Reticular Activator

Children—David So
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Who hath a hymn they would like to give out?
Oh, that was a quick hand. What number? Did you know the number from this hymn sheet?
#5 Did you know that song well? Or you just like #5?
Huh. Is that around the throne of God? Is that the one?
Good, how many would like to sing that with us? Adults do. Wow nice, let's sing him #5.
Around the throne of God in heaven will.
I'll tell you since I'm going to have a good day and I'm going to scream sinking glory, glory, glory, glory to God.
Let's look to the Lord for helpers.
Blessed God in our loving Father, we give thanks this morning for thy love toward us. We thank Thee that the Lord Jesus Christ did come into this world to save sinners. We thank Thee that his blood was shed on the cross. And how precious for us to be able to say the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. And this morning we thank Thee for this little time together as Sunday school before us, knowing that.
This particular meeting we can use to address our children. We think of many of the little ones here. We ask for help, ask for blessings for them, ask that if they have not yet received the Lord Jesus as the Savior, that that would work in the young hearts and draw them to thyself, that they may be saved. So we commit this meeting into thy hand, looking for help and for blessings for us too, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You know, it's funny we're saying that around the throne of God.
Well, I suppose many of us are children. I know my wife sometimes tell me to act my age. She thinks I'm still acting like a kid. So some of us don't grow up very well. But it's just the children. You know what's funny is a look across in the front row. Some of you, I look at you and go, you look like your mom and dad.
Don't you? There were images, the resemblance, and I remember standing up here talking to your mom and dad when they were little, and then I remember them but the young people. And now I see you and I think of how Scripture would say there is yet another generation. I won't quote the rest of the verse, but the thought was yet there is another generation and you know your mom and dad.
Took the Lord Jesus as the Savior.
They put you here this morning because they want you.
You to understand what God's offer is that not just to save verses, not just to say things that you know some of us older one would like to hear, but that you truly believe that Jesus died for you and that he is your savior. Let's sing another hymn. Who has another hymn? I'm going to pick this side this time.
What number would you like?
Number six.
That's a nice one. You must have heard what I was saying here. This hymn writer tells us this. Come to the Savior. Make no delay. You know what he means by no delay.
Don't wait, do it right away. It's not like you know if you were like me when I was little when my mom go come.
You know what I do?
Wait, I know she'll yell louder.
And then we do that with our children and then we yell them by their name. We call them by the first name and they still sort of I got time and sometimes I don't know if your parents do this, then they call, we call them by the full name, then they know they're in trouble. But here the word of God are the hymn writers that come to the Savior. Make no delay here in his word He's shown us.
Away. So let's sing this together. Come to the Savior.
Why do you think we should come to the Lord with no delay? What's the urgency?
Why do you think that?
Because He wants us. He wants us. That's a good answer. He can have us anytime He call for us. Is there another reason that someone else can thank God?
With no delay.
I see a big kid here on the answer. Lord Jesus could come for us at anytime. Oh, the Lord Jesus can come for us anytime. I'm thinking of a third another reason.
Can anyone think of another reason why we should not delay?
Is that a handout or just OK?
Because she never.
Know if something could happen.
Oh, that sounds very serious and that's what I was thinking of. You know, I'll, I'll share with you a little story now some of you and I know the older ones you can listening into this is not just for the children, right? We have big children. You know, couple weeks ago I was with our brother Leslie Denson and some of you heard that he's home with the Lord John Kim and I was in his home.
The day after we were at the conference at Regina, I visited with him.
In fact, I still remember the last conversation I had. He pointed at a brother and he said to meet David. Who is he and I?
I told him who he is and shortly after we thought he fell asleep.
His wheelchair was a special chair that can stretch out. We thought he was resting. That was the last we talked to him. The Lord took him home a few days after.
You know, when we, when I was younger, I didn't think about death.
We think we are invincible, we can do this and that nothing will happen.
The worst is we call Ouch and mommy will come with a Band-Aid and everything will be better. You ever think that?
But then the word of God says it is appointed unto man once to die.
Men, women to die.
It doesn't say how old you have to be. Do you need to be 35 before you die?
Can the baby die?
Older person, perhaps we think of that, but we are God appointed is it is appointed unto man once to die. Now sometimes we misquote that verse, we'll say, but after death.
Did I say that correctly?
No, but after this.
