Peculiar People, Fitted

By: David So
Duration: 43min
Listen from:
Children—D. So
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Well, good morning.
Wow, this is nice to see children of all ages. You know I thought a Sunday school. Well am I addressing to five year old?
15 year old, 50 year old, I think we're our children, aren't we? I don't know how many who are over 50 things. They're still like a little kid. So we can oh, I see hands up there. So let's, let's have this.
For all, isn't it? The gospel of God's grace is for all ages, whether you're young or old. We all need a Savior, so let's begin our Sunday school with Him. Anyone would like to start off by giving away Him?
No one. No. Favorite hymns, Yes.
Jesus loves me. That's hymn #40I like that one. Jesus loves me. So can we sing just the 1St and the last verse? Then we can sing more Him. Is that OK? All right, we'll sing the first verse and the last verse of hymn #40 on our hymn sheet.
Jesus loves me, this I know.
All the Bible tells me so let go on stirring.
They are. They are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, streams. I love stream.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so. The last verse.
Gears of silence, he will say, close beside me. All the way.
If I trust him, should I die, he will Take Me Home.
Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so last night. Anyone else have another hymn? Oh, I see hands popping up OK.
Why? Why is the ocean is that in here?
Well, I suppose we know that, Ken. Let's sing that, eh? Why? Why As the ocean high, as I happens above.
Sea is my Savior's love.
I go, so I work.
Still have my child of his hair.
For His Word teaches me that His love reaches me.
Let's have another one, OK?
Hymn #41 OK, let's sing the first and last verse of this as well.
I ran the throne of God in heaven will many children.
Save children, sins are all forgiven. Will have the end of spring singing glory.
Glory, glory.
To God.
Because the Savior shaved his blood to the blood to push away from push away the sins.
Now washed in that most precious blood, behold them clean singing glory, glory.
Glory be to God.
On high.
Now let's close our eyes for a minute. We'll bow in prayer. We'll ask the Lord Jesus to help us.
Blessed God in our loving Father, we give thanks once again this morning for the Sunday school. We thank Thee that I was set aside this little time for us to tell forth the story of thy love, the story that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And truly many of us here can say he came into the world to save me this morning. We look to thee if there be any boys, girls, teenage, teenagers, older ones too, who are still laws in sin.
We do pray that I would exercise the heart and conscience that Thou would help them to repent.
While there's still time, so we look to thee now, we commit this time into thine hand, looking for help, looking for blessings for us too, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I saw many hands up so let's I will presume you want to give our ham right? What number would you like?
Hymn #16 OK.
Oh, that's a nice one too.
Whosoever hearer shout out the sound, send the blessed tidings all the world around, spread the joyful news wherever man is found, whosoever will make up, whosoever will, whosoever will send the proclamation over their head.
It's a lovely father cause the one travel.
Whosoever will make come?
Whosoever come must stop, delay now the door is sold, and enter while you may. Jesus is the truth. They're only living way, whosoever will.
May come.
Whosoever will, whosoever will.
Send the proclamation over there.
Whosoever will become.
Now I'm going to stop singing just for a minute. I know some of you have spent all week learning the verses. How many learned the verses?
Wow, you know, I share a Sunday school at the last conference, I told people, you know, I used to be so afraid to stand up to say the verses. I would sit there and go, Oh no, there are three more than it's my turn. I need you to shake. I hate to feel. Oh, I worries. I was so afraid to so I can feel if you don't want to say it, so don't feel you have to, but you can say that to your mom and dad, can't you? But for those that I know some of you would love to burst it out.
And just like we sang, whosoever will shout, shout that sound, that blessed gospel news, that's what the verses are. So now before we say the verses, I want to tell you a little story behind that verse. Let me read the verse first. I hope I'm right at John chapter 737. Am I correct in saying that? OK, now it says in the last day. By the way, I'm doing this. So for those who haven't learned it, I know some of you can learn very quickly as we're doing this right.
In the last day, the Gray day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, Here's the verse, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.
And some of you learned the latter part. If any man thirst, come, let him come unto me and drink. You know, it's very interesting. And perhaps this part I'm addressing to some of the older one as well.
You know, it's just the last day of the feast.
Why is it the last day there was a feast going on and you know, the word of God always tells us stories and we just don't read it carefully at times. Why was it the last day? Because the feast went on that that that week. And if you read the beginning of the chapter in chap in verse two, it said the Jews feast. It says of the fees of the tabernacles. We know that was about the feast of the Tabernacle.
