The Armor of Light

Children—David So
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Good morning.
I'm cheating on your time. We're about 30 seconds beforehand. Is that OK? We start early.
I guess by the time we waited, we lost the 30 seconds, haven't we? Who has a him that they would like to start us with?
Number six.
Number six. Oh, I like this here. God in mercy, send his Son. Well, let's sing this first.
God in Mer.
Before we finish to him, this ham tells us so much what the Sunday school is about, it tells by.
Saying God in mercy sent his son. You know, sometimes as young people, as even children, we are told we are to do the work of an evangelist. We're to tell for the story of God's love. And often we'll say, well, where do you begin? How do you tell someone about the love of God?
Here's the story, isn't it? It always begin by saying that God in mercy sent his Son to a world by sin and.
Done. This is very important to proclaim that it is God's love we send his Son. Why did he send his Son to this world?
Because this world has sinners like you and I. So the world is full of sin and it's undone. And the good news is Jesus, Jesus Christ, he's the one that came down to this world. He was crucified and he came to die for Sinner like me. That's the gospel story, isn't it?
They're listening the last verse, Christ the Lord.
Let's let's look to the Lord for help.
Blessed God and our loving Father, we give thanks this morning for our Lord Jesus Christ and truly we can sing him as such to know that God sent his Son into this world. God in mercy send his Son. And then he came. He came to suffer, He came.
Who died? He came to shed his blood. Force on the cross.
We thank Thee that this morning we can proclaim that the blood of Jesus Christ, thy beloved Son, has cleansed us from all sin. So we look to Thee now. We commit this meeting into 19. We pray if there be any boy, girl, or even older ones too, who are still lost.
Who have not yet.
Been washed by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that that would help them.
To repent while there is still time. So we look today for help. We think of perhaps Sunday school and gospel activities in many other places going under the same hour. We pray for blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Who else has another him? Maybe I'll see someone from this side of the room this time.
We got the bigger kids here.
No one. I just see smile and when I look at you, you look down. That means you have something, but you don't want to give it, right?
You have one no.
Number one.
Number one.
Almost persuaded now. Now I think there's a few keywords here. Now let's see why it tells us. Now let's say #1.
So the hymn writer reminds us here that now is the time. Now is the time to believe, not tomorrow. Who has another him?
Number 50. That's a nice 10. Happy day. Now, before we sing this, I have a little request.
It's, it's sometimes it's funny when you're standing at the other end of the room, you hear that when we sing, it sounds different because some things they should say faster, some things they should sing slower. And up here we got all these different sound. It doesn't sound like singing in one accord and 1 melody.
So now I know some of you know physics very well, right? Sound. I can see some of the voices, how fast the sound travel.
Faster than an airplane, right? Well, some airplane. So that means by the time you hear someone from across the room, there's already a delay. So keep that in mind. Don't wait for the other side. And then we have some people call it. It's nice. That's echo of grace, right? Not quite that. Sometimes it sounds more like a discord, so let's see if we can try that especially.
We are singing something like this. Oh Happy Day. How happy are you when you don't even?
Go along with your brethren, Oh Happy Day, that fixed my choice on thee, my Savior and my God. Can we sing that from our heart? And saying, Oh Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away, blessing this together, Oh happy.
How many of you learned the Sunday school 1St?
Just one.
All these. I know what we'll say. You have learned it. I'm gonna read it first. Oh, I see a big boy put his finger up two. That's good. So what up 30 now? Now we're talking. I'm gonna read the verse first.
Then I'm going to sing one more hymn. Then we're going to say the verse. Would that be OK? Then to give you a chance to refresh your memory if you have to look it up. OK, The verse is, I believe is in Psalm 34, verse eight. Very well known verse. Many of us know this, so let me just read this. Verse 8. Psalm 34, verse eight, it says.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
Blessed is the man that trusteth in him. I think if you're younger, it'd be very good even to learn the first part of the verse, right? Old taste and see the Lord is good. If you're a little older, if you think you're smarter than your friends, then you should say the rest of the verse and that says blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Now in my hand. I don't like this here.
In Canada they would call this Lollipop.
Down here I notice you put a label on it called Dum Dums.
So I don't know what it means. I don't know if it means if you eat this you become a dumb dumb or you lick the Dum Dums. I don't know. But.
I don't know, do you think this dumb dumb would taste good? What's the best way to find out of this dum Dum is good.
Well, I just show it to you. OK, See. Is it good? How do you know?
You forget what if this is garlic flavor dum dum.
Do you think you would still like that? Oh I know wasabi flavor. How's that? How do you know if this is good? OK, I'll tell you after you say the verse. I will give you one to taste. Do you think that's a better way to find out? Then you can taste and you can see that this is good. So let's have.