Judgment so we don't know when the Lord could take us home. And that's why we should accept the Lord, hear his voice, accept him without delay. Who has? Let's sing one more before we go to our verses. I went that side. Maybe did I pick this side? I came. OK, you go ahead.
Number 70, I like that one because we just said how serious life is.
And how serious the way of salvation is to you. But then there is always that glad side, the joyful side. So let's sing about this #7.
Now it's interesting we talked about how perhaps a young person, a little one could die. And I was just thinking the Sunday Sunday school verse. Now I I know some of you learn different one, but if I remember correctly, the verse is Proverbs.
Chapter 27, verse one. Am I right in saying that?
How many learned that one?
Oh good, at least there's one person that can say that verse for me. Let me just turn to that verse. Proverbs 27 verse one. I'm going to read this just for those who may not have been familiar with it. Proverbs 27 verse one. By the way, It's giving you a chance to rehearse that first too, isn't it?
Bose not thyself off tomorrow.
For thou knowest nod what a day may bring forth. Boast we brag is don't brag about tomorrow. You know, in the book of James, he said Tomorrow we're going to go to such and such a city. We're going to do business there. We're going to buy, we're going to sell, we're going to make money.
And then he said that's not good.
What you really should say is if the Lord will, we would do this and that. Now you know what's nice for children here is I know you remember things better than the older one and you are actually better at reminding your parents versus.
So when you see older ones, your parents are someone like us, you may look at us and say why are you bragging about tomorrow? All you have to do is quote that verse. Bo's not thyself of tomorrow.
Because you don't know what tomorrow's going to bring. You know, back a few months ago there was a conference at St. Thomas ON, I think half the room probably were there. We were so set to go to that conference, conference start on the Friday and on the Wednesday because there was a family emergency. Even though we were so sad, our hearts were looking forward to meet our brethren.
And to be able to attend the conference.
Life is interesting isn't it? The Lord may have something for you than what you planned for. Okay, enough said. Who would like to say that verse for me?
Do you have a mic?
And we both OK, it's OK.
Proverbs 27 one both not.
For the nose, not for the day.
Very I think. Oh there it is. I was looking for now but it doesn't exist. Very good. Now would you be my helper?
You set the little blue bag over there.
Can you go get that for me? First thing I want you to do is reach in and take one little candy for yourself. And would you be able to help me give it to the next person who say the verse? Would you do that? No. Or are you shy? You would. OK, go see missus. So take that bag.
It's funny, it was a box of these Halloween candies and last night, halfway through the night ago, we have lots of children here. I hope I have enough.
So let's. Yeah. So wait till the next person say the verse. And would you go up to them and let them choose one? OK, Thank you. Who's next? Who would like to say that first or another verse? You're going to make me walk around the room. Go ahead.
Thyself of tomorrow.
No, it's not.
They may bring.
27 first one very good. Thank you.
Oh see, my helper is also very good. Anyone else on this sidewalk here? I'm going to work my way down.
John 316 For God's love of the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 316. Thank you.
I saw hands here.
Was 27/1.
Both men brought thyself of tomorrow without. No, it's not what a day bring forth.
Papa's 27/1.
Both not thyself up tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
Proverbs 27 one.
Where's my Shepherd and.
I saw that. What?
I'm 23 one. Thank you.
Anyone else?
You can say it to your parents afterwards.
No hands here.
No, OK, I'm sorry.
Both not thyselves of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
Proverbs 27 one.
John 316 forgot to love the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish by have everlasting life. John 316 Thank you.
And did I miss anyone else?
Both proverbs 27 one both note thyself of tomorrow, for velma is not what a day may bring forth progress 27/1.
Thank you.
John 316 forgot you love the word that it gave His only begotten, so that whosoever 45th in him shall not perish, but everlasting life. Doctor 16. Thank you. Did I miss anyone? Anyone else? Oh.
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.
Thank you.
Both snap thyself about tomorrow, for though thou knowest not what a day may bring forth proverbs.
Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for they know not what a day may bring forth.
Proverbs 27 one.
Did I miss anyone else?
And was.
Life and the life.
Knife was the knife of the man. Very good, thank you.
You know, don't feel bad that you didn't say the verse in public because I know what that's like. It is difficult with lots of people in watching and listening. You know, I remember I used to sit in the chair and shake and I would go.
Two more. That is my turn and.