We know that from Leviticus there were seven feasts of Jehovah and this is the one that on the on the 10th day of that month of that seventh month, on the 10th day, they had to have a feast of the Tabernacle. Now the reason to tell you that is is very interesting that the word of God tells us that because the fees of the Tabernacle is a picture of the Lord Jesus, he's going to come and reign, isn't it?
In that Gray day, so we find in that same book in verse 14, this is now about the midst of the feast. Jesus went up into the temple and taught, wait a minute, did Jesus go to that feast?
No, he didn't go to the feast. Why is that? Because he is the true feast of Tabernacle they were looking forward to. He didn't go until the middle of the feast. Now here's something even interesting. And some of you may know the Jewish custom better than I do. Those seven days of celebration. Each day they read a different Psalm on the 4th day. Now some of you have your Bible there can turn with me to Psalm 94.
This is what they were to read for that day.
Every day a Psalm, Psalm 105, Psalm 29, Psalm 2050 and on the 4th day they would have to they, they ought to read Psalm 94. I won't read the whole Psalm, but this is how the Psalm begins, oh Lord God.
To whom?
Wow, isn't that interesting? The Lord didn't go in the middle. He taught them because that's when they were to read. The God is going to seek vengeance on his people. Then he says on the last day of the feast, He went on the last day they were to read Psalm 82. Now let's see what Psalm 82 have to say. The 82nd Psalm.
82nd Psalm says God standeth in the congregation of the mighty, he judges among the gods. Now can you picture this? Here is the middle of the in the toward the end of the feast. Oh, by the way, their feces, they do a lot of things right at the last day of the feast. They, they have a special celebration. They, they have people break into three companies. So as if we were saying we're three groups of people will do three different things.
So one group, the priest will go down to the altar to get preparation, and then another group will go down and cut down palm trees, Willow and Myrtle, and they use it to carry them right. Actually, they have to do it just right. They have to carry the palm in the right hand, am I right? And on the left hand, goodly fruit, a fruit from the goodly trees. And then the third party is interesting. They go down with the priest to the Pool of Siloam with a picture.
Go down to the picture, the site, the pool, they fill the picture up, they come back to the altar and there one priest on the east side would pour a glass of wine on the east side of the altar. The other one would take the water from the pool of Siloam and pour it through the West side of the altar. That's the Jewish tradition. They were chant and then they would be quiet for just a moment. Now, can you picture this? They were waving these palms. They were chanting.
And then there was quiet. And then we hear this. In the great day of Jesus, stood and cried, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. Oh, isn't that solemn? For the Israelite of all to realize that their God and Savior was standing in front of them, the feast of Tabernacle that they're celebrating.
Is truly before them, but yet they want to reject this Savior. OK now it's easy to learn the verse isn't it? So Jesus stood and spoke to them and he said let me read that verse again. He said if any man thirst, let him come, let him come unto me and drink. Who would like to say that verse for us? I'm going to start back here. See his hand go up first. Oh just a minute now.
I hope I broaden up of these. I've got a whole bunch of stuff. I don't know if this is right down here, the United States, you folks have stuff called dumb dumb. You get dumb dumbs for reward by saying it. You know it's funny. At the last conference afterwards, someone brought me stuff he got is called smarties. He said that's a lot better than Dum Dums. But I don't have any smarties with me. So if you would like you can have a dumb dumb, go ahead.
Don't come unto me and drink.
John 737. Very good.
Would you like a dumb dumb? Can you be my helper? Carry this and give it to whoever say the verse next.
Go ahead. You did have your hand up, right, OK.
Hey, man.
Don't let him.
OK, you can read it, look at it.
If any man there's, let him come unto me and drink. John 737. Very good. Are you going to say it too? OK.
That's close. John 7.
3737 that's very good. Now I miss. I'll come back around this way.
Anyone else here would like to say the verse?
If any man thirst.
He shall come unto me and drink. That's pretty close. OK? Are you going to say it too? OK.
1St 1St.
John Good, Very good.
You have to say the whole part.
If any man thirst, let him.
Come on to me and drink. OK, John, very good. If any man thirst, let him come on to me and drink with John 737 and Betty man there's let him come into me and John 737. Would you like to say it?
