you ever think of the God who made them?
The Bible says, “All things were made by Him,’ and best of all, the same God who made all these beautiful things has given His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be your Saviour. Will you accept Jesus today as your Saviour?
ML 10/15/1950