One more I am next. And I used to tremble. I still do. I just don't let people know I'm trembling. But it is good to learn verses, you know, I, when I was younger, your age, yeah, you're going to laugh. That was a long time ago. And I remember, brethren used to say, remember the verses when you're young because when you get older, you're going to have trouble remembering them.
Yeah, now I see they're right. So learn scriptures.
While you're young. OK, let's sing a hymn before we go into our story. Oh, which side have I missed? I think I miss. No, I started on this side. Right. OK.
Did you give one out? No, you didn't. OK.
We sank #6 already. Can you pick another one?
Like #2.
Four I can receive. Oh, OK. Number four, we didn't sing that one. OK, Ruler once came to Jesus.
Hey, Cortana.
Leave a sleepover. I'd rather be better than you say. Come to think they must be overnight here.
I saw a lot of hands before. Let's sing one more. I know I said that already. Did you guys give one now before? No. OK, go ahead.
Hymn #16.
Oh, this is an old favorite.
Salvation is.
Man if I could have went one nurse from 3:16 would do but I love the world and gave him something like for me and you.
God is free for Jesus Christ, for sin. Let me see when you grant me.
The third verse in the second, we're just saying that if I could have only one verse.
Do we need a lot of verses to tell the story of God's love?
We sang this if I could only have one verse. If someone say to you all you have time for is hold one verse, what verse would you have?
Maybe you have to look at him. Stands on #2 It gave us a little hint. If I could have only one verse, you know, I'll share with you. This is kind of funny, people. Some of you may not know me. I get scared when I stand up, You know, before I would go, oh boy, if I could only stand up and present the gospel. I can talk about this, this and that.
And then when I get asked.
The nerves comes in and I don't know what to say.
So here perhaps it would help us for some of us who are nervous or doesn't know what to say, Even children you don't know, but you want to tell them the love of God. If you could have only one verse. I saw some hand here earlier on.
What's that verse? John 316? I know someone ordered that earlier. Tell us what that list is for God to love the world that he gave him.
Should not be.
Isn't that a wonderful verse? John 316. If that's the only verse I can have to let the world know that God so loved the world, meaning everybody in the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish.
Do you know what it means by perish?
Die, die. But even worse than that, you know, have you ever heard of a phrase? Maybe your mommy will use that to go shopping and they bring things home. They go. These are perishables.
What a perishable stuff.
Is that a cornflake? Is that perishable? No. They put enough chemicals in there that will last 5000 years.
Right. They put preservatives in it to preserve you.
What's perish? What would perish?
Have you ever left an apple half eaten and let it sit on the countertop?
Plants, eggplants, Yeah, a lot of fruits and vegetables. They don't just die, they die slowly. And it perished. You know, I sold a car one time to a man who was doing car detailing, and they called me up a few weeks later, laughing. He said, I didn't know you were growing apple trees in the back seat.
That apple perish in the back seat.
OK, so we said we'll finish this. Him blessing hit stands on #3 Salvation is for me.
And she comes by.
Stand from his hand, though they thou lonely at the friendly father of his command.
If the Lord will we need his help. We're going to talk a few things. Just so you know, I won't be very long.
My wife often reminds me and say don't talk too much. That's when our tendency and with children.
We want to keep it simple and be honest with you. Even with adults I find it need to be simple for me to retain.
I'm going to give a big word.
I don't even heard of this word before.
And you may have to ask your parents afterward to see if I'm right.
Have you heard of a word or phrase I should say reticular activator?
Have you?
What's a reticular activator?
I'm even looking at the adults behind you. They're going.
I guess not very many go in the medical side by the way, neither am I is some little thing in the back of your brain down the spinal cord. There's a little, I was going to say gadgets. I like gadgets, but there's no gadgets in your body called reticular activator. Now I know some of you have cell phone and you're probably Googling that right now. Reticular activator. You can save that for later to confirm that, OK.
A reticular activator is something in our brain that have two functions. One is to make sure we sleep properly and what the other is while we're awake that we do things properly.
Simple, isn't it?
Now the problem with that is most of us don't get the truth. We get the two mix up right. How many times that when you should be listening, you're sleeping?
When you're sleeping, you're not that, you're listening.
But there is another function that's interesting because it also prompts you into things, right? You know how many times someone talk about something, you go, oh, but it has nothing to do with our conversation, but it prompted you.
So there are many things. The reason I want to tell you that, and I'll tell you more in a minute, is that there are many things that should prompt you about the love of God, about the gospel of His grace, but we don't see it.