If any man.
John 7 and 737. Very good. I know you've been having your hands up many times.
If if anyone thirsts but I don't come into me and drink John 737.
If anyone seriously come on to me and drink, John said 37. Very good. Did I miss anyone? Oh, I miss.
Come and drink and 37. OK, are you going to say it now? OK, well, thank you.
That's a nice verse to learn, isn't it? Any man thirst.
All right, let's have another hymn.
Then perhaps we'll tell some story after that on hand. OK, Emma.
The foolish man.
Umm, the wise man, Is that in here?
I'm not sure if that's in this one here. OK, we'll just sing the first dancer. Or maybe, I guess we can sing both. The wise men built his house upon the world.
Wise man built his house upon the rock. The wise man built his house upon the rock. And the rain came tumbling down. The rain came down and the floods came up. The rains came down as the floods came up. The rains came down and the floods came up. And the house on the rocks didn't turn.
His house upon the sun.
Built his house upon the sand. The foolish hand built his house upon the sand. And the rain came tumbling down. The rays came down, and the bus came up. The rains came down, and the floods came up.
Is the rock. So if you build on Christ, who is the Rock, you'll be saved when the judgement comes. You will be safe when the judgment comes. You will be safe when the judgment comes. You will be safe when the judgment comes if you build on Christ the Rock.
I want to share with your story. You know, yesterday we were reminded how sometimes.
We're afraid to tell people we're Christians. Sometimes we walk differently.
Right, depending on where we are and a verse came to me. Actually this been on my heart for a few weeks now. Let's turn with me to Titus. How many of you can find the book Titus?
Is right after Timothy, Timothy, First Timothy, Second Timothy, and then Titus. We're just going to read couple verses.
Verse 13 and verse 14.
Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself.
A peculiar people, zealous of good works.
Now that's a long verse. There's so much in here to tell us to look forward to that blessed hope. We as redeem one have that blessed hope before us, don't we? Now my thought this this morning is rather the latter part of the verse. Another can perhaps speak on the rest later on with you. We do know that the Lord Jesus gave himself for us. He died that we may live. He shed his blood on the cross. That's the gospel, isn't it?
And that by believing we are saved. But here, here's the portion that I find sometimes, perhaps I don't think of it much. It says Who gave himself for us, that he may redeem us from all iniquity of a more lawlessness, and purify unto himself. Here's what I was thinking of a peculiar people.
Do you know anybody that's peculiar? Look to the person to your left of you. Does he look peculiar? She, he or she look peculiar. Now look at the person to the right of you. Does that person look peculiar to you?
I think we are because God said we are peculiar people to him. Would you like to be peculiar? Why is it that we say someone's peculiar? You know, we we come to a conference like this and I know many.
Will go buy new dresses, get their hair done so that they look nice, but you don't find them. They want to stand out, but yet you don't find them dressed differently so that they'll stand out. We want to be different, but yet the same. That's not peculiar, is it?
How many of you and some of you have seen this last few weeks ago will come to a conference and go, you know, I don't know about that. I think I'm going to wear a helmet instead of a hat now. Do I look any peculiar than the rest of you?
Am I our place now?
And what if this is still not enough? I want to be more peculiar. So I took the liberty to wear something different. I'm going to take my shirt off so you can see that I dress. By the way, remember Mr. Bremen did that a few years ago. Remember that? He took his off and we saw his T-shirt. So I thought, no, I'm not going to wear AT shirt. I want to look more peculiar, so I have a different thing. I have a bicycle jersey on.
So how would you like to see? Whoops, I think I'm caught here. Me coming into a conference. What a bicycle jersey? Now, do I look peculiar?
But you know what's interesting about peculiar?
There's always a reason for being peculiar. It's OK, I didn't bring my shorts so not to be too concerned about that.
You think of John the Baptist. Was he peculiar?
He was. He lives out in the desert. He eats locusts and honey. He wear camels hair. He was peculiar because he stood out.
The Lord want us to stand out for Him. But there is another reason for being peculiar. I am dressed right now as a cyclist. Why do you think cyclists dress the way they dress? Is it just so they look different?
No, now I'm going to turn to one more verse. Second Timothy, chapter 3.
Second Timothy, chapter 3, verse 16.
And verse 17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God.
May be perfect thoroughly furnish unto good works.