One more hymn.
You have another one, OK.
No, he does OK.
I know, can I pick one for you?
Huh. Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead.
#60 I would have trouble with this hymn sheet or you. Do you mean 16?
Which one is the point to me? Show me that one.
Is is the one whosoever?
Uh-huh. OK, so we're saying the first verse of #16.
Whosoever heareth.
So ever.
Who does it talk about?
GAIL, you even tell me, what does it mean? Whosoever.
Anyone you sure?
But what's the but but anyone?
Anyone. And if that's very good, even I try to trip you up and you didn't get tripped up. You know, I tell this story often. There's a boy. How many of you wear T-shirts with slogans on it?
No, never. Yeah, some slogan is not good. You gotta be careful. You gotta read and see what But one someone told me I didn't see it. This boy had the T-shirt on the back of the T-shirt is that I am whosoever. Isn't that nice? So. So here it's a whosoever I can say I am. I'm the one that when I hear, we can show that sound because of the blessed tidings that God is saying.
All the world around. OK, how many of you would like me to skip the verse part? Because that's a tough part and they won't want me to skip that. No, you're thinking of the dumb. Dumb, right? Do I have any volunteer to be the first? Go ahead.
Very good, now you can taste and see if you like the garlic flavor. And I'm just kidding.
Oh, now that we're done, you think I have more? You know, it's funny, I got to tell you this. One of the Sunday school, I bought a knapsack and I sat it on the front just like this. And at the end of the Sunday school, someone asked, he said what's in an OP sack?
But they were all looking to see what I was gonna pull out from the knapsack, So here. Well, I'll show you one thing for now. Or something. I do have more.
This is actually to the kindest I think of the brethren it as, uh, Vesco. A couple of Sunday schools years ago, I said I forgot goodies and I mentioned it to two people. They all brought me back. One brought me back, dumb dumb. Another one brought me back, smarty. So it was good.
We had a really good choice. Anyone else? So today we only have Dum Dums because I figure I'm coming to the US. You're more familiar with Dum Dum?
Would you do me a favor on top of this? Would you be brave enough to hold this for me and pass it out for me to the next kid? That means yes, you can take one for yourself too. Who else? Go ahead.
Very good. Go ahead.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Good dad can help.
You know, I, I do understand it is difficult, isn't it, standing up. When I was younger, I could not figure out why people want me to stand up in front of everyone else just to say a verse. And I know you practice. You practice. You say it perfectly at home, then you stand up. That's why you notice I didn't go down the road because that was my fear When I was younger. I used to go two more than it's my turn.
And then the next person.
That that is me and that I couldn't say it, OK.
OK. I guess that was good.
And you had your hand up, right?
Anyone else or whoever started this side yet? Now if I miss somebody, make sure you wave your hand, OK? Not that I can't hear. That's a problem. I can't see too well now, so make sure I can see you.
Go ahead.
Anyone else back there?
Very good.
Anyone else?
Now he's he's what we can do for those that know it but afraid to stand up. You say it to your mom and dad, and then you come tell me that you said it and we'll have that candy. I'm going to leave. No, I guess I can't. This next meeting. Just come see me after. OK. Thank you. Just for that. You can have another one.
Let's sing another hymn. Who has another hymn for us?
#2 Can we sing just the first verse? That's a long one. OK, hymn #2.
Count is Jesus gently.
Got a wide range of kids, don't we?
Uh-huh. Like we sing that to him, a little child of seven or even 34, and sometimes we change it and say a little child of 70, right?
It's all little ones, but when you talk to a child of three or four, you speak differently, don't we? And I, I wrestle with that because in this room we got children of all ages. So today, I hope the parents of the little children don't mind. I'd like to speak to the older children, maybe the teenagers, because we've got things we need to wrestle with too, don't we?
So the gospel is for all ages.
And I want to talk about armor.
It sounds funny and I don't want to pick on our brethren here in the United States of America. Armor is something becoming more conscious to people's minds, right? I've heard now that you can even get bulletproof backpack to go to school with. So what are armors for? Why do we people buy armors now? I know you might think of the old days where they got this big plated chain coated armor.
What are armors for? Anyone can help you with that? Why do? Why do? Why did? Why did people wear armor?
So they don't get hurt. So in other words, for protection, isn't it? Is there any other reason for armor?
Is it a fashion show? Yeah, you can see a a model going up the displaying the armor they have well.
I'm not sure about that. Perhaps actually hold that thought, because I think he could be right, partly right.
And we're going to see what Scripture have to say about armor. Now, when we talk about armor, we often think about what?
The helmet of salvation. What's on our breastplate?