Right, let me give you an example.
You may just laugh.
I wish with a conversation with someone one day. And then the radio came on and they said, oh, tomorrow will be Pearl Harbor Day. I go, oh, no. And.
This man said to me, you are not old enough to remember Pearl Harbor. I said no, it's not that. That's my wife's birthday.
Has nothing to do with Pearl Harbor, but it prompted me and I still forgot to get her a gift.
So we see that now. How many times have you maybe?
Your mom and dad said.
We like a green Honda passenger van.
There's no green Honda passenger van, but then the moment they said that, you drive down the street, what do you see?
You see a whole bunch of green Honda passenger vent. That's your your reticular activator working because it prompts you into things. It's interesting, isn't it? When someone prompt you, you remember things. So now I'm going to tell a different story.
Some of you know that we've been traveling a bit the last few months and in the Western.
Be careful the word state. I was going to say provinces in the western United States. They have a lot of gas stations. What a dinosaur picture on it. How many have you seen that?
Yeah, we don't see too many out here, even though what has it was more common, but we don't see that anymore. But when you go out West, you see this gas station where the dinosaur.
And then underneath there's a word or name. It's a Sinclair.
Remember that sign? Yeah, you know that.
Well, I remember story and I think it was. It was. I won't name the brother.
Remember, he said at a gospel, he said, someone walk up to the gas station, There's a young man, gas station attendant. You walk up to this young man, he said. Young man who put this in in Sinclair?
What a reminder. You see the name Sinclair, but who put this in in Sinclair?
Isn't that a nice Gospel message to remind him that Mister Sinclair have sinned? Even his name indicated that.
Well, it's not a true statement. Now I'm going to need your help.
Because I know if I tell you things, you're not going to remember things. Plus they see me looking at verses. So there's two reasons. One is selfish. One is to help you. Do you know of any scripture that could prove to that would tell us that there's sin and Mr. Sinclair?
Anyone can think of a verse to help me?
What verse could we justify that statement?
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Does Mr. Sinclair fall into the category of all?
He does, doesn't he, Mr. Sinclair? Because Scripture says all have sinned. Wait a minute.
In our lives. I'll share with you something too. As you grow older. Maybe you're already doing it. It's much easier to point finger at someone else. Look at Mr. Sinclair. He's a Sinner.
We have to remember that we often have to come back. What about me?
The old saying, you just go. When you point out one finger, someone, three fingers come back pointing this way, Mr. Sinclair. But what about you?
So when you see that dinosaur sign, what should it prompt you to?
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Now, it's not just names. There are many things out there that should prompt us, and I'll come back to name.
In a minute I see the water bottles here. So when you see water, does it prompt you into thinking of anything in regard to the word of God?
What is God's Word said about water?
Oh, someone have a hand up. The soldier pierced his side. Blood and water came out. Oh, that is so nice, I didn't even think of that part. That's right. When they pierced his size, forthwith came two things.
Blood and water. What a nice thought to be reminded that the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sins. Now I'm going to let you. You can even write it down when you go home. Anything. When you see water, it should prompt you as I turn around walking.
I see there's a door.
The scripture talk about the door.
What does Scripture say about your?
Had to put blood on the top of their doors.
Yeah, that was good. Yeah, that reminds you. That's good. I didn't think of that neither. He speaks of Passover. The Lord said when I see the blood, I will Passover you. Is there another thought someone had?
I can't tell what the fan action of you're waving your hand to say yes.
What about the door? Did someone say he's a door?
So first that says something like I am the door.
Yeah, you know that verse by me?
He said I am the door by me, if any man.
I'm trying to think I told you I don't have a good memory so I need a lot of help.
I am the door by me if any man enter in.
Something happens.
Do we need to ask someone older than 10?
Older than 15.
By me if any man enter in.
He shall be saved. So do we think of that every time we look at a house there's a door there. What a gospel message that we can't just God has provided so much prompt for us to be remembered. But remember that reticular activator it do two things. One, it helps us sleep. One, it helps us to be aware of things.
And if we don't practice to be conscious?
Then we become asleep. I see a door every day. So what?
You see, Brad, have you seen a loaf of bread before? Anyone seen a loaf of bread before? No, you have.
What do you think of it when you see a loaf of bread?
So I think that's a good thought, but I wasn't thinking of that. I was thinking of yummy.