Now here is a furnace to be perfect. I like Mr. Darby translated a little bit differently, he said, so that you can be complete. And then they use the word fitted. And I thought, wow, that's how if someone who rides a bike who's in a race, he wants to be fitted so he can win the race or he can ride better.
How do you get fitted? Why do you fit yourself accordingly? So how many of you ride bikes? You want to be noticed on the road, don't you? So you want to put on something fitted to be more peculiar. This way people can see you from a long distance. Do we let people know that we fitted with the Word of God? Because we want to be complete in God's sight and we want to be able to proclaim the gospel of His grace.
Now here's something interesting about being fitted. We don't dress like everyone else. You worry and a few weeks ago we were. We went for a bike ride and I dressed in this outfit along with my shorts and we thought we stopped for lunch 1St and my wife said are you going to change and go? No I said they're going to serve us.
They know we're cyclists, right? So you need to be fitted, in our case, the Word of God. Now if you were to ride your bike, you get to be fitted with many things, not only other clothes, right? Some of you may put on a light so that people can tell you are coming, right? So you're fitting yourself and blinding some people, I guess. And, and we are reminded too that we are the light of this world. Are we, are we to be fitted with a light?
Now sometimes we fit it with the wrong light. So some Have you noticed I have a red light on this helmet. Can you see that? What does that light mean?
What does it mean?
Yeah, you say, hey, I'm here. Back off. Don't hit me. I don't want you to come close.
Oh, do we do that? So we have to be careful of how, what are we fitting ourselves with? Is it something that we can tell others of who we are and what we do for the word of God? Now I'll share with you something else. It's interesting. Now, I hope they're not other cyclists here because I don't really know a whole lot about this and I'm going to share with you a little bit. I know now you'll find a lot of cyclists do this. They buy bicycles, shoes.
And I know many of you go, I don't wear bicycle shoes. I just jump on with my running shoes, Right? Nothing wrong with that, but you're not fit it for efficiency. Now take a look at this shoe. What do you notice? Notice anything different?
Is it different? Is it a pair of running shoes?
What did you? What do you notice different?
Oh, how many of you could put metal piece on your shoes?
I know somebody who would like to at a conference, they can tap and people would notice it, right? So he noticed there's a metal piece on the bottom of the shoes. Did you notice anything else?
Nice color, isn't it?
I know some of us buy shoes for the colors. Now I'll show you something that's interesting. See, this shoe doesn't flex.
You buy shoes that don't flex, It's not very comfortable, is it?
It doesn't flex, right? You try flexing it. Does it flex? The soul is as stiff as it can be. That's because a cyclist want to be fitted for riding and not for walking. Can you imagine walking with a piece of metal on the bottom and whatever place you go, you hear it go tap, tap, tap. It's not nice, but yet when you're pedaling, you don't want your feet to be flexing up and down, so you want it to be stiff. Oh, and you mentioned there's a piece of metal down here.
Now this is interesting. You know that this piece of metal is called SPD.
As a company negotiate man or this, it's called Shimano paddling dynamics. There, I just told you. What does that mean, right? What it means is it locked your feet to the pedal. Can you imagine your feet locked to the pedal? Now you have more efficiency, you don't lose by slipping. It's fitted for that. Now let me tell you something interesting too. When you fit it for special thing.
How many of you have ride your bike, come to your stops, stick your foot out and stop and that's OK? How many have fallen off a bike?
Now can you picture this? I strapped your feet to the paddle. Now you come to a stop. You can't get your feet off the paddle. What happened?
You fall over. That's right. So here people will go. You're fitted for speed, for efficiency, but if you don't learn it properly, the first time you come to a stop, you go, oh, I can't get my feet out. And it's the funniest thing for anyone else watching that you stop. And I'll tell you, this is the funniest for you too, because your fall becomes the slowest motion because you can remember every bit of it as you're leaning over and there is nothing you can do as you fall.
But that's OK because we find when we learn and study from the word of God, we try to be fitted for his work. And sometimes we fall and we fail, don't we? We go tell someone the gospel of God's grace and he come back with a question that we go, oh, I don't know how to answer that. It's OK, isn't it? Sometimes we need to to fall a few times and then we learned.
We learn. I'll tell you, the first week I fell three times on the bike and I remember my wife said to me, aren't you going to stop using it?
