"Rejoicing in Hope."

Revelation 5.
AND shall I be amongst that throng,
All clothed in robes of white,
And help to swell that glorious song
Of rapture and delight?
And shall I see my Saviour’s face,
All radiant as the sun,
And dwell through all eternity
With God’s beloved One?
I shall, for I have been redeemed
With blood of worth untold,
The blood of Christ, the Lamb of God,
More precious far than gold.
What rapture when I first behold
Jesus, my precious Lord,
What rapture, yea, what bliss untold,
That moment will afford!
I’ll gaze in glory on the wounds,
From whence once flowed the blood
That cleansed my guilty, sin-stained soul,
And made me nigh to God.
And there “forever with the Lord,”
As I retrace the past,
How shall I praise Him for His grace
To me from first to last?
M. S. S.