That's the face and so on. You're familiar with the armor. I'm not gonna talk about that today because I know most of you know what very well.
I'm gonna show you my armor 1St and then we're gonna read the verse. So let me take my jacket off. This is not a bulletproof jacket, so it's not an armor.
And I'm going to show you an armor.
I have to quickly produce this. How many have you seen this kind of armor? Do you think this gives you protection?
Sure would if someone should.
A spitball at you, right? Do you think this is an armor?
It's tough. I can stretch it as long as they'll stretch it too hard, huh? Do you think this will protect you?
I wanna show you that this is an armor, but not an armor that you're thinking of. So turn with me now to the book of Romans.
Let's see what kind of armor this could be.
I'm going to read a few verses to get the connection, so I'm going to start with verse 12, Romans 13, verse 12.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand. You heard of that verse before, haven't you?
You know, that's The funny thing. A lot of words we hear from the word of God, but often we only know that little bit. We don't look at what's before, we don't look at what's after. We don't look at the context of why those verses are written. So sometimes it's good to look and read the verses before and after. So it tells us the night as far as fans and the day is at hand and then there's a colon there.
Continue on with the thought, they said. Let us therefore cast off the works of what the works of darkness.
And let us put on the armor.
What is it? The armor? I'm gonna put this on.
He said because of the work of darkness. And we're gonna put on, well, let's pretend this is what it is, this is just a safety vest, and we're gonna put on an armor of light.
It's not a funny kind of armor.
An armor of light. Well, what can you do with this? Who would like to play hide and seek tonight with this song?
And I would even give you 10 seconds head start.
But why? Why do we need, you would think an armor? Give me a bulletproof armor or lease with our brass or iron or something strong, but this just right?
Now let's read on. That's why we have to, don't we?
Verse 13 Let us walk.
As in the day, not in rioting.
And drunkenness not in chambering, and wantonness not in strife and envying.
So it tells us we should walk honestly.
Now let me ask your children, this younger one, older ones, how come your parents before you go, I would say, can you make sure you don't do? Why did they say that?
Because most likely your mom and dad know you're gonna do it.
Right. Some of you who are a little older drive Mom and dad said don't speed. You go OK, mom.
She's not in the car.
Right. Mom said. There's extra cookies in the cookie jar. You can have one, but no one else is in the room and the jar is full. Do we do that? We could take an extra 1. That's disobedient, right? And in this country, we said we believe in honesty, and then we find people who claim they're honest turn out to be dishonest.
But the word of God tells us that we should be honest. We walk honestly.
Whether someone know it or not. Because someone knows when we cheat, doesn't it?
So the rest, I'm not gonna get too detail on those words. It's not proper for today or this morning. And for your younger, older, young people, you should look up what those words means. A lot of immoral sins are listed here. You know, not long ago, unless I got my news mixed up, you folks down here in the state of California, anyone from California here? Do you remember the governor of California wanted to put a band in the sale of the Bible?
They've gone through whatever you call them, the surgeon initial level, and they were gonna see if they can pass it in the Senate.
Terrible. Why did he want that? He said the word of God.
The Bible condemned a lot of people in this world is prejudice against many people. He wanted a band.
The Bible here in our hand is our guide. It tells us we have to walk honestly, as in the day. That's why the previous verse of the day, the night is far spent, the night is almost gone. Why do people like night? How many of you like it in the dark?
Why do bad people do things in the dark?
Do you think a man will go rob, steal someone's break into somebody's house at night and put in a vest of light?
Unless you watch those funny movie where they have the dumbest dumbest, uh, criminal. We won't, would we? Because we are as a light to this world. So we are to walk honestly.
Even though this doesn't look like much of A protection, it is a protection as a Christian to walk in the way pleasing to God. Let's read one more verse on there, verse 14. Not just putting on the vest as if it were.
He said, But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ.
And make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof. Where? How do you put on Christ? Which and where Him?
But that's tough, isn't it, to think of what does it really mean. Now I don't wanna pick up girls. I know boys do that too. And maybe the girls here don't do that. You know, there, there's some movie stars, some famous people, maybe someone just got married to a Prince or something and they have a new dress. What do most women do?
They want to buy a dress just like that one, don't they? The guys, you're laughing. We do that too. Maybe not a dress.
They're putting on something so they want to look like or want people to sing this, just like that Lady who was nobody in between a Princess. Isn't that a wonderful story? But here the word of God said no, you're to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, which means the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you behave.
But that's what walk means, isn't it?
Yeah, the way you are when someone see you say you are like that man who came down named Jesus, so we are to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I think it's in 2nd Corinthians 6, it also talked about another armor. It was a light and you can look that up. I believe it talked about the armor of righteousness.
We don't use those words much, do they? Do we? Righteousness?