No, and then when you get better at it then you don't fall as often and then you get better and better at it. So the Word of God says here that had where to be fitted so that we can be complete.
To do good works. So the two words, I want you to remember that we just talked about two words. Let's see if we can remember it. The first word is that, or maybe the first one is 2 words by itself. We are peculiar people.
The second word is we are fitted. Now if you would like to use the King James translation, which is very good, is furnished, but I like fitted because then you can picture your outfitting yourself, that you do things. So that is specifically for that purpose. Here. Let me show you something else too. See any pockets here? Where are your pockets? You know where my pockets are.
I don't have it. Here's my pocket.
It's in the back because when you're riding a bike, you don't want things on your side because you're leaning over. So this is fitted just for that. Isn't that interesting? So we need to be fitted. What are the two words that we want to be reminded of? Okay, I'm picking favor here.
Peculiar what?
We're peculiar.
People And what's the second one?
Fitted. Yeah, we dress accordingly and not to be afraid. You know, it's funny, I spoke on this and I used this example a few weeks ago in Monroe's conference and her brother came to me. He said, he said I just came back from Amsterdam. He said if you were there with his outfit, you will look normal.
They are cycle over there. So we among ourselves as Christians, when we come to a conference, what do we do? We talk like we're Christians. We act like we're Christians. We put on fitting ourselves like we are Christians. And then in a day or two, we go home, we go back to work, we go back to school. What do we do? We quickly take our outfit off so nobody knows. Am I right in saying that?
And you know.
The most difficult and perhaps your children are still young and I see some older one, perhaps they'll agree with me. The most difficult way to live is to live 2 lives. You will have conflict within yourselves.
Do you want to be known as a Christian, as one who loved the Lord Jesus Christ and the word of God said by the fruit ye shall know him? Or do you want to live 2 lives that when you come to a conference you look so nice, you're able to quote scriptures and talk like you're holy?
The Lord knows the hearts. So remember children and older children too, that we are peculiar people before God. Why are we peculiar? In the book of Peter? I think Mr. Darby changed that word where people of possession, we are his. Now let's go back to read that same verse again. As a reminder, let's go back to Titus chapter 3.
So we are peculiar because of this. We have something no one else have. I look peculiar to you right now because I have a helmet that you don't have. I have a helmet that even blink with a flashing light that you don't have. But what do we have as Christians? Titus chapter 2, verse 13, looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
You go to school and you talk to your friends. How many of them can say they have a blessed hope?
This world, the word of God said like we at once were without God, without hope. We have a blessed hope, and we are waiting for his appearing. And then he said, Who gave himself for us? You know that, don't you, That Jesus died for you and he gave himself for you. Why did he do that? He did it because this tells us to redeem us.
Unto himself.
To redeem us from all inequities, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good work. Oh, that's what he wants you and I to be. And he did finish the work already. And that we are his, and we're going to be complete before God. OK, we have a few more minutes that we can say. Couple more hymns.
Who has another hymn that they would like to sing? OK.
Hymn #44 OK, can we sing the first and last verse as well? Is that OK? All right? Hymn #44 Into a tent where? Gypsy boy.
I am alone at the close of the day, news of salvation we, Perry said He. Nobody ever has told it to me.
Till we are here, till we are again.
Salvation story re Ignore and go.
No one can say all the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
The last words of his friends just as he entered the valley of God closeted some do so every said he, and I am sure that he sent him for his.
Salvation Story.
Of the children of men, nobody ever has told me before.
Let's have another one. You know you gave an already, OK.
46 ah spelling him and I saw a hand that you can pick the next one OK.
Gladi Idi.
And he wants all to be always to to you. Are you rusty in him? And I've all their sins how washed away.
You had a number.
What is it? I'm sorry.
#18 OK.
Perhaps we're seeing the first verse due to time here. Number 18. Perhaps someone can raise the tune please.
I will.
Or cancel off the world. And he gave his only son that whosoever believeth in him.
Should not perish, should not have ridden.
We talked about two words. How many remember where they were?
Hold on a second, what were the two words? Peculiar people and fitted?
And fit a very good somebody's listening. I'm glad. Oh, you want to say it? You have your hand up. OK, hold on.
Peculiar, peculiar and fitted. Very good. So now we can go out there and let people know we are peculiar people because he loved us and we belong not to this world, but the world to come. Let's close our eyes and we'll give thanks.