But that's close, right? What other thoughts do you have when you see a loaf of bread?
Should I pick on some of the older ones if they?
Huh. So I'm going to let's order one if someone wanted. Oh, you have a handout?
Jesus body. Jesus is body.
Bodies. Yeah, that's good. That's good. He's the bread of life too, isn't it? So we need to be conscious of what the gospel, what the word of God reminds us constantly. Let's go back to Mr. Sinclair for a minute. You know, sometimes what name is interesting too, right? So, Mrs. Sinclair, you remind, we will remind it. Who put this in in Mr. Sinclair?
Now I'm just thinking of another name.
We shouldn't pick on anyone. I fact I don't think there's this name in this room unless I missed it or how come we have names like Newman?
Isn't it nice to see someone, rather than sin, put into a man? He's a Newman or new man.
Do we get reminded of that? How can someone be a Newman? Oh, when they put on Christ, When they put on Christ? Now, can I share with you something personal?
OK, now to understand this you need to know how to write Chinese. How many here can write Chinese?
Your mom and dad hasn't taught you that yet.
Oh, do you?
You know, a lot of people wonder about my last name. They go so.
What really is not my name? It's the closest English Annunciation to what the Chinese name is. In fact, even a lot of Chinese don't look at a name for the meaning. It's just like we don't look at a name for the true meaning even in English, unless we look at it carefully. The name soul means resurrection.
OK, some people said just wake up, so depend on how you look at awakening, but I like to look at it is resurrect. I'll share with you another Chinese phrase, the name Jesus. We don't use the phrase Jesus in Chinese is called Yesu.
And the Sioux of the soul is the same word as in my last name, soul. And the phrase yeah, means the Lord. So it's nice to think that when the Chinese translated the name Jesus, they really mean he said, they say that he is the Lord of resurrection. Isn't it nice to know?
That their sin came into the world and death by sin and someone quota.
For the way this other verse you say you all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And then in other words, that came to my mind is for the wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
How did God give us that gift? By the death of his Son. Death.
This morning if the Lord leave us here for a few for a little while, we have the privilege to remember Him and His death for us. I know some would say we go worship the Lord. I don't believe that's the right phrase. Although worship and Thanksgiving should come out because of the remembrance. We are called to remember Him in His death.
But death with the Lord Jesus is always associated with resurrection.
He was in the grave for three days. After that he came. He arose from the dead. We found through our scripture that resurrection is what God has in mind. How many of you ever heard of the story of Noah and his Arkansas?
How many of you have you read scripture carefully and see when did the ark rest it on joy ground?
And we'll look at that.
The 44th day, I'm glad you're thinking. Not quite. It was over a year, but it was very specific. Is that on the 7th month, the 17th day? Why is it so specific? You found through all scripture the 17th day, The 7th month, or depending on how you look at the first month is resurrection day. So you go through Scripture and you'll find resurrection.
As a big scene for the Lord, So what we what do we talk about?
Talked about. You should be prompted when you see things, when you see the gas station, or perhaps when you play with dinosaur. How many of you got dinosaur toys?
Oh, just two hands. I thought every kid played with dinosaur. Maybe he can look at it every time you go.
Who put the sand? And Mr. Sinclair. Oh, and me.
Do you want to be a Newman?
Or a Newman.
Is resurrection.
Important to you?
And I trust children that if you go home and mommy said, what did you learn? I think it would be precious to learn even the three things.
What were the three things again I forgot now.
And then when we remember the three things.
What was the first one?
For all.
Should be reminded by Mr. Sinclair. What was the second one?
That we should be put on it as a Newman.
And we should the third one remember resurrection. OK, let's we have time for couple more hints.
Who have him for us? You gave one hour ready, right? No. OK. What would you like?
90 That's nice hymn #9.
Into our tent.
You'll ride me after where I spoke with the people of the Lord. We have to stop there. I.
Sorry, I thought meeting ends at 10:30, so I'm already over. I apologize. Blessed God and our loving Father, we give thanks again this morning for the privilege of telling forth the gospel of Thy grace. We look to thee. We commit our children here into thine hand. We ask for help. We ask for blessings for them. We ask that that would help them to realize the lost conditions and that they would repent while there's still time. So we give thanks again for.
We give thanks to that. We're reminded that there are many things around us should remind us of the story of Thy grace. So we give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.