It's not my thought to go into that. You can look that up. You're old enough now. What is righteousness? What is holiness?
Those words are important word, isn't it? So here we're exalted to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's how we are to walk now.
I want to change my address a little bit to someone who is a little older.
I made a comment earlier that Sunday School is for children three or four or even 70, isn't it? Some of us are approaching that so we know what it's like. And I made a comment that versus in front of you sometimes we'll quote often, but we don't look at the whole thing. What is this chapter about?
Now I'll share with you something that's funny. As many of you know, we're from Canada and in Canada.
President Trump, you know that. And then I found out a lot of people down here don't like him neither. And then they found out a lot of people that are Christians don't like him. That's terrible.
This chapter begins by warning us as Christians.
Let me read the first verse and I won't SP spend too much time on that. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God, the powers that are ordained of God. Uh, let me read the verse, second verse to whosoever therefore resisted the power resisted the ordinance of God, and they that resist them shall receive to themselves.
I remember even my own father was listing all these problems he heard and I said that, did you pray for him? Oh, I can't pray for him like that.
That mistake, isn't it? The word of God tells us that. And for us, we're a little older. I learned this 3 words, the government in our place that God has put in, we're to do three things.
We have to pay. I know it sounds sad when you start making money, you know what it means. You gotta pay taxes and so on. Where to pay? To pray and to obey. That's what this chapter is about. That's why he bring out at the end of the chapter that we are to be the light. So if you're the one who cursed the president or who cheat on the income tax.
Not walking honestly are you? Doesn't matter how you feel, you can justify.
The action because God has put those men in place. And by the way, no rulers that were ever put in place were Mr. Nice Guy.
Was saw and elected saw. That was the first election. Was he a nice guy? God put in place Nebuchadnezzar. Do you think he was a kind person? Cyrus came to the rise. Was he a nice man? No, even though the Lord said Cyrus my servant and that Nebuchadnezzar my shepherd. So children, remember you are to be seen as if you were the Lord Jesus Christ.
You had to have the armor of light.
If anyone wanted to borrow this tonight to play hide and seek, you're happy to borrow that.
Last half, another hymn.
Anyone else?
Hymn #47 Oh, this is nice. I think this goes get goes so well what we talked about. Because while we're on this earth, we're to obey, trusting. We're sometimes saying trust and obey. We're trusting that God will provide and that all things are done according to his will. And then in the meantime, we're waiting for the Lord Jesus soon return. This is one of the blessed hope that the church as a whole.
It's forgotten and that we have the reminder often, you know.
In perhaps another half hour, an hour, we have the privilege of remembering the Lord Jesus in his death force. And sometimes we'll forget and we say we're going to meet him. What are we there for? We're there to remember him in his death. That's the sole purpose. But.
There's also something so I was thinking of that verse, it says for us often as to eat this bread and drink this cup. I said ye do a show whatever. Would you show the world? This is the light we do show the Lord's.
That's part of that light, isn't it, that we have that armor of light on the show, the world, we remember his death, but then that verse is not finished. It's a little bit more to it that for you to show the Lord's death.
Till he comes. So the Lord's coming is always an association with His death. In fact, death and resurrection in Scripture always go together because it's a reminder that Jesus came into this world. He died for our sins. After three days, God raised him from the dead.
Proving that God is satisfied with the finished work He has done. Not only so, he ascended back to heaven, seated at God's right hand on high. There's no man on this earth ever descended. No man ever done that, let alone ascended back.
So now we're waiting for his return to take us to be home with himself. Hymn number I forget now 4147.
When he come out, When he.
A little chill.
On our hearts, and I'm still going to talk about that.
For one dumb dumb who can tell me what did this vet represent? What did we speak on? It was a picture of the.
Just one hand. OK, What was it about?
The armor of God. That's close. I'll give you a dumb dumb who can say the word that we use the armor of.
All right, the armor of Y8. Oh, you're going to have your teeth. I hope you. I know you're gonna give it all away, right? So your mom won't blame me.
Who can tell me?
We talk about putting on the but more so than just the Armor of Light, is that something about the put on something else?
I'm gonna say that I know you know.
Keep it in the family. Put on what haha.
Your dad's gonna have a nice dentist Bill now.
Let's come in ourselves.
Blessed God and our loving Father, we give thanks for the time here. With Thy Word open before us, we thank Thee that Thou has exalted us to live honestly, righteously.
And wholly in this dark, evil world.
We know we can't do it on our own. We know we're weak, we know often get distracted and failed, but we know we can put out dependence upon these. So we pray that that would help us, that we may be a testimony for thy name's sake. So we commit each and everyone here into thine hand asking for help.
Asking for guidance, asking for blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.