What Happened at Pompeii

A terrific volcano blew up at Pompeii years ago. The great: destroying mountain Vesuvius, filled with melted rock and ashes poured out its contents over the city full of people.
There had been some slight warning, but few realized the danger until the whole crowded city was darkened with a steady rain of ashes. It was difficult to breathe and impossible to see. Thousands of people were buried alive in ashes and lava.
Awful indeed is the fate of man when God lets loose one small part of His power to judge His sinful creatures. Could anyone, even the wisest, escape from such a death?
The story is told of one young girl who escaped, and she was by no means the wisest or strongest. She was a blind girl, and in that awful ashy darkness, she alone knew the way. She had never seen the glories of the ancient city, but she knew the way out of it. Her knowledge led a small party of friends to the harbor boats and safety.
My reader, do you know the way to safety out of this world? You may know a great deal about its glories and its achievements, but do you know the way out of it to safety, and home in the presence of God?
There is only one way, even the way of the cross. That blessed One, who died. on Calvary, who was despised of men, and then forsaken of God, that same Jesus is the only way out of this doomed world. It is a wonderful world no doubt, and perhaps you are unwilling to leave it, but God has said He must judge it. If you wait until that time of judgment, there will be no way of escape then. It will be too late.
ML 10/01/1950